blob: a94ef3f1d325ee582d411190bba53029fa1aff6a [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY.
// TODO: mark the interface with @SensitiveData when the annotation is ready (b/176110256).
* IKeystoreAuthorization interface exposes the methods for other system components to
* provide keystore with the information required to enforce authorizations on key usage.
* @hide
public interface IKeystoreAuthorization extends android.os.IInterface
/** Default implementation for IKeystoreAuthorization. */
public static class Default implements
* Allows the Android authenticators to hand over an auth token to Keystore.
* Callers require 'AddAuth' permission.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the callers do not have the 'AddAuth' permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to store the auth token in the database or if failed
* to add the auth token to the operation, if it is a per-op auth token.
* @param authToken The auth token created by an authenticator, upon user authentication.
@Override public void addAuthToken( authToken) throws android.os.RemoteException
* Unlocks the keystore for the given user id.
* Callers require 'Unlock' permission.
* Super-Encryption Key:
* When the device is unlocked (and password is non-null), Keystore stores in memory
* a super-encryption key derived from the password that protects UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED
* keys; this key is wiped from memory when the device is locked.
* If unlockingSids is non-empty on lock, then before the super-encryption key is wiped from
* memory, a copy of it is stored in memory encrypted with a fresh AES key. This key is then
* imported into KM, tagged such that it can be used given a valid, recent auth token for any
* of the unlockingSids.
* Options for unlock:
* - If the password is non-null, the super-encryption key is re-derived as above.
* - If the password is null, then if a suitable auth token to access the encrypted
* Super-encryption key stored in KM has been sent to keystore (via addAuthToken), the
* encrypted super-encryption key is recovered so that UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED keys can
* be used once again.
* - If neither of these are met, then the operation fails.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the callers do not have the 'Unlock' permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to perform lock/unlock operations due to various
* `ResponseCode::VALUE_CORRUPTED` - if the super key can not be decrypted.
* `ResponseCode::KEY_NOT_FOUND` - if the super key is not found.
* @param lockScreenEvent whether the lock screen locked or unlocked
* @param userId android user id
* @param password synthetic password derived from the user's LSKF, must be null on lock
* @param unlockingSids list of biometric SIDs for this user, ignored on unlock
@Override public void onLockScreenEvent(int lockScreenEvent, int userId, byte[] password, long[] unlockingSids) throws android.os.RemoteException
* Allows Credstore to retrieve a HardwareAuthToken and a TimestampToken.
* Identity Credential Trusted App can run either in the TEE or in other secure Hardware.
* So, credstore always need to retrieve a TimestampToken along with a HardwareAuthToken.
* The passed in |challenge| parameter must always be non-zero.
* The returned TimestampToken will always have its |challenge| field set to
* the |challenge| parameter.
* This method looks through auth-tokens cached by keystore which match
* the passed-in |secureUserId|.
* The most recent matching auth token which has a |challenge| field which matches
* the passed-in |challenge| parameter is returned.
* In this case the |authTokenMaxAgeMillis| parameter is not used.
* Otherwise, the most recent matching auth token which is younger
* than |authTokenMaxAgeMillis| is returned.
* This method is called by credstore (and only credstore).
* The caller requires 'get_auth_token' permission.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the caller does not have the 'get_auth_token'
* permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to obtain an authtoken from the database.
* `ResponseCode::NO_AUTH_TOKEN_FOUND` - a matching auth token is not found.
* `ResponseCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT` - if the passed-in |challenge| parameter is zero.
@Override public getAuthTokensForCredStore(long challenge, long secureUserId, long authTokenMaxAgeMillis) throws android.os.RemoteException
return null;
public android.os.IBinder asBinder() {
return null;
/** Local-side IPC implementation stub class. */
public static abstract class Stub extends android.os.Binder implements
/** Construct the stub at attach it to the interface. */
public Stub()
this.attachInterface(this, DESCRIPTOR);
* Cast an IBinder object into an interface,
* generating a proxy if needed.
