blob: 75ee1928672abd92a9a0680b09a2813f88893440 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Google designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Google in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
package java.lang.invoke;
import dalvik.system.EmulatedStackFrame;
import dalvik.system.EmulatedStackFrame.Range;
import dalvik.system.EmulatedStackFrame.StackFrameAccessor;
import dalvik.system.EmulatedStackFrame.StackFrameReader;
import dalvik.system.EmulatedStackFrame.StackFrameWriter;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import sun.invoke.util.Wrapper;
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import static dalvik.system.EmulatedStackFrame.StackFrameAccessor.copyNext;
* @hide Public for testing only.
public class Transformers {
private Transformers() {}
static {
try {
TRANSFORM_INTERNAL = MethodHandle.class.getDeclaredMethod("transformInternal",
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
throw new AssertionError();
* Method reference to the private {@code MethodHandle.transformInternal} method. This is
* cached here because it's the point of entry for all transformers.
private static final Method TRANSFORM_INTERNAL;
/** @hide */
public static abstract class Transformer extends MethodHandle implements Cloneable {
protected Transformer(MethodType type) {
super(TRANSFORM_INTERNAL.getArtMethod(), MethodHandle.INVOKE_TRANSFORM, type);
protected Transformer(MethodType type, int invokeKind) {
super(TRANSFORM_INTERNAL.getArtMethod(), invokeKind, type);
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone();
* A method handle that always throws an exception of a specified type.
* The handle declares a nominal return type, which is immaterial to the execution
* of the handle because it never returns.
* @hide
public static class AlwaysThrow extends Transformer {
private final Class<? extends Throwable> exceptionType;
public AlwaysThrow(Class<?> nominalReturnType, Class<? extends Throwable> exType) {
super(MethodType.methodType(nominalReturnType, exType));
this.exceptionType = exType;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
throw emulatedStackFrame.getReference(0, exceptionType);
* Implements {@code MethodHandles.dropArguments}.
public static class DropArguments extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle delegate;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range range1;
* Note that {@code range2} will be null if the arguments that are being dropped
* are the last {@code n}.
/* @Nullable */ private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range range2;
public DropArguments(MethodType type, MethodHandle delegate,
int startPos, int numDropped) {
this.delegate = delegate;
// We pre-calculate the ranges of values we have to copy through to the delegate
// handle at the time of instantiation so that the actual invoke is performant.
this.range1 = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(type, 0, startPos);
final int numArgs = type.ptypes().length;
if (startPos + numDropped < numArgs) {
this.range2 = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(type, startPos + numDropped, numArgs);
} else {
this.range2 = null;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
EmulatedStackFrame calleeFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(delegate.type());
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(calleeFrame, range1,
0 /* referencesStart */, 0 /* stackFrameStart */);
if (range2 != null) {
final int referencesStart = range1.numReferences;
final int stackFrameStart = range1.numBytes;
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(calleeFrame, range2,
referencesStart, stackFrameStart);
* Implements {@code MethodHandles.catchException}.
public static class CatchException extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
private final MethodHandle handler;
private final Class<?> exType;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range handlerArgsRange;
public CatchException(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle handler, Class<?> exType) {
super(target.type()); = target;
this.handler = handler;
this.exType = exType;
// We only copy the first "count" args, dropping others if required. Note that
// we subtract one because the first handler arg is the exception thrown by the
// target.
handlerArgsRange = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(target.type(), 0,
(handler.type().parameterCount() - 1));
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
try {
} catch (Throwable th) {
if (th.getClass() == exType) {
// We've gotten an exception of the appropriate type, so we need to call
// the handler. Create a new frame of the appropriate size.
EmulatedStackFrame fallback = EmulatedStackFrame.create(handler.type());
// The first argument to the handler is the actual exception.
fallback.setReference(0, th);
// We then copy other arguments that need to be passed through to the handler.
// Note that we might drop arguments at the end, if needed. Note that
// referencesStart == 1 because the first argument is the exception type.
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(fallback, handlerArgsRange,
1 /* referencesStart */, 0 /* stackFrameStart */);
// Perform the invoke and return the appropriate value.
} else {
// The exception is not of the expected type, we throw it.
throw th;
* Implements {@code MethodHandles.GuardWithTest}.
public static class GuardWithTest extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle test;
private final MethodHandle target;
private final MethodHandle fallback;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range testArgsRange;
public GuardWithTest(MethodHandle test, MethodHandle target, MethodHandle fallback) {
this.test = test; = target;
this.fallback = fallback;
// The test method might have a subset of the arguments of the handle / target.
testArgsRange = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(target.type(), 0, test.type().parameterCount());
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
EmulatedStackFrame testFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(test.type());
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(testFrame, testArgsRange, 0, 0);
// We know that the return value for test is going to be boolean.class, so we don't have
// to do the copyReturnValue dance.
final boolean value = (boolean) test.invoke(testFrame);
if (value) {
} else {
* Implementation of MethodHandles.arrayElementGetter for reference types.
public static class ReferenceArrayElementGetter extends Transformer {
private final Class<?> arrayClass;
public ReferenceArrayElementGetter(Class<?> arrayClass) {
new Class<?>[]{arrayClass, int.class}));
this.arrayClass = arrayClass;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
// Read the array object and the index from the stack frame.
final Object[] array = (Object[]) reader.nextReference(arrayClass);
final int index = reader.nextInt();
// Write the array element back to the stack frame.
