blob: 83e8afe56429fa1f34da540a4f53c95fe1b144ee [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Network New Technologies Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.networknt.schema;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.networknt.schema.CollectorContext.Scope;
import com.networknt.schema.uri.URIFactory;
import com.networknt.schema.uri.URNURIFactory;
import com.networknt.schema.urn.URNFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.*;
public class RefValidator extends BaseJsonValidator {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RefValidator.class);
protected JsonSchemaRef schema;
private JsonSchema parentSchema;
private static final String REF_CURRENT = "#";
private static final String URN_SCHEME = URNURIFactory.SCHEME;
public RefValidator(String schemaPath, JsonNode schemaNode, JsonSchema parentSchema, ValidationContext validationContext) {
super(schemaPath, schemaNode, parentSchema, ValidatorTypeCode.REF, validationContext);
String refValue = schemaNode.asText();
this.parentSchema = parentSchema;
this.schema = getRefSchema(parentSchema, validationContext, refValue);
if (this.schema == null) {
throw new JsonSchemaException(
new MessageFormat("{0}: Reference {1} cannot be resolved"),
schemaPath, schemaPath, refValue));
static JsonSchemaRef getRefSchema(JsonSchema parentSchema, ValidationContext validationContext, String refValue) {
final String refValueOriginal = refValue;
JsonSchema parent = parentSchema;
if (!refValue.startsWith(REF_CURRENT)) {
// This will be the uri extracted from the refValue (this may be a relative or absolute uri).
final String refUri;
final int index = refValue.indexOf(REF_CURRENT);
if (index > 0) {
refUri = refValue.substring(0, index);
} else {
refUri = refValue;
// This will determine the correct absolute uri for the refUri. This decision will take into
// account the current uri of the parent schema.
URI schemaUri = determineSchemaUri(validationContext.getURIFactory(), parent, refUri);
if (schemaUri == null) {
// the URNFactory is optional
if (validationContext.getURNFactory() == null) {
return null;
// If the uri dose't determinate try to determinate with urn factory
schemaUri = determineSchemaUrn(validationContext.getURNFactory(), refUri);
if (schemaUri == null) {
return null;
} else if (URN_SCHEME.equals(schemaUri.getScheme())) {
// Try to resolve URN schema as a JsonSchemaRef to some sub-schema of the parent
JsonSchemaRef ref = getJsonSchemaRef(parent, validationContext, schemaUri.toString(), refValueOriginal);
if (ref != null) {
return ref;
// This should retrieve schemas regardless of the protocol that is in the uri.
parent = validationContext.getJsonSchemaFactory().getSchema(schemaUri, validationContext.getConfig());
if (index < 0) {
return new JsonSchemaRef(parent.findAncestor());
refValue = refValue.substring(index);
if (refValue.equals(REF_CURRENT)) {
return new JsonSchemaRef(parent.findAncestor());
return getJsonSchemaRef(parent, validationContext, refValue, refValueOriginal);
private static JsonSchemaRef getJsonSchemaRef(JsonSchema parent,
ValidationContext validationContext,
String refValue,
String refValueOriginal) {
JsonNode node = parent.getRefSchemaNode(refValue);
if (node != null) {
JsonSchemaRef ref = validationContext.getReferenceParsingInProgress(refValueOriginal);
if (ref == null) {
final JsonSchema schema = validationContext.newSchema(refValue, node, parent);
ref = new JsonSchemaRef(schema);
validationContext.setReferenceParsingInProgress(refValueOriginal, ref);
return ref;
return null;
private static URI determineSchemaUri(final URIFactory uriFactory, final JsonSchema parentSchema, final String refUri) {
URI schemaUri;
final URI currentUri = parentSchema.getCurrentUri();
try {
if (currentUri == null) {
schemaUri = uriFactory.create(refUri);
} else {
schemaUri = uriFactory.create(currentUri, refUri);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
schemaUri = null;
return schemaUri;
private static URI determineSchemaUrn(final URNFactory urnFactory, final String refUri) {
URI schemaUrn;
try {
schemaUrn = urnFactory.create(refUri);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
schemaUrn = null;
return schemaUrn;
public Set<ValidationMessage> validate(ExecutionContext executionContext, JsonNode node, JsonNode rootNode, String at) {
CollectorContext collectorContext = executionContext.getCollectorContext();
Set<ValidationMessage> errors = new HashSet<>();
Scope parentScope = collectorContext.enterDynamicScope();
try {
debug(logger, node, rootNode, at);
// This is important because if we use same JsonSchemaFactory for creating multiple JSONSchema instances,
// these schemas will be cached along with config. We have to replace the config for cached $ref references
// with the latest config. Reset the config.
if (this.schema != null) {
errors = this.schema.validate(executionContext, node, rootNode, at);
} else {
errors = Collections.emptySet();
} finally {
Scope scope = collectorContext.exitDynamicScope();
if (errors.isEmpty()) {
return errors;
public Set<ValidationMessage> walk(ExecutionContext executionContext, JsonNode node, JsonNode rootNode, String at, boolean shouldValidateSchema) {
CollectorContext collectorContext = executionContext.getCollectorContext();
Set<ValidationMessage> errors = new HashSet<>();
Scope parentScope = collectorContext.enterDynamicScope();
try {
debug(logger, node, rootNode, at);
// This is important because if we use same JsonSchemaFactory for creating multiple JSONSchema instances,
// these schemas will be cached along with config. We have to replace the config for cached $ref references
// with the latest config. Reset the config.
if (this.schema != null) {
errors = this.schema.walk(executionContext, node, rootNode, at, shouldValidateSchema);
return errors;
} finally {
Scope scope = collectorContext.exitDynamicScope();
if (shouldValidateSchema) {
if (errors.isEmpty()) {
public JsonSchemaRef getSchemaRef() {
return this.schema;
public void preloadJsonSchema() {