Explain how to add service_contexts for stable-c mapper

Stable-c mapper instance should be declared in two ways:
- vintf manifest
- service_contexts

The latter part was missing.

Bug: 336010345
Change-Id: I7bd776bf7d943049ef319c90739dae10071409ab
Test: documentation
diff --git a/graphics/mapper/stable-c/README.md b/graphics/mapper/stable-c/README.md
index 0b9b499..919119a 100644
--- a/graphics/mapper/stable-c/README.md
+++ b/graphics/mapper/stable-c/README.md
@@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
 defines that the IMapper 5.0 library is provided by `/vendor/lib[64]/hw/mapper.minigbm.so`.
+ServiceManager should be able to `find` the instance. The instance should be labelled in
+`service_contexts` as follows:
+mapper/minigbm    u:object_r:hal_graphics_mapper_service:s0
 This library must export the following `extern "C"` symbols: