blob: d39d0697c89b51a7e4a0e211f5543c17c17e8fd7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021, The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! This module is intended for testing access control enforcement of services such as keystore2,
//! by assuming various identities with varying levels of privilege. Consequently, appropriate
//! privileges are required, or the attempt will fail causing a panic.
//! The `run_as` module provides the function `run_as`, which takes a UID, GID, an SELinux
//! context, and a closure. The return type of the closure, which is also the return type of
//! `run_as`, must implement `serde::Serialize` and `serde::Deserialize`.
//! `run_as` forks, transitions to the given identity, and executes the closure in the newly
//! forked process. If the closure returns, i.e., does not panic, the forked process exits with
//! a status of `0`, and the return value is serialized and sent through a pipe to the parent where
//! it gets deserialized and returned. The STDIO is not changed and the parent's panic handler
//! remains unchanged. So if the closure panics, the panic message is printed on the parent's STDERR
//! and the exit status is set to a non `0` value. The latter causes the parent to panic as well,
//! and if run in a test context, the test to fail.
use keystore2_selinux as selinux;
use nix::sys::wait::{waitpid, WaitStatus};
use nix::unistd::{
fork, pipe as nix_pipe, read as nix_read, setgid, setuid, write as nix_write, ForkResult, Gid,
Pid, Uid,
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::os::fd::AsRawFd;
use std::os::fd::OwnedFd;
fn transition(se_context: selinux::Context, uid: Uid, gid: Gid) {
setgid(gid).expect("Failed to set GID. This test might need more privileges.");
setuid(uid).expect("Failed to set UID. This test might need more privileges.");
.expect("Failed to set SELinux context. This test might need more privileges.");
/// PipeReader is a simple wrapper around raw pipe file descriptors.
/// It takes ownership of the file descriptor and closes it on drop. It provides `read_all`, which
/// reads from the pipe into an expending vector, until no more data can be read.
struct PipeReader(OwnedFd);
impl Read for PipeReader {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
let bytes = nix_read(self.0.as_raw_fd(), buf)?;
/// PipeWriter is a simple wrapper around raw pipe file descriptors.
/// It takes ownership of the file descriptor and closes it on drop. It provides `write`, which
/// writes the given buffer into the pipe, returning the number of bytes written.
struct PipeWriter(OwnedFd);
impl Write for PipeWriter {
fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
let written = nix_write(&self.0, buf)?;
fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> {
// Flush is a NO-OP.
/// Denotes the sender side of a serializing channel.
pub struct ChannelWriter<T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned>(PipeWriter, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned> ChannelWriter<T> {
/// Sends a serializable object to a the corresponding ChannelReader.
/// Sending is always non blocking. Panics if any error occurs during io or serialization.
pub fn send(&mut self, value: &T) {
let serialized = serde_cbor::to_vec(value)
.expect("In ChannelWriter::send: Failed to serialize to vector.");
let size = serialized.len().to_be_bytes();
match self.0.write(&size).expect("In ChannelWriter::send: Failed to write serialized size.")
w if w != std::mem::size_of::<usize>() => {
"In ChannelWriter::send: Failed to write serialized size. (written: {}).",
_ => {}
match self
.expect("In ChannelWriter::send: Failed to write serialized data.")
w if w != serialized.len() => {
"In ChannelWriter::send: Failed to write serialized data. (written: {}).",
_ => {}
/// Represents the receiving and of a serializing channel.
pub struct ChannelReader<T>(PipeReader, PhantomData<T>);
impl<T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned> ChannelReader<T> {
/// Receives a serializable object from the corresponding ChannelWriter.
/// Receiving blocks until an object of type T has been read from the channel.
/// Panics if an error occurs during io or deserialization.
pub fn recv(&mut self) -> T {
let mut size_buffer = [0u8; std::mem::size_of::<usize>()];
match size_buffer).expect("In ChannelReader::recv: Failed to read size.") {
r if r != size_buffer.len() => {
panic!("In ChannelReader::recv: Failed to read size. Insufficient data: {}", r);
_ => {}
let size = usize::from_be_bytes(size_buffer);
let mut data_buffer = vec![0u8; size];
match self
.read(&mut data_buffer)
.expect("In ChannelReader::recv: Failed to read serialized data.")
r if r != data_buffer.len() => {
"In ChannelReader::recv: Failed to read serialized data. Insufficient data: {}",
_ => {}
.expect("In ChannelReader::recv: Failed to deserialize data.")
