blob: 382003c8f643135ee6178f9c381e5f09b04a12c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
* Copyright (C) 2014-2016, International Business Machines Corporation and
* others. All Rights Reserved.
import java.text.CharacterIterator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
* @author tomzhang
* @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android
public class SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator extends BreakIterator {
private BreakIterator delegate;
private UCharacterIterator text; // TODO(Tom): suffice to move into the local scope in next() ?
private CharsTrie backwardsTrie; // i.e. ".srM" for Mrs.
private CharsTrie forwardsPartialTrie; // Has ".a" for "a.M."
* @param adoptBreakIterator
* break iterator to adopt
* @param forwardsPartialTrie
* forward & partial char trie to adopt
* @param backwardsTrie
* backward trie to adopt
public SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(BreakIterator adoptBreakIterator, CharsTrie forwardsPartialTrie,
CharsTrie backwardsTrie) {
this.delegate = adoptBreakIterator;
this.forwardsPartialTrie = forwardsPartialTrie;
this.backwardsTrie = backwardsTrie;
* Reset the filter from the delegate.
private final void resetState() {
text = UCharacterIterator.getInstance((CharacterIterator) delegate.getText().clone());
* Is there an exception at this point?
* @param n the location of the possible break
* @return
private final boolean breakExceptionAt(int n) {
// Note: the C++ version of this function is SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator::breakExceptionAt()
int bestPosn = -1;
int bestValue = -1;
// loops while 'n' points to an exception
int uch;
// Assume a space is following the '.' (so we handle the case: "Mr. /Brown")
if ((uch = text.previousCodePoint()) == ' ') { // TODO: skip a class of chars here??
// TODO only do this the 1st time?
} else {
uch = text.nextCodePoint();
while ((uch = text.previousCodePoint()) >= 0) { // more to consume backwards
BytesTrie.Result r = backwardsTrie.nextForCodePoint(uch);
if (r.hasValue()) { // remember the best match so far
bestPosn = text.getIndex();
bestValue = backwardsTrie.getValue();
if (!r.hasNext()) {
backwardsTrie.reset(); // for equals() & hashCode()
if (bestPosn >= 0) {
if (bestValue == Builder.MATCH) { // exact match!
return true; // Exception here.
} else if (bestValue == Builder.PARTIAL && forwardsPartialTrie != null) {
// make sure there's a forward trie
// We matched the "Ph." in "Ph.D." - now we need to run everything through the forwards trie
// to see if it matches something going forward.
BytesTrie.Result rfwd = BytesTrie.Result.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE;
text.setIndex(bestPosn); // hope that's close ..
while ((uch = text.nextCodePoint()) != BreakIterator.DONE
&& ((rfwd = forwardsPartialTrie.nextForCodePoint(uch)).hasNext())) {
forwardsPartialTrie.reset(); // for equals() & hashCode()
if (rfwd.matches()) {
// Exception here
return true;
} // else fall through
} // else fall through
} // else fall through
return false; // No exception here.
* Given that the delegate has already given its "initial" answer,
* find the NEXT actual (non-suppressed) break.
* @param n initial position from delegate
* @return new break position or BreakIterator.DONE
private final int internalNext(int n) {
if (n == BreakIterator.DONE || // at end or
backwardsTrie == null) { // .. no backwards table loaded == no exceptions
return n;
final int textLen = text.getLength();
while (n != BreakIterator.DONE && n != textLen) {
// outer loop runs once per underlying break (from fDelegate).
// loops while 'n' points to an exception.
if (breakExceptionAt(n)) {
// n points to a break exception
n =;
} else {
// no exception at this spot
return n;
return n; //hit underlying DONE or break at end of text
* Given that the delegate has already given its "initial" answer,
* find the PREV actual (non-suppressed) break.
* @param n initial position from delegate
* @return new break position or BreakIterator.DONE
private final int internalPrev(int n) {
if (n == 0 || n == BreakIterator.DONE || // at end or
backwardsTrie == null) { // .. no backwards table loaded == no exceptions
return n;
while (n != BreakIterator.DONE && n != 0) {
// outer loop runs once per underlying break (from fDelegate).
// loops while 'n' points to an exception.
if (breakExceptionAt(n)) {
// n points to a break exception
n = delegate.previous();
} else {
// no exception at this spot
return n;
return n; //hit underlying DONE or break at end of text
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator other = (SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator) obj;
// TODO(ICU-21575): CharsTrie.equals() is not defined.
