blob: b6fbd21807b6662cc390023cf84473b5f7e370e9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016 Network New Technologies Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.networknt.schema;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLMapper;
import com.networknt.schema.uri.*;
import com.networknt.schema.uri.URITranslator.CompositeURITranslator;
import com.networknt.schema.urn.URNFactory;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
public class JsonSchemaFactory {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory
public static class Builder {
private ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
private YAMLMapper yamlMapper = new YAMLMapper();
private String defaultMetaSchemaURI;
private final Map<String, URIFactory> uriFactoryMap = new HashMap<String, URIFactory>();
private final Map<String, URIFetcher> uriFetcherMap = new HashMap<String, URIFetcher>();
private URNFactory urnFactory;
private final ConcurrentMap<String, JsonMetaSchema> jsonMetaSchemas = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, JsonMetaSchema>();
private final Map<String, String> uriMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
private boolean enableUriSchemaCache = true;
private final CompositeURITranslator uriTranslators = new CompositeURITranslator();
public Builder() {
// Adds support for creating {@link URL}s.
final URIFactory urlFactory = new URLFactory();
for (final String scheme : URLFactory.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES) {
this.uriFactoryMap.put(scheme, urlFactory);
// Adds support for creating URNs.
this.uriFactoryMap.put(URNURIFactory.SCHEME, new URNURIFactory());
// Adds support for fetching with {@link URL}s.
final URIFetcher urlFetcher = new URLFetcher();
for (final String scheme : URLFetcher.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES) {
this.uriFetcherMap.put(scheme, urlFetcher);
// Adds support for creating and fetching with classpath {@link URL}s.
final URIFactory classpathURLFactory = new ClasspathURLFactory();
final URIFetcher classpathURLFetcher = new ClasspathURLFetcher();
for (final String scheme : ClasspathURLFactory.SUPPORTED_SCHEMES) {
this.uriFactoryMap.put(scheme, classpathURLFactory);
this.uriFetcherMap.put(scheme, classpathURLFetcher);
public Builder objectMapper(final ObjectMapper objectMapper) {
this.objectMapper = objectMapper;
return this;
public Builder yamlMapper(final YAMLMapper yamlMapper) {
this.yamlMapper = yamlMapper;
return this;
public Builder defaultMetaSchemaURI(final String defaultMetaSchemaURI) {
this.defaultMetaSchemaURI = defaultMetaSchemaURI;
return this;
* Maps a number of schemes to a {@link URIFactory}.
* @param uriFactory the uri factory that will be used for the given schemes.
* @param schemes the scheme that the uri factory will be assocaited with.
* @return this builder.
public Builder uriFactory(final URIFactory uriFactory, final String... schemes) {
return uriFactory(uriFactory, Arrays.asList(schemes));
public Builder uriFactory(final URIFactory uriFactory, final Iterable<String> schemes) {
for (final String scheme : schemes) {
this.uriFactoryMap.put(scheme, uriFactory);
return this;
* Maps a number of schemes to a {@link URIFetcher}.
* @param uriFetcher the uri fetcher that will be used for the given schemes.
* @param schemes the scheme that the uri fetcher will be assocaited with.
* @return this builder.
public Builder uriFetcher(final URIFetcher uriFetcher, final String... schemes) {
return uriFetcher(uriFetcher, Arrays.asList(schemes));
public Builder uriFetcher(final URIFetcher uriFetcher, final Iterable<String> schemes) {
for (final String scheme : schemes) {
this.uriFetcherMap.put(scheme, uriFetcher);
return this;
public Builder addMetaSchema(final JsonMetaSchema jsonMetaSchema) {
this.jsonMetaSchemas.put(normalizeMetaSchemaUri(jsonMetaSchema.getUri()) , jsonMetaSchema);
return this;
public Builder addMetaSchemas(final Collection<? extends JsonMetaSchema> jsonMetaSchemas) {
for (JsonMetaSchema jsonMetaSchema : jsonMetaSchemas) {
return this;
* @deprecated Use {@code addUriTranslator} instead.