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
writer.putNextReference(array[index], arrayClass.getComponentType());
* Implementation of MethodHandles.arrayElementSetter for reference types.
public static class ReferenceArrayElementSetter extends Transformer {
private final Class<?> arrayClass;
public ReferenceArrayElementSetter(Class<?> arrayClass) {
new Class<?>[] { arrayClass, int.class, arrayClass.getComponentType() }));
this.arrayClass = arrayClass;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
// Read the array object, index and the value to write from the stack frame.
final Object[] array = (Object[]) reader.nextReference(arrayClass);
final int index = reader.nextInt();
final Object value = reader.nextReference(arrayClass.getComponentType());
array[index] = value;
* Implementation of MethodHandles.identity() for reference types.
public static class ReferenceIdentity extends Transformer {
private final Class<?> type;
public ReferenceIdentity(Class<?> type) {
super(MethodType.methodType(type, type));
this.type = type;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
writer.putNextReference(reader.nextReference(type), type);
* Implementation of MethodHandles.constant.
public static class Constant extends Transformer {
private final Class<?> type;
// NOTE: This implementation turned out to be more awkward than expected becuase
// of the type system. We could simplify this considerably at the cost of making
// the emulated stack frame API uglier or by transitioning into JNI.
// We could consider implementing this in terms of bind() once that's implemented.
// This would then just become : MethodHandles.identity(type).bind(value).
private int asInt;
private long asLong;
private float asFloat;
private double asDouble;
private Object asReference;
private char typeChar;
public Constant(Class<?> type, Object value) {
this.type = type;
if (!type.isPrimitive()) {
asReference = value;
typeChar = 'L';
} else if (type == int.class) {
asInt = (int) value;
typeChar = 'I';
} else if (type == char.class) {
asInt = (int) (char) value;
typeChar = 'C';
} else if (type == short.class) {
asInt = (int) (short) value;
typeChar = 'S';
} else if (type == byte.class) {
asInt = (int) (byte) value;
typeChar = 'B';
} else if (type == boolean.class) {
asInt = ((boolean) value) ? 1 : 0;
typeChar = 'Z';
} else if (type == long.class) {
asLong = (long) value;
typeChar = 'J';
} else if (type == float.class) {
asFloat = (float) value;
typeChar = 'F';
} else if (type == double.class) {
asDouble = (double) value;
typeChar = 'D';
} else {
throw new AssertionError("unknown type: " + typeChar);
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
switch (typeChar) {
case 'L' : { writer.putNextReference(asReference, type); break; }
case 'I' : { writer.putNextInt(asInt); break; }
case 'C' : { writer.putNextChar((char) asInt); break; }
case 'S' : { writer.putNextShort((short) asInt); break; }
case 'B' : { writer.putNextByte((byte) asInt); break; }
case 'Z' : { writer.putNextBoolean(asInt == 1); break; }
case 'J' : { writer.putNextLong(asLong); break; }
case 'F' : { writer.putNextFloat(asFloat); break; }
case 'D' : { writer.putNextDouble(asDouble); break; }
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected typeChar: " + typeChar);
/*package*/ static class Construct extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle constructorHandle;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range callerRange;
/*package*/ Construct(MethodHandle constructorHandle, MethodType returnedType) {
this.constructorHandle = constructorHandle;
this.callerRange = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.all(type());
MethodHandle getConstructorHandle() {
return constructorHandle;
private static boolean isAbstract(Class<?> klass) {
return (klass.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) == Modifier.ABSTRACT;
private static void checkInstantiable(Class<?> klass) throws InstantiationException {
if (isAbstract(klass)) {
String s = klass.isInterface() ? "interface " : "abstract class ";
throw new InstantiationException("Can't instantiate " + s + klass);
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
final Class<?> receiverType = type().rtype();
// Allocate memory for receiver.
Object receiver = Unsafe.getUnsafe().allocateInstance(receiverType);
// The MethodHandle type for the caller has the form of
// {rtype=T,ptypes=A1..An}. The constructor MethodHandle is of
// the form {rtype=void,ptypes=T,A1...An}. So the frame for
// the constructor needs to have a slot with the receiver
// in position 0.
EmulatedStackFrame constructorFrame =
constructorFrame.setReference(0, receiver);
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(constructorFrame, callerRange, 1, 0);
// Set return result for caller.
* Implements MethodHandle.bindTo.
* @hide
public static class BindTo extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle delegate;
private final Object receiver;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range range;
public BindTo(MethodHandle delegate, Object receiver) {
super(delegate.type().dropParameterTypes(0, 1));
this.delegate = delegate;
this.receiver = receiver;
this.range = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.all(this.type());
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
// Create a new emulated stack frame with the full type (including the leading
// receiver reference).
EmulatedStackFrame stackFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(delegate.type());
// The first reference argument must be the receiver.
stackFrame.setReference(0, receiver);
// Copy all other arguments.
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(stackFrame, range,
1 /* referencesStart */, 0 /* stackFrameStart */);
// Perform the invoke.
* Implements MethodHandle.filterReturnValue.
public static class FilterReturnValue extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
private final MethodHandle filter;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range allArgs;
public FilterReturnValue(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle filter) {
super(MethodType.methodType(filter.type().rtype(), target.type().ptypes())); = target;
this.filter = filter;
allArgs = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.all(type());
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
// Create a new frame with the target's type and copy all arguments over.
// This frame differs in return type with |emulatedStackFrame| but will have
// the same parameter shapes.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, allArgs, 0, 0);
// Perform the invoke.
final StackFrameReader returnValueReader = new StackFrameReader();
// Create an emulated frame for the filter and copy all its arguments across.
EmulatedStackFrame filterFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(filter.type());
final StackFrameWriter filterWriter = new StackFrameWriter();
final Class<?> returnType = target.type().rtype();
if (!returnType.isPrimitive()) {
} else if (returnType == boolean.class) {
} else if (returnType == byte.class) {
} else if (returnType == char.class) {
} else if (returnType == short.class) {
} else if (returnType == int.class) {
} else if (returnType == long.class) {
} else if (returnType == float.class) {
} else if (returnType == double.class) {
// Invoke the filter and copy its return value back to the original frame.
* Implements MethodHandles.permuteArguments.