public static asInterface(android.os.IBinder obj)
if ((obj==null)) {
return null;
android.os.IInterface iin = obj.queryLocalInterface(DESCRIPTOR);
if (((iin!=null)&&(iin instanceof {
return ((;
return new;
@Override public android.os.IBinder asBinder()
return this;
/** @hide */
public static java.lang.String getDefaultTransactionName(int transactionCode)
switch (transactionCode)
case TRANSACTION_addAuthToken:
return "addAuthToken";
case TRANSACTION_onLockScreenEvent:
return "onLockScreenEvent";
case TRANSACTION_getAuthTokensForCredStore:
return "getAuthTokensForCredStore";
return null;
/** @hide */
public java.lang.String getTransactionName(int transactionCode)
return this.getDefaultTransactionName(transactionCode);
@Override public boolean onTransact(int code, android.os.Parcel data, android.os.Parcel reply, int flags) throws android.os.RemoteException
java.lang.String descriptor = DESCRIPTOR;
if (code >= android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION && code <= android.os.IBinder.LAST_CALL_TRANSACTION) {
switch (code)
return true;
switch (code)
case TRANSACTION_addAuthToken:
{ _arg0;
_arg0 = data.readTypedObject(;
case TRANSACTION_onLockScreenEvent:
int _arg0;
_arg0 = data.readInt();
int _arg1;
_arg1 = data.readInt();
byte[] _arg2;
_arg2 = data.createByteArray();
long[] _arg3;
_arg3 = data.createLongArray();
this.onLockScreenEvent(_arg0, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3);
case TRANSACTION_getAuthTokensForCredStore:
long _arg0;
_arg0 = data.readLong();
long _arg1;
_arg1 = data.readLong();
long _arg2;
_arg2 = data.readLong();
data.enforceNoDataAvail(); _result = this.getAuthTokensForCredStore(_arg0, _arg1, _arg2);
reply.writeTypedObject(_result, android.os.Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE);
return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
return true;
private static class Proxy implements
private android.os.IBinder mRemote;
Proxy(android.os.IBinder remote)
mRemote = remote;
@Override public android.os.IBinder asBinder()
return mRemote;
public java.lang.String getInterfaceDescriptor()
* Allows the Android authenticators to hand over an auth token to Keystore.
* Callers require 'AddAuth' permission.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the callers do not have the 'AddAuth' permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to store the auth token in the database or if failed
* to add the auth token to the operation, if it is a per-op auth token.
* @param authToken The auth token created by an authenticator, upon user authentication.
@Override public void addAuthToken( authToken) throws android.os.RemoteException
android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(asBinder());
android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
try {
_data.writeTypedObject(authToken, 0);
boolean _status = mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_addAuthToken, _data, _reply, android.os.IBinder.FLAG_CLEAR_BUF);
finally {
* Unlocks the keystore for the given user id.
* Callers require 'Unlock' permission.
* Super-Encryption Key:
* When the device is unlocked (and password is non-null), Keystore stores in memory
* a super-encryption key derived from the password that protects UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED
* keys; this key is wiped from memory when the device is locked.
* If unlockingSids is non-empty on lock, then before the super-encryption key is wiped from
* memory, a copy of it is stored in memory encrypted with a fresh AES key. This key is then
* imported into KM, tagged such that it can be used given a valid, recent auth token for any
* of the unlockingSids.
* Options for unlock:
* - If the password is non-null, the super-encryption key is re-derived as above.
* - If the password is null, then if a suitable auth token to access the encrypted
* Super-encryption key stored in KM has been sent to keystore (via addAuthToken), the
* encrypted super-encryption key is recovered so that UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED keys can
* be used once again.
* - If neither of these are met, then the operation fails.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the callers do not have the 'Unlock' permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to perform lock/unlock operations due to various
* `ResponseCode::VALUE_CORRUPTED` - if the super key can not be decrypted.
* `ResponseCode::KEY_NOT_FOUND` - if the super key is not found.
* @param lockScreenEvent whether the lock screen locked or unlocked
* @param userId android user id
* @param password synthetic password derived from the user's LSKF, must be null on lock
* @param unlockingSids list of biometric SIDs for this user, ignored on unlock
@Override public void onLockScreenEvent(int lockScreenEvent, int userId, byte[] password, long[] unlockingSids) throws android.os.RemoteException
android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(asBinder());
android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain();
try {
boolean _status = mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_onLockScreenEvent, _data, _reply, android.os.IBinder.FLAG_CLEAR_BUF);
finally {
* Allows Credstore to retrieve a HardwareAuthToken and a TimestampToken.
* Identity Credential Trusted App can run either in the TEE or in other secure Hardware.
* So, credstore always need to retrieve a TimestampToken along with a HardwareAuthToken.
* The passed in |challenge| parameter must always be non-zero.
* The returned TimestampToken will always have its |challenge| field set to
* the |challenge| parameter.
* This method looks through auth-tokens cached by keystore which match
* the passed-in |secureUserId|.
* The most recent matching auth token which has a |challenge| field which matches
* the passed-in |challenge| parameter is returned.
* In this case the |authTokenMaxAgeMillis| parameter is not used.
* Otherwise, the most recent matching auth token which is younger
* than |authTokenMaxAgeMillis| is returned.
* This method is called by credstore (and only credstore).