fn pipe() -> Result<(PipeReader, PipeWriter), nix::Error> {
let (read_fd, write_fd) = nix_pipe()?;
Ok((PipeReader(read_fd), PipeWriter(write_fd)))
fn pipe_channel<T>() -> Result<(ChannelReader<T>, ChannelWriter<T>), nix::Error>
T: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
let (reader, writer) = pipe()?;
ChannelReader::<T>(reader, Default::default()),
ChannelWriter::<T>(writer, Default::default()),
/// Handle for handling child processes.
pub struct ChildHandle<R: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, M: Serialize + DeserializeOwned> {
pid: Pid,
result_reader: ChannelReader<R>,
cmd_writer: ChannelWriter<M>,
response_reader: ChannelReader<M>,
exit_status: Option<WaitStatus>,
impl<R: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, M: Serialize + DeserializeOwned> ChildHandle<R, M> {
/// Send a command message to the child.
pub fn send(&mut self, data: &M) {
/// Receive a response from the child.
pub fn recv(&mut self) -> M {
/// Get child result. Panics if the child did not exit with status 0 or if a serialization
/// error occurred.
pub fn get_result(mut self) -> R {
let status =
waitpid(, None).expect("ChildHandle::wait: Failed while waiting for child.");
match status {
WaitStatus::Exited(pid, 0) => {
// Child exited successfully.
// Read the result from the pipe.
self.exit_status = Some(WaitStatus::Exited(pid, 0));
WaitStatus::Exited(pid, c) => {
panic!("Child did not exit as expected: {:?}", WaitStatus::Exited(pid, c));
status => {
panic!("Child did not exit at all: {:?}", status);
impl<R: Serialize + DeserializeOwned, M: Serialize + DeserializeOwned> Drop for ChildHandle<R, M> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
if self.exit_status.is_none() {
panic!("Child result not checked.")
/// Run the given closure in a new process running with the new identity given as
/// `uid`, `gid`, and `se_context`. Parent process will run without waiting for child status.
/// # Safety
/// run_as_child runs the given closure in the client branch of fork. And it uses non
/// async signal safe API. This means that calling this function in a multi threaded program
/// yields undefined behavior in the child. As of this writing, it is safe to call this function
/// from a Rust device test, because every test itself is spawned as a separate process.
/// # Safety Binder
/// It is okay for the closure to use binder services, however, this does not work
/// if the parent initialized libbinder already. So do not use binder outside of the closure
/// in your test.
pub unsafe fn run_as_child<F, R, M>(
se_context: &str,
uid: Uid,
gid: Gid,
f: F,
) -> Result<ChildHandle<R, M>, nix::Error>
R: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
M: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
F: 'static + Send + FnOnce(&mut ChannelReader<M>, &mut ChannelWriter<M>) -> R,
let se_context =
selinux::Context::new(se_context).expect("Unable to construct selinux::Context.");
let (result_reader, mut result_writer) = pipe_channel().expect("Failed to create pipe.");
let (mut cmd_reader, cmd_writer) = pipe_channel().expect("Failed to create cmd pipe.");
let (response_reader, mut response_writer) =
pipe_channel().expect("Failed to create cmd pipe.");
// SAFETY: Our caller guarantees that the process only has a single thread, so calling
// non-async-signal-safe functions in the child is in fact safe.
match unsafe { fork() } {
Ok(ForkResult::Parent { child, .. }) => {
Ok(ChildHandle::<R, M> {
pid: child,
exit_status: None,
Ok(ForkResult::Child) => {
// This will panic on error or insufficient privileges.
transition(se_context, uid, gid);
// Run the closure.
let result = f(&mut cmd_reader, &mut response_writer);
// Serialize the result of the closure.
// Set exit status to `0`.
Err(errno) => {
panic!("Failed to fork: {:?}", errno);
/// Run the given closure in a new process running with the new identity given as
/// `uid`, `gid`, and `se_context`.
/// # Safety
/// run_as runs the given closure in the client branch of fork. And it uses non
/// async signal safe API. This means that calling this function in a multi threaded program
/// yields undefined behavior in the child. As of this writing, it is safe to call this function
/// from a Rust device test, because every test itself is spawned as a separate process.