* @hide
public static class PermuteArguments extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
private final int[] reorder;
public PermuteArguments(MethodType type, MethodHandle target, int[] reorder) {
super(type); = target;
this.reorder = reorder;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
// In the interests of simplicity, we box / unbox arguments while performing
// the permutation. We first iterate through the incoming stack frame and box
// each argument. We then unbox and write out the argument to the target frame
// according to the specified reordering.
Object[] arguments = new Object[reorder.length];
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type().ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < ptypes.length; ++i) {
final Class<?> ptype = ptypes[i];
if (!ptype.isPrimitive()) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextReference(ptype);
} else if (ptype == boolean.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextBoolean();
} else if (ptype == byte.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextByte();
} else if (ptype == char.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextChar();
} else if (ptype == short.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextShort();
} else if (ptype == int.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextInt();
} else if (ptype == long.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextLong();
} else if (ptype == float.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextFloat();
} else if (ptype == double.class) {
arguments[i] = reader.nextDouble();
} else {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected type: " + ptype);
EmulatedStackFrame calleeFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
for (int i = 0; i < ptypes.length; ++i) {
int idx = reorder[i];
final Class<?> ptype = ptypes[idx];
final Object argument = arguments[idx];
if (!ptype.isPrimitive()) {
writer.putNextReference(argument, ptype);
} else if (ptype == boolean.class) {
writer.putNextBoolean((boolean) argument);
} else if (ptype == byte.class) {
writer.putNextByte((byte) argument);
} else if (ptype == char.class) {
writer.putNextChar((char) argument);
} else if (ptype == short.class) {
writer.putNextShort((short) argument);
} else if (ptype == int.class) {
writer.putNextInt((int) argument);
} else if (ptype == long.class) {
writer.putNextLong((long) argument);
} else if (ptype == float.class) {
writer.putNextFloat((float) argument);
} else if (ptype == double.class) {
writer.putNextDouble((double) argument);
} else {
throw new AssertionError("Unexpected type: " + ptype);
* Converts methods with a trailing array argument to variable arity
* methods. So (A,B,C[])R can be invoked with any number of convertible
* arguments after B, e.g. (A,B)R or (A, B, C0)R or (A, B, C0...Cn)R.
* @hide
/*package*/ static class VarargsCollector extends Transformer {
final MethodHandle target;
/*package*/ VarargsCollector(MethodHandle target) {
super(target.type(), MethodHandle.INVOKE_CALLSITE_TRANSFORM);
if (!lastParameterTypeIsAnArray(target.type().ptypes())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target does not have array as last parameter");
} = target;
private static boolean lastParameterTypeIsAnArray(Class<?>[] parameterTypes) {
if (parameterTypes.length == 0) return false;
return parameterTypes[parameterTypes.length - 1].isArray();
public boolean isVarargsCollector() { return true; }
public MethodHandle asFixedArity() { return target; }
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame) throws Throwable {
MethodType callerFrameType = callerFrame.getMethodType();
Class<?>[] callerPTypes = callerFrameType.ptypes();
Class<?>[] targetPTypes = type().ptypes();
int lastTargetIndex = targetPTypes.length - 1;
if (callerPTypes.length == targetPTypes.length &&
targetPTypes[lastTargetIndex].isAssignableFrom(callerPTypes[lastTargetIndex])) {
// Caller frame matches target frame in the arity array parameter. Invoke
// immediately, and let the invoke() dispatch perform any necessary conversions
// on the other parameters present.
if (callerPTypes.length < targetPTypes.length - 1) {
// Too few arguments to be compatible with variable arity invocation.
throwWrongMethodTypeException(callerFrameType, type());
if (!MethodType.canConvert(type().rtype(), callerFrameType.rtype())) {
// Incompatible return type.
throwWrongMethodTypeException(callerFrameType, type());
Class<?> elementType = targetPTypes[lastTargetIndex].getComponentType();
if (!arityArgumentsConvertible(callerPTypes, lastTargetIndex, elementType)) {
// Wrong types to be compatible with variable arity invocation.
throwWrongMethodTypeException(callerFrameType, type());
// Allocate targetFrame.
MethodType targetFrameType = makeTargetFrameType(callerFrameType, type());
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(targetFrameType);
prepareFrame(callerFrame, targetFrame);
// Invoke target.
// Copy return value to the caller's frame.
private static void throwWrongMethodTypeException(MethodType from, MethodType to) {
throw new WrongMethodTypeException("Cannot convert " + from + " to " + to);
private static boolean arityArgumentsConvertible(Class<?>[] ptypes, int arityStart,
Class<?> elementType) {
if (ptypes.length - 1 == arityStart) {
if (ptypes[arityStart].isArray() &&
ptypes[arityStart].getComponentType() == elementType) {
// The last ptype is in the same position as the arity
// array and has the same type.
