blob: c48b3062b7553fe012b51c34d438ae0fbc565234 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest;
import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.Suppress;
import android.util.Log;
import org.junit.runner.Computer;
import org.junit.runner.Description;
import org.junit.runner.Request;
import org.junit.runner.Runner;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.Filter;
import org.junit.runner.manipulation.NoTestsRemainException;
import org.junit.runner.notification.RunNotifier;
import org.junit.runners.model.InitializationError;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Builds a {@link Request} from test classes in given apk paths, filtered on provided set of
* restrictions.
public class TestRequestBuilder {
private static final String LOG_TAG = "TestRequestBuilder";
public static final String LARGE_SIZE = "large";
public static final String MEDIUM_SIZE = "medium";
public static final String SMALL_SIZE = "small";
static final String EMULATOR_HARDWARE = "goldfish";
private String[] mApkPaths;
private TestLoader mTestLoader;
private ClassAndMethodFilter mClassMethodFilter = new ClassAndMethodFilter();
private Filter mFilter = new AnnotationExclusionFilter(Suppress.class)
.intersect(new SdkSuppressFilter())
.intersect(new RequiresDeviceFilter())
private boolean mSkipExecution = false;
private String mTestPackageName = null;
private final DeviceBuild mDeviceBuild;
* Accessor interface for retrieving device build properties.
* <p/>
* Used so unit tests can mock calls
static interface DeviceBuild {
* Returns the SDK API level for current device.
int getSdkVersionInt();
* Returns the hardware type of the current device.
String getHardware();
private static class DeviceBuildImpl implements DeviceBuild {
public int getSdkVersionInt() {
return android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
public String getHardware() {
return android.os.Build.HARDWARE;
* Helper parent class for {@link Filter} that allows suites to run if any child matches.
private abstract static class ParentFilter extends Filter {
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
if (description.isTest()) {
return evaluateTest(description);
// this is a suite, explicitly check if any children should run
for (Description each : description.getChildren()) {
if (shouldRun(each)) {
return true;
// no children to run, filter this out
return false;
* Determine if given test description matches filter.
* @param description the {@link Description} describing the test
* @return <code>true</code> if matched
protected abstract boolean evaluateTest(Description description);
* Filter that only runs tests whose method or class has been annotated with given filter.
private static class AnnotationInclusionFilter extends ParentFilter {
private final Class<? extends Annotation> mAnnotationClass;
AnnotationInclusionFilter(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
mAnnotationClass = annotation;
* Determine if given test description matches filter.
* @param description the {@link Description} describing the test
* @return <code>true</code> if matched
protected boolean evaluateTest(Description description) {
return description.getAnnotation(mAnnotationClass) != null ||
protected Class<? extends Annotation> getAnnotationClass() {
return mAnnotationClass;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String describe() {
return String.format("annotation %s", mAnnotationClass.getName());
* A filter for test sizes.
* <p/>
* Will match if test method has given size annotation, or class does, but only if method does
* not have any other size annotations. ie method size annotation overrides class size
* annotation.
private static class SizeFilter extends AnnotationInclusionFilter {
private static final Set<Class<?>> ALL_SIZES = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new
HashSet<Class<?>>(Arrays.asList(SmallTest.class, MediumTest.class,
SizeFilter(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
protected boolean evaluateTest(Description description) {
final Class<?> testClass = description.getTestClass();
if (description.getAnnotation(getAnnotationClass()) != null) {
return true;
} else if (testClass != null && testClass.isAnnotationPresent(getAnnotationClass())) {
// size annotation matched at class level. Make sure method doesn't have any other
// size annotations
for (Annotation a : description.getAnnotations()) {
if (ALL_SIZES.contains(a.annotationType())) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
* Filter out tests whose method or class has been annotated with given filter.