* @param map the map of uri mappings.
* @return this builder.
public Builder addUriMappings(final Map<String, String> map) {
return this;
public Builder addUriTranslator(URITranslator translator) {
if (null != translator) {
return this;
public Builder addUrnFactory(URNFactory urnFactory) {
this.urnFactory = urnFactory;
return this;
* @deprecated No longer necessary.
* @param forceHttps ignored.
* @return this builder.
public Builder forceHttps(boolean forceHttps) {
return this;
* @deprecated No longer necessary.
* @param removeEmptyFragmentSuffix ignored.
* @return this builder.
public Builder removeEmptyFragmentSuffix(boolean removeEmptyFragmentSuffix) {
return this;
public Builder enableUriSchemaCache(boolean enableUriSchemaCache) {
this.enableUriSchemaCache = enableUriSchemaCache;
return this;
public JsonSchemaFactory build() {
// create builtin keywords with (custom) formats.
return new JsonSchemaFactory(
objectMapper == null ? new ObjectMapper() : objectMapper,
yamlMapper == null ? new YAMLMapper(): yamlMapper,
new URISchemeFactory(uriFactoryMap),
new URISchemeFetcher(uriFetcherMap),
private final ObjectMapper jsonMapper;
private final YAMLMapper yamlMapper;
private final String defaultMetaSchemaURI;
private final URISchemeFactory uriFactory;
private final URISchemeFetcher uriFetcher;
private final CompositeURITranslator uriTranslators;
private final URNFactory urnFactory;
private final Map<String, JsonMetaSchema> jsonMetaSchemas;
private final Map<String, String> uriMap;
private final ConcurrentMap<URI, JsonSchema> uriSchemaCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<URI, JsonSchema>();
private final boolean enableUriSchemaCache;
private JsonSchemaFactory(
final ObjectMapper jsonMapper,
final YAMLMapper yamlMapper,
final String defaultMetaSchemaURI,
final URISchemeFactory uriFactory,
final URISchemeFetcher uriFetcher,
final URNFactory urnFactory,
final Map<String, JsonMetaSchema> jsonMetaSchemas,
final Map<String, String> uriMap,
final boolean enableUriSchemaCache,
final CompositeURITranslator uriTranslators) {
if (jsonMapper == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("ObjectMapper must not be null");
} else if (yamlMapper == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("YAMLMapper must not be null");
} else if (defaultMetaSchemaURI == null || defaultMetaSchemaURI.trim().isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("defaultMetaSchemaURI must not be null or empty");
} else if (uriFactory == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("URIFactory must not be null");
} else if (uriFetcher == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("URIFetcher must not be null");
} else if (jsonMetaSchemas == null || jsonMetaSchemas.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Json Meta Schemas must not be null or empty");
} else if (jsonMetaSchemas.get(normalizeMetaSchemaUri(defaultMetaSchemaURI)) == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Meta Schema for default Meta Schema URI must be provided");
} else if (uriMap == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("URL Mappings must not be null");
} else if (uriTranslators == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI Translators must not be null");
this.jsonMapper = jsonMapper;
this.yamlMapper = yamlMapper;
this.defaultMetaSchemaURI = defaultMetaSchemaURI;
this.uriFactory = uriFactory;
this.uriFetcher = uriFetcher;
this.urnFactory = urnFactory;
this.jsonMetaSchemas = jsonMetaSchemas;
this.uriMap = uriMap;
this.enableUriSchemaCache = enableUriSchemaCache;
this.uriTranslators = uriTranslators;
* Builder without keywords or formats.
* <code>
* JsonSchemaFactory.builder(JsonSchemaFactory.getDraftV4()).build();
* </code>
* @return a builder instance without any keywords or formats - usually not what one needs.
public static Builder builder() {
return new Builder();
* @deprecated
* This is a method that is kept to ensure backward compatible. You shouldn't use it anymore.
* Please specify the draft version when get an instance.