return true;
for (int i = arityStart; i < ptypes.length; ++i) {
if (!MethodType.canConvert(ptypes[i], elementType)) {
return false;
return true;
private static Object referenceArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?>[] ptypes,
Class<?> elementType, int offset, int length) {
Object arityArray = Array.newInstance(elementType, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
Object o = null;
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { o = reader.nextReference(argumentType); break; }
case 'I': { o = reader.nextInt(); break; }
case 'J': { o = reader.nextLong(); break; }
case 'B': { o = reader.nextByte(); break; }
case 'S': { o = reader.nextShort(); break; }
case 'C': { o = reader.nextChar(); break; }
case 'Z': { o = reader.nextBoolean(); break; }
case 'F': { o = reader.nextFloat(); break; }
case 'D': { o = reader.nextDouble(); break; }
Array.set(arityArray, i, elementType.cast(o));
return arityArray;
private static Object intArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
int[] arityArray = new int[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'I': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextInt(); break; }
case 'S': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextShort(); break; }
case 'B': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextByte(); break; }
default: {
arityArray[i] = (Integer) reader.nextReference(argumentType);
return arityArray;
private static Object longArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
long[] arityArray = new long[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'J': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextLong(); break; }
case 'I': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextInt(); break; }
case 'S': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextShort(); break; }
case 'B': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextByte(); break; }
default: { arityArray[i] = (Long) reader.nextReference(argumentType); break; }
return arityArray;
private static Object byteArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
byte[] arityArray = new byte[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'B': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextByte(); break; }
default: { arityArray[i] = (Byte) reader.nextReference(argumentType); break; }
return arityArray;
private static Object shortArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
short[] arityArray = new short[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'S': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextShort(); break; }
case 'B': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextByte(); break; }
default: { arityArray[i] = (Short) reader.nextReference(argumentType); break; }
return arityArray;
private static Object charArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
char[] arityArray = new char[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'C': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextChar(); break; }
default: {
arityArray[i] = (Character) reader.nextReference(argumentType);
return arityArray;
private static Object booleanArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
boolean[] arityArray = new boolean[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'Z': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextBoolean(); break; }
arityArray[i] = (Boolean) reader.nextReference(argumentType);
return arityArray;
private static Object floatArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
float[] arityArray = new float[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'F': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextFloat(); break; }
case 'J': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextLong(); break; }
case 'I': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextInt(); break; }
case 'S': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextShort(); break; }
case 'B': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextByte(); break; }
default: {
arityArray[i] = (Float) reader.nextReference(argumentType);
return arityArray;
private static Object doubleArray(StackFrameReader reader, Class<?> ptypes[],
int offset, int length) {
double[] arityArray = new double[length];
for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'D': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextDouble(); break; }
case 'F': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextFloat(); break; }
case 'J': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextLong(); break; }
case 'I': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextInt(); break; }
case 'S': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextShort(); break; }
case 'B': { arityArray[i] = reader.nextByte(); break; }
default: {
arityArray[i] = (Double) reader.nextReference(argumentType);
return arityArray;
private static Object makeArityArray(MethodType callerFrameType,
StackFrameReader callerFrameReader,
int indexOfArityArray,
Class<?> arityArrayType) {
int arityArrayLength = callerFrameType.ptypes().length - indexOfArityArray;
Class<?> elementType = arityArrayType.getComponentType();
Class<?>[] callerPTypes = callerFrameType.ptypes();
char elementBasicType = Wrapper.basicTypeChar(elementType);
switch (elementBasicType) {
case 'L': return referenceArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes, elementType,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'I': return intArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'J': return longArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'B': return byteArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'S': return shortArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'C': return charArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'Z': return booleanArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'F': return floatArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
case 'D': return doubleArray(callerFrameReader, callerPTypes,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayLength);
throw new InternalError("Unexpected type: " + elementType);
public static Object collectArguments(char basicComponentType, Class<?> componentType,
StackFrameReader reader, Class<?>[] types,
int startIdx, int length) {
switch (basicComponentType) {
case 'L': return referenceArray(reader, types, componentType, startIdx, length);
case 'I': return intArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'J': return longArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'B': return byteArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'S': return shortArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'C': return charArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'Z': return booleanArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'F': return floatArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
case 'D': return doubleArray(reader, types, startIdx, length);
throw new InternalError("Unexpected type: " + basicComponentType);
private static void copyParameter(StackFrameReader reader, StackFrameWriter writer,
Class<?> ptype) {
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(ptype)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(reader.nextReference(ptype), ptype); break; }
case 'I': { writer.putNextInt(reader.nextInt()); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong(reader.nextLong()); break; }
case 'B': { writer.putNextByte(reader.nextByte()); break; }
case 'S': { writer.putNextShort(reader.nextShort()); break; }
case 'C': { writer.putNextChar(reader.nextChar()); break; }
case 'Z': { writer.putNextBoolean(reader.nextBoolean()); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat(reader.nextFloat()); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble(reader.nextDouble()); break; }
default: throw new InternalError("Unexpected type: " + ptype);
private static void prepareFrame(EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame,
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame) {
StackFrameWriter targetWriter = new StackFrameWriter();
StackFrameReader callerReader = new StackFrameReader();
// Copy parameters from |callerFrame| to |targetFrame| leaving room for arity array.
MethodType targetMethodType = targetFrame.getMethodType();
int indexOfArityArray = targetMethodType.ptypes().length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < indexOfArityArray; ++i) {
Class<?> ptype = targetMethodType.ptypes()[i];
copyParameter(callerReader, targetWriter, ptype);
// Add arity array as last parameter in |targetFrame|.
Class<?> arityArrayType = targetMethodType.ptypes()[indexOfArityArray];
Object arityArray = makeArityArray(callerFrame.getMethodType(), callerReader,
indexOfArityArray, arityArrayType);
targetWriter.putNextReference(arityArray, arityArrayType);
* Computes the frame type to invoke the target method handle with. This
* is the same as the caller frame type, but with the trailing argument
* being the array type that is the trailing argument in the target method
* handle.
* Suppose the targetType is (T0, T1, T2[])RT and the callerType is (C0, C1, C2, C3)RC
* then the constructed type is (C0, C1, T2[])RC.
private static MethodType makeTargetFrameType(MethodType callerType,
MethodType targetType) {
final int ptypesLength = targetType.ptypes().length;
final Class<?>[] ptypes = new Class<?>[ptypesLength];
// Copy types from caller types to new methodType.
System.arraycopy(callerType.ptypes(), 0, ptypes, 0, ptypesLength - 1);
// Set the last element in the type array to be the
// varargs array of the target.
ptypes[ptypesLength - 1] = targetType.ptypes()[ptypesLength - 1];
return MethodType.methodType(callerType.rtype(), ptypes);
* Implements MethodHandles.invoker & MethodHandles.exactInvoker.
static class Invoker extends Transformer {
private final MethodType targetType;
private final boolean isExactInvoker;
private final EmulatedStackFrame.Range copyRange;
Invoker(MethodType targetType, boolean isExactInvoker) {
super(targetType.insertParameterTypes(0, MethodHandle.class));
this.targetType = targetType;
this.isExactInvoker = isExactInvoker;
copyRange = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(type(), 1, type().parameterCount());
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame emulatedStackFrame) throws Throwable {
// We need to artifically throw a WrongMethodTypeException here because we
// can't call invokeExact on the target inside the transformer.
if (isExactInvoker) {
// TODO: We should do the comparison by hand if this new type creation
// on every invoke proves too expensive.