// Should compare the underlying data, and can then stop resetting after iteration.
return delegate.equals(other.delegate) && text.equals(other.text)
&& backwardsTrie.equals(other.backwardsTrie)
&& forwardsPartialTrie.equals(other.forwardsPartialTrie);
public int hashCode() {
// TODO(ICU-21575): CharsTrie.hashCode() is not defined.
return (forwardsPartialTrie.hashCode() * 39) + (backwardsTrie.hashCode() * 11)
+ delegate.hashCode();
public Object clone() {
SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator other = (SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator) super.clone();
try {
if (delegate != null) {
other.delegate = (BreakIterator) delegate.clone();
if (text != null) {
other.text = (UCharacterIterator) text.clone();
if (backwardsTrie != null) {
other.backwardsTrie = backwardsTrie.clone();
if (forwardsPartialTrie != null) {
other.forwardsPartialTrie = forwardsPartialTrie.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new ICUCloneNotSupportedException(e);
return other;
public int first() {
// Don't suppress a break opportunity at the beginning of text.
return delegate.first();
public int preceding(int offset) {
return internalPrev(delegate.preceding(offset));
public int previous() {
return internalPrev(delegate.previous());
public int current() {
return delegate.current();
public boolean isBoundary(int offset) {
if(!delegate.isBoundary(offset)) {
return false; // No underlying break to suppress?
// delegate thinks there's a break…
if(backwardsTrie == null) {
return true; // no data
return !breakExceptionAt(offset); // if there's an exception: no break.
public int next() {
return internalNext(;
public int next(int n) {
return internalNext(;
public int following(int offset) {
return internalNext(delegate.following(offset));
public int last() {
// Don't suppress a break opportunity at the end of text.
return delegate.last();
public CharacterIterator getText() {
return delegate.getText();
public void setText(CharacterIterator newText) {
* @hide Only a subset of ICU is exposed in Android
public static class Builder extends FilteredBreakIteratorBuilder {
* filter set to store all exceptions
private HashSet<CharSequence> filterSet = new HashSet<>();
static final int PARTIAL = (1 << 0); // < partial - need to run through forward trie
static final int MATCH = (1 << 1); // < exact match - skip this one.
static final int SuppressInReverse = (1 << 0);
static final int AddToForward = (1 << 1);
public Builder(Locale loc) {
* Create SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder using given locale
* @param loc the locale to get filtered iterators
public Builder(ULocale loc) {
ICUResourceBundle rb = ICUResourceBundle.getBundleInstance(
ICUResourceBundle breaks = rb.findWithFallback("exceptions/SentenceBreak");
if (breaks != null) {
for (int index = 0, size = breaks.getSize(); index < size; ++index) {
ICUResourceBundle b = (ICUResourceBundle) breaks.get(index);
String br = b.getString();
* Create SimpleFilteredBreakIteratorBuilder with no exception
public Builder() {
public boolean suppressBreakAfter(CharSequence str) {
return filterSet.add(str);
public boolean unsuppressBreakAfter(CharSequence str) {
return filterSet.remove(str);
public BreakIterator wrapIteratorWithFilter(BreakIterator adoptBreakIterator) {
if( filterSet.isEmpty() ) {
// Short circuit - nothing to except.
return adoptBreakIterator;
CharsTrieBuilder builder = new CharsTrieBuilder();
CharsTrieBuilder builder2 = new CharsTrieBuilder();
int revCount = 0;
int fwdCount = 0;
int subCount = filterSet.size();
CharSequence[] ustrs = new CharSequence[subCount];
int[] partials = new int[subCount];
CharsTrie backwardsTrie = null; // i.e. ".srM" for Mrs.
CharsTrie forwardsPartialTrie = null; // Has ".a" for "a.M."
int i = 0;
for (CharSequence s : filterSet) {
ustrs[i] = s; // copy by value?
partials[i] = 0; // default: no partial
for (i = 0; i < subCount; i++) {
String thisStr = ustrs[i].toString(); // TODO: don't cast to String?
int nn = thisStr.indexOf('.'); // TODO: non-'.' abbreviations
if (nn > -1 && (nn + 1) != thisStr.length()) {
// is partial.
// is it unique?
int sameAs = -1;
for (int j = 0; j < subCount; j++) {
if (j == i)
if (thisStr.regionMatches(0, ustrs[j].toString() /* TODO */, 0, nn + 1)) {
if (partials[j] == 0) { // hasn't been processed yet
partials[j] = SuppressInReverse | AddToForward;
} else if ((partials[j] & SuppressInReverse) != 0) {
sameAs = j; // the other entry is already in the reverse table.
if ((sameAs == -1) && (partials[i] == 0)) {
StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder(thisStr.substring(0, nn + 1));
// first one - add the prefix to the reverse table.
builder.add(prefix, PARTIAL);
partials[i] = SuppressInReverse | AddToForward;
for (i = 0; i < subCount; i++) {
final String thisStr = ustrs[i].toString(); // TODO
if (partials[i] == 0) {
StringBuilder reversed = new StringBuilder(thisStr).reverse();
builder.add(reversed, MATCH);
} else {
// an optimization would be to only add the portion after the '.'
// for example, for "Ph.D." we store ".hP" in the reverse table. We could just store "D." in the
// forward,
// instead of "Ph.D." since we already know the "Ph." part is a match.
// would need the trie to be able to hold 0-length strings, though.
builder2.add(thisStr, MATCH); // forward
if (revCount > 0) {
backwardsTrie =;
if (fwdCount > 0) {
forwardsPartialTrie =;
return new SimpleFilteredSentenceBreakIterator(adoptBreakIterator, forwardsPartialTrie, backwardsTrie);