* @return JsonSchemaFactory
public static JsonSchemaFactory getInstance() {
return getInstance(SpecVersion.VersionFlag.V4);
public static JsonSchemaFactory getInstance(SpecVersion.VersionFlag versionFlag) {
JsonSchemaVersion jsonSchemaVersion = checkVersion(versionFlag);
JsonMetaSchema metaSchema = jsonSchemaVersion.getInstance();
return builder()
public static JsonSchemaVersion checkVersion(SpecVersion.VersionFlag versionFlag){
if (null == versionFlag) return null;
switch (versionFlag) {
case V202012: return new Version202012();
case V201909: return new Version201909();
case V7: return new Version7();
case V6: return new Version6();
case V4: return new Version4();
default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported value" + versionFlag);
public static Builder builder(final JsonSchemaFactory blueprint) {
Builder builder = builder()
for (URITranslator translator: blueprint.uriTranslators) {
builder = builder.addUriTranslator(translator);
for (Map.Entry<String, URIFactory> entry : blueprint.uriFactory.getURIFactories().entrySet()) {
builder = builder.uriFactory(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
for (Map.Entry<String, URIFetcher> entry : blueprint.uriFetcher.getURIFetchers().entrySet()) {
builder = builder.uriFetcher(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
return builder;
protected JsonSchema newJsonSchema(final URI schemaUri, final JsonNode schemaNode, final SchemaValidatorsConfig config) {
final ValidationContext validationContext = createValidationContext(schemaNode);
return doCreate(validationContext, "#", schemaUri, schemaNode, null, false);
public JsonSchema create(ValidationContext validationContext, String schemaPath, JsonNode schemaNode, JsonSchema parentSchema) {
return doCreate(validationContext, null == schemaPath ? "#" : schemaPath, parentSchema.getCurrentUri(), schemaNode, parentSchema, false);
private JsonSchema doCreate(ValidationContext validationContext, String schemaPath, URI currentUri, JsonNode schemaNode, JsonSchema parentSchema, boolean suppressSubSchemaRetrieval) {
return JsonSchema.from(validationContext, schemaPath, currentUri, schemaNode, parentSchema, suppressSubSchemaRetrieval);
protected ValidationContext createValidationContext(final JsonNode schemaNode) {
final JsonMetaSchema jsonMetaSchema = findMetaSchemaForSchema(schemaNode);
return new ValidationContext(this.uriFactory, this.urnFactory, jsonMetaSchema, this, null);
private JsonMetaSchema findMetaSchemaForSchema(final JsonNode schemaNode) {
final JsonNode uriNode = schemaNode.get("$schema");
if (uriNode != null && !uriNode.isNull() && !uriNode.isTextual()) {
throw new JsonSchemaException("Unknown MetaSchema: " + uriNode.toString());
final String uri = uriNode == null || uriNode.isNull() ? defaultMetaSchemaURI : normalizeMetaSchemaUri(uriNode.textValue());
final JsonMetaSchema jsonMetaSchema = jsonMetaSchemas.computeIfAbsent(uri, this::fromId);
return jsonMetaSchema;
private JsonMetaSchema fromId(String id) {
// Is it a well-known dialect?
return SpecVersionDetector.detectOptionalVersion(id)
.orElseThrow(() -> new JsonSchemaException("Unknown MetaSchema: " + id));
* @return A shared {@link URI} factory that is used for creating the URI references in schemas.