private static class AnnotationExclusionFilter extends ParentFilter {
private final Class<? extends Annotation> mAnnotationClass;
AnnotationExclusionFilter(Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) {
mAnnotationClass = annotation;
protected boolean evaluateTest(Description description) {
final Class<?> testClass = description.getTestClass();
if ((testClass != null && testClass.isAnnotationPresent(mAnnotationClass))
|| (description.getAnnotation(mAnnotationClass) != null)) {
return false;
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String describe() {
return String.format("not annotation %s", mAnnotationClass.getName());
private class SdkSuppressFilter extends ParentFilter {
protected boolean evaluateTest(Description description) {
final SdkSuppress s = getAnnotationForTest(description);
if (s != null && getDeviceSdkInt() < s.minSdkVersion()) {
return false;
return true;
private SdkSuppress getAnnotationForTest(Description description) {
final SdkSuppress s = description.getAnnotation(SdkSuppress.class);
if (s != null) {
return s;
final Class<?> testClass = description.getTestClass();
if (testClass != null) {
return testClass.getAnnotation(SdkSuppress.class);
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String describe() {
return String.format("skip tests annotated with SdkSuppress if necessary");
* Class that filters out tests annotated with {@link RequestDevice} when running on emulator
private class RequiresDeviceFilter extends AnnotationExclusionFilter {
RequiresDeviceFilter() {
protected boolean evaluateTest(Description description) {
if (!super.evaluateTest(description)) {
// annotation is present - check if device is an emulator
return !EMULATOR_HARDWARE.equals(getDeviceHardware());
return true;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String describe() {
return String.format("skip tests annotated with RequiresDevice if necessary");
private static class ShardingFilter extends Filter {
private final int mNumShards;
private final int mShardIndex;
ShardingFilter(int numShards, int shardIndex) {
mNumShards = numShards;
mShardIndex = shardIndex;
public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
if (description.isTest()) {
return (Math.abs(description.hashCode()) % mNumShards) == mShardIndex;
// this is a suite, explicitly check if any children should run
for (Description each : description.getChildren()) {
if (shouldRun(each)) {
return true;
// no children to run, filter this out
return false;
* {@inheritDoc}
public String describe() {
return String.format("Shard %s of %s shards", mShardIndex, mNumShards);
* A {@link Request} that doesn't report an error if all tests are filtered out. Done for
* consistency with InstrumentationTestRunner.
private static class LenientFilterRequest extends Request {
private final Request mRequest;
private final Filter mFilter;
public LenientFilterRequest(Request classRequest, Filter filter) {
mRequest = classRequest;
mFilter = filter;
public Runner getRunner() {
try {
Runner runner = mRequest.getRunner();
return runner;
} catch (NoTestsRemainException e) {
// don't treat filtering out all tests as an error
return new BlankRunner();
* A {@link Runner} that doesn't do anything
private static class BlankRunner extends Runner {
public Description getDescription() {
return Description.createSuiteDescription("no tests found");
public void run(RunNotifier notifier) {
// do nothing
public TestRequestBuilder(PrintStream writer, String... apkPaths) {
this(new DeviceBuildImpl(), writer, apkPaths);
TestRequestBuilder(DeviceBuild deviceBuildAccessor, PrintStream writer, String... apkPaths) {
mDeviceBuild = deviceBuildAccessor;
mApkPaths = apkPaths;
mTestLoader = new TestLoader(writer);
* Add a test class to be executed. All test methods in this class will be executed.
* @param className
public void addTestClass(String className) {
* Adds a test method to run.
* <p/>
* Currently only supports one test method to be run.
public void addTestMethod(String testClassName, String testMethodName) {
Class<?> clazz = mTestLoader.loadClass(testClassName);
if (clazz != null) {
mClassMethodFilter.add(testClassName, testMethodName);
* A {@link Filter} to support the ability to filter out multiple classes#methodes combinations.
private static class ClassAndMethodFilter extends Filter {
private Map<String, MethodFilter> mClassMethodFilterMap
= new HashMap<String, MethodFilter>();
public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
if (mClassMethodFilterMap.isEmpty()) {
return true;
if (description.isTest()) {
MethodFilter mf = mClassMethodFilterMap.get(description.getClassName());
if (mf != null) {
return mf.shouldRun(description);
} else {
// Check all children, if any
for (Description child : description.getChildren()) {
if (shouldRun(child)) {
return true;
return false;
public String describe() {
return "Class and method filter";
public void add(String className, String methodName) {
MethodFilter mf = mClassMethodFilterMap.get(className);
if (mf == null) {
mf = new MethodFilter(className);
mClassMethodFilterMap.put(className, mf);
* A {@link Filter} used to filter out desired test methods from a given class
private static class MethodFilter extends Filter {
private final String mClassName;
private Set<String> mMethodNames = new HashSet<String>();
* Constructs a method filter for a given class
* @param className name of the class the method belongs to
public MethodFilter(String className) {
mClassName = className;
public String describe() {
return "Method filter for " + mClassName + " class";
public boolean shouldRun(Description description) {
if (description.isTest()) {
String methodName = description.getMethodName();
// Parameterized tests append "[#]" at the end of the method names.
