blob: 29ec5eb271af0f743dac34e268c9b9d59e0241a9 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is auto-generated. DO NOT MODIFY.
* TranscodingSessionStats encapsulated the stats of the a TranscodingSession.
* {@hide}
public class TranscodingSessionStats implements android.os.Parcelable
/** System time of when the session is created. */
public long sessionCreatedTimeUs = 0L;
/** System time of when the session is finished. */
public long sessionFinishedTimeUs = 0L;
/** Total time spend on transcoding, exclude the time in pause. */
public long totalProcessingTimeUs = 0L;
* Total time spend on handling the session, include the time in pause.
* The totaltimeUs is actually the same as sessionFinishedTimeUs - sessionCreatedTimeUs.
public long totalTimeUs = 0L;
public static final android.os.Parcelable.Creator<TranscodingSessionStats> CREATOR = new android.os.Parcelable.Creator<TranscodingSessionStats>() {
public TranscodingSessionStats createFromParcel(android.os.Parcel _aidl_source) {
TranscodingSessionStats _aidl_out = new TranscodingSessionStats();
return _aidl_out;
public TranscodingSessionStats[] newArray(int _aidl_size) {
return new TranscodingSessionStats[_aidl_size];
@Override public final void writeToParcel(android.os.Parcel _aidl_parcel, int _aidl_flag)
int _aidl_start_pos = _aidl_parcel.dataPosition();
int _aidl_end_pos = _aidl_parcel.dataPosition();
_aidl_parcel.writeInt(_aidl_end_pos - _aidl_start_pos);
public final void readFromParcel(android.os.Parcel _aidl_parcel)
int _aidl_start_pos = _aidl_parcel.dataPosition();
int _aidl_parcelable_size = _aidl_parcel.readInt();
try {
if (_aidl_parcelable_size < 4) throw new android.os.BadParcelableException("Parcelable too small");;
if (_aidl_parcel.dataPosition() - _aidl_start_pos >= _aidl_parcelable_size) return;
sessionCreatedTimeUs = _aidl_parcel.readLong();
if (_aidl_parcel.dataPosition() - _aidl_start_pos >= _aidl_parcelable_size) return;
sessionFinishedTimeUs = _aidl_parcel.readLong();
if (_aidl_parcel.dataPosition() - _aidl_start_pos >= _aidl_parcelable_size) return;
totalProcessingTimeUs = _aidl_parcel.readLong();
if (_aidl_parcel.dataPosition() - _aidl_start_pos >= _aidl_parcelable_size) return;
totalTimeUs = _aidl_parcel.readLong();
} finally {
if (_aidl_start_pos > (Integer.MAX_VALUE - _aidl_parcelable_size)) {
throw new android.os.BadParcelableException("Overflow in the size of parcelable");
_aidl_parcel.setDataPosition(_aidl_start_pos + _aidl_parcelable_size);
public int describeContents() {
int _mask = 0;
return _mask;