MethodType callType = emulatedStackFrame.getCallsiteType().dropParameterTypes(0, 1);
if (!targetType.equals(callType)) {
throw new WrongMethodTypeException("Wrong type, Expected: " + targetType
+ " was: " + callType);
// The first argument to the stack frame is the handle that needs to be invoked.
MethodHandle target = emulatedStackFrame.getReference(0, MethodHandle.class);
// All other arguments must be copied to the target frame.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(targetType);
emulatedStackFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, copyRange, 0, 0);
// Finally, invoke the handle and copy the return value.
* Implements MethodHandle.asSpreader / MethodHandles.spreadInvoker.
static class Spreader extends Transformer {
/** The method handle we're delegating to. */
private final MethodHandle target;
* The offset of the trailing array argument in the list of arguments to
* this transformer. The array argument is always the last argument.
private final int arrayOffset;
* The type char of the component type of the array.
private final char arrayTypeChar;
* The number of input arguments that will be present in the array. In other words,
* this is the expected array length.
private final int numArrayArgs;
* Range of arguments to copy verbatim from the input frame, This will cover all
* arguments that aren't a part of the trailing array.
private final Range copyRange;
Spreader(MethodHandle target, MethodType spreaderType, int numArrayArgs) {
super(spreaderType); = target;
// Copy all arguments except the last argument (which is the trailing array argument
// that needs to be spread).
arrayOffset = spreaderType.parameterCount() - 1;
// Get and cache the component type of the input array.
final Class<?> componentType = spreaderType.ptypes()[arrayOffset].getComponentType();
if (componentType == null) {
throw new AssertionError("Trailing argument must be an array.");
arrayTypeChar = Wrapper.basicTypeChar(componentType);
this.numArrayArgs = numArrayArgs;
// Copy all args except for the last argument.
this.copyRange = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(spreaderType, 0, arrayOffset);
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame) throws Throwable {
// Create a new stack frame for the callee.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
// Copy all arguments except for the trailing array argument.
callerFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, copyRange, 0, 0);
// Attach the writer, prepare to spread the trailing array arguments into
// the callee frame.
StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
// Get the array reference and check that its length is as expected.
Object arrayObj = callerFrame.getReference(
copyRange.numReferences, this.type().ptypes()[arrayOffset]);
final int arrayLength = Array.getLength(arrayObj);
if (arrayLength != numArrayArgs) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid array length: " + arrayLength);
final MethodType type = target.type();
switch (arrayTypeChar) {
case 'L':
spreadArray((Object[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'I':
spreadArray((int[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'J':
spreadArray((long[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'B':
spreadArray((byte[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'S':
spreadArray((short[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'C':
spreadArray((char[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'Z':
spreadArray((boolean[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'F':
spreadArray((float[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
case 'D':
spreadArray((double[]) arrayObj, writer, type, numArrayArgs, arrayOffset);
public static void spreadArray(Object[] array, StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
Object o = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(o, argumentType); break; }
case 'I': { writer.putNextInt((int) o); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong((long) o); break; }
case 'B': { writer.putNextByte((byte) o); break; }
case 'S': { writer.putNextShort((short) o); break; }
case 'C': { writer.putNextChar((char) o); break; }
case 'Z': { writer.putNextBoolean((boolean) o); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat((float) o); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble((double) o); break; }
public static void spreadArray(int[] array, StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
int j = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(j, argumentType); break; }
case 'I': { writer.putNextInt(j); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong(j); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat(j); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble(j); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(long[] array, StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
long l = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(l, argumentType); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong(l); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat((float) l); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble((double) l); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(byte[] array,
StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
byte b = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(b, argumentType); break; }
case 'I': { writer.putNextInt(b); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong(b); break; }
case 'B': { writer.putNextByte(b); break; }
case 'S': { writer.putNextShort(b); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat(b); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble(b); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(short[] array,
StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
short s = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(s, argumentType); break; }
case 'I': { writer.putNextInt(s); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong(s); break; }
case 'S': { writer.putNextShort(s); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat(s); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble(s); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(char[] array,
StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
char c = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(c, argumentType); break; }
case 'I': { writer.putNextInt(c); break; }
case 'J': { writer.putNextLong(c); break; }
case 'C': { writer.putNextChar(c); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat(c); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble(c); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(boolean[] array,
StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
boolean z = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(z, argumentType); break; }
case 'Z': { writer.putNextBoolean(z); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(double[] array,
StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
double d = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(d, argumentType); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble(d); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
public static void spreadArray(float[] array, StackFrameWriter writer, MethodType type,
int numArgs, int offset) {
final Class<?>[] ptypes = type.ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i) {
Class<?> argumentType = ptypes[i + offset];
float f = array[i];
switch (Wrapper.basicTypeChar(argumentType)) {
case 'L': { writer.putNextReference(f, argumentType); break; }
case 'D': { writer.putNextDouble((double) f); break; }
case 'F': { writer.putNextFloat(f); break; }
default : { throw new AssertionError(); }
* Implements MethodHandle.asCollector.
static class Collector extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
* The offset of the trailing array argument in the list of arguments to
* this transformer. The array argument is always the last argument.
private final int arrayOffset;
* The number of input arguments that will be present in the array. In other words,
* this is the expected array length.
private final int numArrayArgs;
* The type char of the component type of the array.
private final char arrayTypeChar;
* Range of arguments to copy verbatim from the input frame, This will cover all
* arguments that aren't a part of the trailing array.
private final Range copyRange;
Collector(MethodHandle delegate, Class<?> arrayType, int length) {
super(delegate.type().asCollectorType(arrayType, length));
target = delegate;
// Copy all arguments except the last argument (which is the trailing array argument
// that needs to be spread).
arrayOffset = delegate.type().parameterCount() - 1;
arrayTypeChar = Wrapper.basicTypeChar(arrayType.getComponentType());
numArrayArgs = length;
// Copy all args except for the last argument.
copyRange = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(delegate.type(), 0, arrayOffset);
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame) throws Throwable {
// Create a new stack frame for the callee.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
// Copy all arguments except for the trailing array argument.
callerFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, copyRange, 0, 0);
// Attach the writer, prepare to spread the trailing array arguments into
// the callee frame.
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
writer.attach(targetFrame, arrayOffset, copyRange.numReferences, copyRange.numBytes);
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
reader.attach(callerFrame, arrayOffset, copyRange.numReferences, copyRange.numBytes);
switch (arrayTypeChar) {
case 'L': {
// Reference arrays are the only case where the component type of the
// array we construct might differ from the type of the reference we read
// from the stack frame.
final Class<?> targetType = target.type().ptypes()[arrayOffset];
final Class<?> targetComponentType = targetType.getComponentType();
final Class<?> adapterComponentType = type().lastParameterType();
Object[] arr = (Object[]) Array.newInstance(targetComponentType, numArrayArgs);
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
arr[i] = reader.nextReference(adapterComponentType);
writer.putNextReference(arr, targetType);
case 'I': {
int[] array = new int[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextInt();
writer.putNextReference(array, int[].class);
case 'J': {
long[] array = new long[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextLong();
writer.putNextReference(array, long[].class);
case 'B': {
byte[] array = new byte[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextByte();
writer.putNextReference(array, byte[].class);
case 'S': {
short[] array = new short[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextShort();
writer.putNextReference(array, short[].class);
case 'C': {
char[] array = new char[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextChar();
writer.putNextReference(array, char[].class);
case 'Z': {
boolean[] array = new boolean[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextBoolean();
writer.putNextReference(array, boolean[].class);
case 'F': {
float[] array = new float[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextFloat();
writer.putNextReference(array, float[].class);
case 'D': {
double[] array = new double[numArrayArgs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArrayArgs; ++i) {
array[i] = reader.nextDouble();
writer.putNextReference(array, double[].class);
* Implements MethodHandles.filterArguments.
static class FilterArguments extends Transformer {
/** The target handle. */
private final MethodHandle target;
/** Index of the first argument to filter */
private final int pos;
/** The list of filters to apply */
private final MethodHandle[] filters;
FilterArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle[] filters) {
super(deriveType(target, pos, filters)); = target;
this.pos = pos;
this.filters = filters;
private static MethodType deriveType(MethodHandle target, int pos, MethodHandle[] filters) {
final Class<?>[] filterArgs = new Class<?>[filters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < filters.length; ++i) {
filterArgs[i] = filters[i].type().parameterType(0);
return target.type().replaceParameterTypes(pos, pos + filters.length, filterArgs);
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame stackFrame) throws Throwable {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
EmulatedStackFrame transformedFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
final Class<?>[] ptypes = target.type().ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < ptypes.length; ++i) {
// Check whether the current argument has a filter associated with it.
// If it has no filter, no further action need be taken.
final Class<?> ptype = ptypes[i];
final MethodHandle filter;
if (i < pos) {
filter = null;
} else if (i >= pos + filters.length) {
filter = null;
} else {
filter = filters[i - pos];
if (filter != null) {
// Note that filter.type() must be (ptype)ptype - this is checked before
// this transformer is created.
EmulatedStackFrame filterFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(filter.type());
// Copy the next argument from the stack frame to the filter frame.
final StackFrameWriter filterWriter = new StackFrameWriter();
copyNext(reader, filterWriter, filter.type().ptypes()[0]);
// Copy the argument back from the filter frame to the stack frame.
final StackFrameReader filterReader = new StackFrameReader();
copyNext(filterReader, writer, ptype);
} else {
// There's no filter associated with this frame, just copy the next argument
// over.
copyNext(reader, writer, ptype);
* Implements MethodHandles.collectArguments.
static class CollectArguments extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
private final MethodHandle collector;
private final int pos;
/** The range of input arguments we copy to the collector. */
private final Range collectorRange;
* The first range of arguments we copy to the target. These are arguments
* in the range [0, pos). Note that arg[pos] is the return value of the filter.
private final Range range1;
* The second range of arguments we copy to the target. These are arguments in the range
* (pos, N], where N is the number of target arguments.
private final Range range2;
private final int referencesOffset;
private final int stackFrameOffset;
CollectArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle collector, int pos,
MethodType adapterType) {
super(adapterType); = target;
this.collector = collector;
this.pos = pos;
final int numFilterArgs = collector.type().parameterCount();
final int numAdapterArgs = type().parameterCount();
collectorRange = Range.of(type(), pos, pos + numFilterArgs);
range1 = Range.of(type(), 0, pos);
if (pos + numFilterArgs < numAdapterArgs) {
this.range2 = Range.of(type(), pos + numFilterArgs, numAdapterArgs);
} else {
this.range2 = null;
// Calculate the number of primitive bytes (or references) we copy to the
// target frame based on the return value of the combiner.
final Class<?> collectorRType = collector.type().rtype();
if (collectorRType == void.class) {
stackFrameOffset = 0;
referencesOffset = 0;
} else if (collectorRType.isPrimitive()) {
stackFrameOffset = EmulatedStackFrame.getSize(collectorRType);
referencesOffset = 0;
} else {
stackFrameOffset = 0;
referencesOffset = 1;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame stackFrame) throws Throwable {
// First invoke the collector.