* The caller requires 'get_auth_token' permission.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the caller does not have the 'get_auth_token'
* permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to obtain an authtoken from the database.
* `ResponseCode::NO_AUTH_TOKEN_FOUND` - a matching auth token is not found.
* `ResponseCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT` - if the passed-in |challenge| parameter is zero.
@Override public getAuthTokensForCredStore(long challenge, long secureUserId, long authTokenMaxAgeMillis) throws android.os.RemoteException
android.os.Parcel _data = android.os.Parcel.obtain(asBinder());
android.os.Parcel _reply = android.os.Parcel.obtain(); _result;
try {
boolean _status = mRemote.transact(Stub.TRANSACTION_getAuthTokensForCredStore, _data, _reply, android.os.IBinder.FLAG_CLEAR_BUF);
_result = _reply.readTypedObject(;
finally {
return _result;
static final int TRANSACTION_addAuthToken = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 0);
static final int TRANSACTION_onLockScreenEvent = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 1);
static final int TRANSACTION_getAuthTokensForCredStore = (android.os.IBinder.FIRST_CALL_TRANSACTION + 2);
/** @hide */
public int getMaxTransactionId()
return 2;
public static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTOR = "android$security$authorization$IKeystoreAuthorization".replace('$', '.');
* Allows the Android authenticators to hand over an auth token to Keystore.
* Callers require 'AddAuth' permission.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the callers do not have the 'AddAuth' permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to store the auth token in the database or if failed
* to add the auth token to the operation, if it is a per-op auth token.
* @param authToken The auth token created by an authenticator, upon user authentication.
public void addAuthToken( authToken) throws android.os.RemoteException;
* Unlocks the keystore for the given user id.
* Callers require 'Unlock' permission.
* Super-Encryption Key:
* When the device is unlocked (and password is non-null), Keystore stores in memory
* a super-encryption key derived from the password that protects UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED
* keys; this key is wiped from memory when the device is locked.
* If unlockingSids is non-empty on lock, then before the super-encryption key is wiped from
* memory, a copy of it is stored in memory encrypted with a fresh AES key. This key is then
* imported into KM, tagged such that it can be used given a valid, recent auth token for any
* of the unlockingSids.
* Options for unlock:
* - If the password is non-null, the super-encryption key is re-derived as above.
* - If the password is null, then if a suitable auth token to access the encrypted
* Super-encryption key stored in KM has been sent to keystore (via addAuthToken), the
* encrypted super-encryption key is recovered so that UNLOCKED_DEVICE_REQUIRED keys can
* be used once again.
* - If neither of these are met, then the operation fails.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the callers do not have the 'Unlock' permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to perform lock/unlock operations due to various
* `ResponseCode::VALUE_CORRUPTED` - if the super key can not be decrypted.
* `ResponseCode::KEY_NOT_FOUND` - if the super key is not found.
* @param lockScreenEvent whether the lock screen locked or unlocked
* @param userId android user id
* @param password synthetic password derived from the user's LSKF, must be null on lock
* @param unlockingSids list of biometric SIDs for this user, ignored on unlock
public void onLockScreenEvent(int lockScreenEvent, int userId, byte[] password, long[] unlockingSids) throws android.os.RemoteException;
* Allows Credstore to retrieve a HardwareAuthToken and a TimestampToken.
* Identity Credential Trusted App can run either in the TEE or in other secure Hardware.
* So, credstore always need to retrieve a TimestampToken along with a HardwareAuthToken.
* The passed in |challenge| parameter must always be non-zero.
* The returned TimestampToken will always have its |challenge| field set to
* the |challenge| parameter.
* This method looks through auth-tokens cached by keystore which match
* the passed-in |secureUserId|.
* The most recent matching auth token which has a |challenge| field which matches
* the passed-in |challenge| parameter is returned.
* In this case the |authTokenMaxAgeMillis| parameter is not used.
* Otherwise, the most recent matching auth token which is younger
* than |authTokenMaxAgeMillis| is returned.
* This method is called by credstore (and only credstore).
* The caller requires 'get_auth_token' permission.
* ## Error conditions:
* `ResponseCode::PERMISSION_DENIED` - if the caller does not have the 'get_auth_token'
* permission.
* `ResponseCode::SYSTEM_ERROR` - if failed to obtain an authtoken from the database.
* `ResponseCode::NO_AUTH_TOKEN_FOUND` - a matching auth token is not found.
* `ResponseCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT` - if the passed-in |challenge| parameter is zero.
public getAuthTokensForCredStore(long challenge, long secureUserId, long authTokenMaxAgeMillis) throws android.os.RemoteException;