// For instance, "getFoo" would become "getFoo[0]".
methodName = stripParameterizedSuffix(methodName);
return mMethodNames.contains(methodName);
// At this point, this could only be a description of this filter
return true;
// Strips out the parameterized suffix if it exists
private String stripParameterizedSuffix(String name) {
Pattern suffixPattern = Pattern.compile(".+(\\[[0-9]+\\])$");
if (suffixPattern.matcher(name).matches()) {
name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('['));
return name;
public void add(String methodName) {
* Run only tests within given java package
* @param testPackage
public void addTestPackageFilter(String testPackage) {
mTestPackageName = testPackage;
* Run only tests with given size
* @param testSize
public void addTestSizeFilter(String testSize) {
if (SMALL_SIZE.equals(testSize)) {
mFilter = mFilter.intersect(new SizeFilter(SmallTest.class));
} else if (MEDIUM_SIZE.equals(testSize)) {
mFilter = mFilter.intersect(new SizeFilter(MediumTest.class));
} else if (LARGE_SIZE.equals(testSize)) {
mFilter = mFilter.intersect(new SizeFilter(LargeTest.class));
} else {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("Unrecognized test size '%s'", testSize));
* Only run tests annotated with given annotation class.
* @param annotation the full class name of annotation
public void addAnnotationInclusionFilter(String annotation) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = loadAnnotationClass(annotation);
if (annotationClass != null) {
mFilter = mFilter.intersect(new AnnotationInclusionFilter(annotationClass));
* Skip tests annotated with given annotation class.
* @param notAnnotation the full class name of annotation
public void addAnnotationExclusionFilter(String notAnnotation) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = loadAnnotationClass(notAnnotation);
if (annotationClass != null) {
mFilter = mFilter.intersect(new AnnotationExclusionFilter(annotationClass));
public void addShardingFilter(int numShards, int shardIndex) {
mFilter = mFilter.intersect(new ShardingFilter(numShards, shardIndex));
* Build a request that will generate test started and test ended events, but will skip actual
* test execution.
public void setSkipExecution(boolean b) {
mSkipExecution = b;
* Builds the {@link TestRequest} based on current contents of added classes and methods.
* <p/>
* If no classes have been explicitly added, will scan the classpath for all tests.
public TestRequest build(Instrumentation instr, Bundle bundle) {
if (mTestLoader.isEmpty()) {
// no class restrictions have been specified. Load all classes
Request request = classes(instr, bundle, mSkipExecution, new Computer(),
mTestLoader.getLoadedClasses().toArray(new Class[0]));
return new TestRequest(mTestLoader.getLoadFailures(), new LenientFilterRequest(request, mFilter));
* Create a <code>Request</code> that, when processed, will run all the tests
* in a set of classes.
* @param instr the {@link Instrumentation} to inject into any tests that require it
* @param bundle the {@link Bundle} of command line args to inject into any tests that require
* it
* @param computer Helps construct Runners from classes
* @param classes the classes containing the tests
* @return a <code>Request</code> that will cause all tests in the classes to be run
private static Request classes(Instrumentation instr, Bundle bundle, boolean skipExecution,
Computer computer, Class<?>... classes) {
try {
AndroidRunnerBuilder builder = new AndroidRunnerBuilder(instr, bundle, skipExecution);
Runner suite = computer.getSuite(builder, classes);
return Request.runner(suite);
} catch (InitializationError e) {
throw new RuntimeException(
"Suite constructor, called as above, should always complete");
private void loadClassesFromClassPath() {
Collection<String> classNames = getClassNamesFromClassPath();
for (String className : classNames) {
private Collection<String> getClassNamesFromClassPath() {
Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Scanning classpath to find tests in apks %s",
ClassPathScanner scanner = new ClassPathScanner(mApkPaths);
ChainedClassNameFilter filter = new ChainedClassNameFilter();
// exclude inner classes
filter.add(new ExternalClassNameFilter());
if (mTestPackageName != null) {
// request to run only a specific java package, honor that
filter.add(new InclusivePackageNameFilter(mTestPackageName));
} else {
// scan all packages, but exclude junit packages
filter.addAll(new ExcludePackageNameFilter("junit"),
new ExcludePackageNameFilter("org.junit"),
new ExcludePackageNameFilter("org.hamcrest"),
// always skip AndroidTestSuite
new ExcludePackageNameFilter(""));
try {
return scanner.getClassPathEntries(filter);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to scan classes", e);
return Collections.emptyList();
* Factory method for {@link ClassPathScanner}.
* <p/>
* Exposed so unit tests can mock.
ClassPathScanner createClassPathScanner(String... apkPaths) {
return new ClassPathScanner(apkPaths);
private Class<? extends Annotation> loadAnnotationClass(String className) {
try {
Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(className);
return (Class<? extends Annotation>)clazz;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("Could not find annotation class: %s", className));
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("Class %s is not an annotation", className));
return null;
private int getDeviceSdkInt() {
return mDeviceBuild.getSdkVersionInt();
private String getDeviceHardware() {
return mDeviceBuild.getHardware();