EmulatedStackFrame filterFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(collector.type());
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(filterFrame, collectorRange, 0, 0);
// Start constructing the target frame.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, range1, 0, 0);
// If one of these offsets is not zero, we have a return value to copy.
if (referencesOffset != 0 || stackFrameOffset != 0) {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
writer.attach(targetFrame, pos, range1.numReferences, range1.numBytes);
copyNext(reader, writer, target.type().ptypes()[0]);
if (range2 != null) {
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, range2,
range1.numReferences + referencesOffset,
range2.numBytes + stackFrameOffset);
* Implements MethodHandles.foldArguments.
static class FoldArguments extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
private final MethodHandle combiner;
private final Range combinerArgs;
private final Range targetArgs;
private final int referencesOffset;
private final int stackFrameOffset;
FoldArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle combiner) {
super(deriveType(target, combiner)); = target;
this.combiner = combiner;
combinerArgs = Range.all(combiner.type());
targetArgs = Range.all(type());
final Class<?> combinerRType = combiner.type().rtype();
if (combinerRType == void.class) {
stackFrameOffset = 0;
referencesOffset = 0;
} else if (combinerRType.isPrimitive()) {
stackFrameOffset = EmulatedStackFrame.getSize(combinerRType);
referencesOffset = 0;
} else {
stackFrameOffset = 0;
referencesOffset = 1;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame stackFrame) throws Throwable {
// First construct the combiner frame and invoke it.
EmulatedStackFrame combinerFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(combiner.type());
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(combinerFrame, combinerArgs, 0, 0);
// Create the stack frame for the target.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
// If one of these offsets is not zero, we have a return value to copy.
if (referencesOffset != 0 || stackFrameOffset != 0) {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
copyNext(reader, writer, target.type().ptypes()[0]);
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(targetFrame, targetArgs, referencesOffset, stackFrameOffset);
private static MethodType deriveType(MethodHandle target, MethodHandle combiner) {
if (combiner.type().rtype() == void.class) {
return target.type();
return target.type().dropParameterTypes(0, 1);
* Implements MethodHandles.insertArguments.
static class InsertArguments extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
private final int pos;
private final Object[] values;
private final Range range1;
private final Range range2;
InsertArguments(MethodHandle target, int pos, Object[] values) {
super(target.type().dropParameterTypes(pos, pos + values.length)); = target;
this.pos = pos;
this.values = values;
final MethodType type = type();
range1 = EmulatedStackFrame.Range.of(type, 0, pos);
range2 = Range.of(type, pos, type.parameterCount());
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame stackFrame) throws Throwable {
EmulatedStackFrame calleeFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
// Copy all arguments before |pos|.
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(calleeFrame, range1, 0, 0);
// Attach a stack frame writer so that we can copy the next |values.length|
// arguments.
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
writer.attach(calleeFrame, pos, range1.numReferences, range1.numBytes);
// Copy all the arguments supplied in |values|.
int referencesCopied = 0;
int bytesCopied = 0;
final Class<?>[] ptypes = target.type().ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) {
final Class<?> ptype = ptypes[i + pos];
if (ptype.isPrimitive()) {
if (ptype == boolean.class) {
writer.putNextBoolean((boolean) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == byte.class) {
writer.putNextByte((byte) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == char.class) {
writer.putNextChar((char) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == short.class) {
writer.putNextShort((short) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == int.class) {
writer.putNextInt((int) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == long.class) {
writer.putNextLong((long) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == float.class) {
writer.putNextFloat((float) values[i]);
} else if (ptype == double.class) {
writer.putNextDouble((double) values[i]);
bytesCopied += EmulatedStackFrame.getSize(ptype);
} else {
writer.putNextReference(values[i], ptype);
// Copy all remaining arguments.
if (range2 != null) {
stackFrame.copyRangeTo(calleeFrame, range2,
range1.numReferences + referencesCopied,
range1.numBytes + bytesCopied);
* Implements {@link java.lang.invokeMethodHandles#explicitCastArguments()}.
public static class ExplicitCastArguments extends Transformer {
private final MethodHandle target;
public ExplicitCastArguments(MethodHandle target, MethodType type) {
super(type); = target;
public void transform(EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame) throws Throwable {
// Create a new stack frame for the target.
EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame = EmulatedStackFrame.create(target.type());
explicitCastArguments(callerFrame, targetFrame);
explicitCastReturnValue(callerFrame, targetFrame);
private void explicitCastArguments(final EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame,
final EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame) {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
final Class<?>[] fromTypes = type().ptypes();
final Class<?>[] toTypes = target.type().ptypes();
for (int i = 0; i < fromTypes.length; ++i) {
explicitCast(reader, fromTypes[i], writer, toTypes[i]);
private void explicitCastReturnValue(final EmulatedStackFrame callerFrame,
final EmulatedStackFrame targetFrame) {
Class<?> from = target.type().rtype();
Class<?> to = type().rtype();
if (to != void.class) {
final StackFrameWriter writer = new StackFrameWriter();
if (from == void.class) {
if (to.isPrimitive()) {
unboxNull(writer, to);
} else {
writer.putNextReference(null, to);
} else {
final StackFrameReader reader = new StackFrameReader();
explicitCast(reader, target.type().rtype(), writer, type().rtype());
private static void throwUnexpectedType(final Class<?> unexpectedType) {
throw new InternalError("Unexpected type: " + unexpectedType);
private static void explicitCastFromBoolean(boolean fromValue,
final StackFrameWriter writer,
final Class<?> to) {
int value = fromValue ? 1 : 0;
if (to == byte.class) {
writer.putNextByte((byte) value);
} else if (to == char.class) {
writer.putNextChar((char) value);
} else if (to == short.class) {
writer.putNextShort((short) value);
} else if (to == int.class) {
} else if (to == long.class) {
} else if (to == float.class) {
} else if (to == double.class) {
} else {
* Converts byte value to boolean according to
* {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles#explicitCast()}
private static boolean toBoolean(byte value) {
return (value & 1) == 1;
private static byte readPrimitiveAsByte(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (byte) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static char readPrimitiveAsChar(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (char) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (char) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (char) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (char) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (char) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (char) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (char) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static short readPrimitiveAsShort(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (short) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (short) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (short) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (short) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (short) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (short) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (short) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static int readPrimitiveAsInt(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (int) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (int) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (int) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (int) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (int) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (int) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (int) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static long readPrimitiveAsLong(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (long) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (long) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (long) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (long) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (long) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (long) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (long) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static float readPrimitiveAsFloat(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (float) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (float) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (float) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (float) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (float) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (float) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (float) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static double readPrimitiveAsDouble(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from) {
if (from == byte.class) {
return (double) reader.nextByte();
} else if (from == char.class) {
return (double) reader.nextChar();
} else if (from == short.class) {
return (double) reader.nextShort();
} else if (from == int.class) {
return (double) reader.nextInt();
} else if (from == long.class) {
return (double) reader.nextLong();
} else if (from == float.class) {
return (double) reader.nextFloat();
} else if (from == double.class) {
return (double) reader.nextDouble();
} else {
return 0;
private static void explicitCastToBoolean(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from,
final StackFrameWriter writer) {
byte byteValue = readPrimitiveAsByte(reader, from);
private static void explicitCastPrimitives(final StackFrameReader reader,
final Class<?> from,
final StackFrameWriter writer,
final Class<?> to) {
if (to == byte.class) {
byte value = readPrimitiveAsByte(reader, from);
} else if (to == char.class) {
char value = readPrimitiveAsChar(reader, from);
} else if (to == short.class) {
short value = readPrimitiveAsShort(reader, from);
} else if (to == int.class) {
int value = readPrimitiveAsInt(reader, from);
} else if (to == long.class) {
long value = readPrimitiveAsLong(reader, from);
} else if (to == float.class) {
float value = readPrimitiveAsFloat(reader, from);
} else if (to == double.class) {
double value = readPrimitiveAsDouble(reader, from);
} else {
private static void unboxNull(final StackFrameWriter writer, final Class<?> to) {
if (to == boolean.class) {
} else if (to == byte.class) {
writer.putNextByte((byte) 0);
} else if (to == char.class) {
writer.putNextChar((char) 0);
} else if (to == short.class) {
writer.putNextShort((short) 0);
} else if (to == int.class) {
writer.putNextInt((int) 0);
} else if (to == long.class) {
writer.putNextLong((long) 0);
} else if (to == float.class) {
writer.putNextFloat((float) 0);
} else if (to == double.class) {
writer.putNextDouble((double) 0);
} else {
private static void unboxNonNull(final Object ref, final Class<?> from,
final StackFrameWriter writer, final Class<?> to) {
if (to == boolean.class) {
if (from == Boolean.class) {
writer.putNextBoolean((boolean) ref);
} else if (from == Float.class || from == Double.class) {
byte b = (byte) ((double) ref);
} else {
byte b = (byte) ((long) ref);
} else if (to == byte.class) {
writer.putNextByte((byte) ref);
} else if (to == char.class) {
writer.putNextChar((char) ref);
} else if (to == short.class) {
writer.putNextShort((short) ref);
} else if (to == int.class) {
writer.putNextInt((int) ref);
} else if (to == long.class) {
writer.putNextLong((long) ref);
} else if (to == float.class) {
writer.putNextFloat((float) ref);
} else if (to == double.class) {
writer.putNextDouble((double) ref);
} else {
private static void unbox(final Object ref, final Class<?> from,
final StackFrameWriter writer, final Class<?> to) {
if (ref == null) {
unboxNull(writer, to);
} else {
unboxNonNull(ref, from, writer, to);
private static void box(final StackFrameReader reader, final Class<?> from,
final StackFrameWriter writer, final Class<?> to) {
Object boxed = null;
if (from == boolean.class) {
boxed = Boolean.valueOf(reader.nextBoolean());
} else if (from == byte.class) {
boxed = Byte.valueOf(reader.nextByte());
} else if (from == char.class) {
boxed = Character.valueOf(reader.nextChar());
} else if (from == short.class) {
boxed = Short.valueOf(reader.nextShort());
} else if (from == int.class) {
boxed = Integer.valueOf(reader.nextInt());
} else if (from == long.class) {
boxed = Long.valueOf(reader.nextLong());
} else if (from == float.class) {
boxed = Float.valueOf(reader.nextFloat());
} else if (from == double.class) {
boxed = Double.valueOf(reader.nextDouble());
} else {
writer.putNextReference(to.cast(boxed), to);
private static void explicitCast(final StackFrameReader reader, final Class<?> from,
final StackFrameWriter writer, final Class<?> to) {
if (from.equals(to)) {
StackFrameAccessor.copyNext(reader, writer, from);
} else if (!from.isPrimitive()) {
Object ref = reader.nextReference(from);
if (to.isInterface()) {
// Pass from without a cast according to description for
// {@link java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles#explicitCastArguments()}.
writer.putNextReference(ref, to);
} else if (!to.isPrimitive()) {
// |to| is a reference type, perform class cast check.
writer.putNextReference(to.cast(ref), to);
} else {
// |from| is a reference type, |to| is a primitive type,
unbox(ref, from, writer, to);
} else if (to.isPrimitive()) {
// |from| and |to| are primitive types.
if (from == boolean.class) {
explicitCastFromBoolean(reader.nextBoolean(), writer, to);
} else if (to == boolean.class) {
explicitCastToBoolean(reader, from, writer);
} else {
explicitCastPrimitives(reader, from, writer, to);
} else {
// |from| is a primitive type, |to| is a reference type.
box(reader, from, writer, to);