/// # Safety Binder
/// It is okay for the closure to use binder services, however, this does not work
/// if the parent initialized libbinder already. So do not use binder outside of the closure
/// in your test.
pub unsafe fn run_as<F, R>(se_context: &str, uid: Uid, gid: Gid, f: F) -> R
R: Serialize + DeserializeOwned,
F: 'static + Send + FnOnce() -> R,
let se_context =
selinux::Context::new(se_context).expect("Unable to construct selinux::Context.");
let (mut reader, mut writer) = pipe_channel::<R>().expect("Failed to create pipe.");
// SAFETY: Our caller guarantees that the process only has a single thread, so calling
// non-async-signal-safe functions in the child is in fact safe.
match unsafe { fork() } {
Ok(ForkResult::Parent { child, .. }) => {
let status = waitpid(child, None).expect("Failed while waiting for child.");
if let WaitStatus::Exited(_, 0) = status {
// Child exited successfully.
// Read the result from the pipe.
// let serialized_result =
// reader.read_all().expect("Failed to read result from child.");
// Deserialize the result and return it.
} else {
panic!("Child did not exit as expected {:?}", status);
Ok(ForkResult::Child) => {
// This will panic on error or insufficient privileges.
transition(se_context, uid, gid);
// Run the closure.
let result = f();
// Serialize the result of the closure.
// Set exit status to `0`.
Err(errno) => {
panic!("Failed to fork: {:?}", errno);
mod test {
use super::*;
use keystore2_selinux as selinux;
use nix::unistd::{getgid, getuid};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
/// This test checks that the closure does not produce an exit status of `0` when run inside a
/// test and the closure panics. This would mask test failures as success.
fn test_run_as_panics_on_closure_panic() {
// Safety: run_as must be called from a single threaded process.
// This device test is run as a separate single threaded process.
unsafe {
run_as(selinux::getcon().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(), getuid(), getgid(), || {
panic!("Closure must panic.")
static TARGET_UID: Uid = Uid::from_raw(10020);
static TARGET_GID: Gid = Gid::from_raw(10020);
static TARGET_CTX: &str = "u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c91,c256,c10,c20";
/// Tests that the closure is running as the target identity.
fn test_transition_to_untrusted_app() {
// Safety: run_as must be called from a single threaded process.
// This device test is run as a separate single threaded process.
unsafe {
assert_eq!(TARGET_UID, getuid());
assert_eq!(TARGET_GID, getgid());
assert_eq!(TARGET_CTX, selinux::getcon().unwrap().to_str().unwrap());
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct SomeResult {
a: u32,
b: u64,
c: String,
fn test_serialized_result() {
let test_result = SomeResult {
a: 5,
b: 0xffffffffffffffff,
c: "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".to_owned(),
let test_result_clone = test_result.clone();
// Safety: run_as must be called from a single threaded process.
// This device test is run as a separate single threaded process.
let result = unsafe { run_as(TARGET_CTX, TARGET_UID, TARGET_GID, || test_result_clone) };
assert_eq!(test_result, result);
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum PingPong {
/// Tests that closure is running under given user identity and communicates with calling
/// process using pipe.
fn test_run_as_child() {
let test_result = SomeResult {
a: 5,
b: 0xffffffffffffffff,
c: "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious".to_owned(),
let test_result_clone = test_result.clone();
// Safety: run_as_child must be called from a single threaded process.
// This device test is run as a separate single threaded process.
let mut child_handle: ChildHandle<SomeResult, PingPong> = unsafe {
run_as_child(TARGET_CTX, TARGET_UID, TARGET_GID, |cmd_reader, response_writer| {
assert_eq!(TARGET_UID, getuid());
assert_eq!(TARGET_GID, getgid());
assert_eq!(TARGET_CTX, selinux::getcon().unwrap().to_str().unwrap());
let ping: PingPong = cmd_reader.recv();
assert_eq!(ping, PingPong::Ping);
let ping: PingPong = cmd_reader.recv();
assert_eq!(ping, PingPong::Ping);
let pong: PingPong = cmd_reader.recv();
assert_eq!(pong, PingPong::Pong);
// Send one ping.
// Expect one pong.
let pong = child_handle.recv();
assert_eq!(pong, PingPong::Pong);
// Send ping and pong.
// Expect pong and ping.
let pong = child_handle.recv();
assert_eq!(pong, PingPong::Pong);
let ping = child_handle.recv();
assert_eq!(ping, PingPong::Ping);
assert_eq!(child_handle.get_result(), test_result);