public URIFactory getUriFactory() {
return this.uriFactory;
public URITranslator getUriTranslator() {
return this.uriTranslators.with(;
public JsonSchema getSchema(final String schema, final SchemaValidatorsConfig config) {
try {
final JsonNode schemaNode = jsonMapper.readTree(schema);
return newJsonSchema(null, schemaNode, config);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.error("Failed to load json schema!", ioe);
throw new JsonSchemaException(ioe);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final String schema) {
return getSchema(schema, null);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final InputStream schemaStream, final SchemaValidatorsConfig config) {
try {
final JsonNode schemaNode = jsonMapper.readTree(schemaStream);
return newJsonSchema(null, schemaNode, config);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.error("Failed to load json schema!", ioe);
throw new JsonSchemaException(ioe);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final InputStream schemaStream) {
return getSchema(schemaStream, null);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final URI schemaUri, final SchemaValidatorsConfig config) {
try {
InputStream inputStream = null;
final URITranslator uriTranslator = null == config ? getUriTranslator() : config.getUriTranslator().with(getUriTranslator());
final URI mappedUri;
try {
mappedUri = this.uriFactory.create(uriTranslator.translate(schemaUri).toString());
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
logger.error("Failed to create URI.", e);
throw new JsonSchemaException(e);
if (enableUriSchemaCache && uriSchemaCache.containsKey(mappedUri)) {
JsonSchema cachedUriSchema = uriSchemaCache.get(mappedUri);
// This is important because if we use same JsonSchemaFactory for creating multiple JSONSchema instances,
// these schemas will be cached along with config. We have to replace the config for cached $ref references
// with the latest config.
return cachedUriSchema;
try {
inputStream = this.uriFetcher.fetch(mappedUri);
final JsonNode schemaNode;
if (isYaml(mappedUri)) {
schemaNode = yamlMapper.readTree(inputStream);
} else {
schemaNode = jsonMapper.readTree(inputStream);
final JsonMetaSchema jsonMetaSchema = findMetaSchemaForSchema(schemaNode);
JsonSchema jsonSchema;
if (idMatchesSourceUri(jsonMetaSchema, schemaNode, schemaUri)) {
ValidationContext validationContext = new ValidationContext(this.uriFactory, this.urnFactory, jsonMetaSchema, this, config);
jsonSchema = doCreate(validationContext, "#", mappedUri, schemaNode, null, true /* retrieved via id, resolving will not change anything */);
} else {
final ValidationContext validationContext = createValidationContext(schemaNode);
jsonSchema = doCreate(validationContext, "#", mappedUri, schemaNode, null, false);
if (enableUriSchemaCache) {
uriSchemaCache.put(mappedUri, jsonSchema);
return jsonSchema;
} finally {
if (inputStream != null) {
} catch (IOException ioe) {
logger.error("Failed to load json schema!", ioe);
throw new JsonSchemaException(ioe);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final URI schemaUri) {
return getSchema(schemaUri, new SchemaValidatorsConfig());
public JsonSchema getSchema(final URI schemaUri, final JsonNode jsonNode, final SchemaValidatorsConfig config) {
return newJsonSchema(schemaUri, jsonNode, config);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final JsonNode jsonNode, final SchemaValidatorsConfig config) {
return newJsonSchema(null, jsonNode, config);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final URI schemaUri, final JsonNode jsonNode) {
return newJsonSchema(schemaUri, jsonNode, null);
public JsonSchema getSchema(final JsonNode jsonNode) {
return newJsonSchema(null, jsonNode, null);
private boolean idMatchesSourceUri(final JsonMetaSchema metaSchema, final JsonNode schema, final URI schemaUri) {
String id = metaSchema.readId(schema);
if (id == null || id.isEmpty()) {
return false;
boolean result = id.equals(schemaUri.toString());
logger.debug("Matching {} to {}: {}", id, schemaUri, result);
return result;
private boolean isYaml(final URI schemaUri) {
final String schemeSpecificPart = schemaUri.getSchemeSpecificPart();
final int idx = schemeSpecificPart.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx == -1) {
// no extension; assume json
return false;
final String extension = schemeSpecificPart.substring(idx);
return (".yml".equals(extension) || ".yaml".equals(extension));
static protected String normalizeMetaSchemaUri(String u) {
try {
URI uri = new URI(u);
URI newUri = new URI("https", uri.getUserInfo(), uri.getHost(), uri.getPort(), uri.getPath(), null, null);
return newUri.toString();
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
throw new JsonSchemaException("Wrong MetaSchema URI: " + u);