blob: 08f7b7a130a9e5e21bceb7eaba603e518a9eb9b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Effcee Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include "check.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "cursor.h"
#include "effcee.h"
#include "make_unique.h"
#include "to_string.h"
using Status = effcee::Result::Status;
using StringPiece = effcee::StringPiece;
using Type = effcee::Check::Type;
namespace {
// Returns a table of suffix to type mappings.
const std::vector<std::pair<StringPiece, Type>>& TypeStringTable() {
static std::vector<std::pair<StringPiece, Type>> type_str_table{
{"", Type::Simple}, {"-NEXT", Type::Next}, {"-SAME", Type::Same},
{"-DAG", Type::DAG}, {"-LABEL", Type::Label}, {"-NOT", Type::Not}};
return type_str_table;
// Returns the Check::Type value matching the suffix part of a check rule
// prefix. Assumes |suffix| is valid.
Type TypeForSuffix(StringPiece suffix) {
const auto& type_str_table = TypeStringTable();
const auto pair_iter =
std::find_if(type_str_table.begin(), type_str_table.end(),
[suffix](const std::pair<StringPiece, Type>& elem) {
return suffix == elem.first;
assert(pair_iter != type_str_table.end());
return pair_iter->second;
} // namespace
namespace effcee {
int Check::Part::CountCapturingGroups() {
if (type_ == Type::Regex) return RE2(param_).NumberOfCapturingGroups();
if (type_ == Type::VarDef) return RE2(expression_).NumberOfCapturingGroups();
return 0;
Check::Check(Type type, StringPiece param) : type_(type), param_(param) {
parts_.push_back(make_unique<Check::Part>(Part::Type::Fixed, param));
bool Check::Part::MightMatch(const VarMapping& vars) const {
return type_ != Type::VarUse ||
vars.find(ToString(VarUseName())) != vars.end();
std::string Check::Part::Regex(const VarMapping& vars) const {
switch (type_) {
case Type::Fixed:
return RE2::QuoteMeta(param_);
case Type::Regex:
return ToString(param_);
case Type::VarDef:
return std::string("(") + ToString(expression_) + ")";
case Type::VarUse: {
auto where = vars.find(ToString(VarUseName()));
if (where != vars.end()) {
// Return the escaped form of the current value of the variable.
return RE2::QuoteMeta((*where).second);
} else {
// The variable is not yet set. Should not get here.
return "";
return ""; // Unreachable. But we need to satisfy GCC.
bool Check::Matches(StringPiece* input, StringPiece* captured,
VarMapping* vars) const {
if (parts_.empty()) return false;
for (auto& part : parts_) {
if (!part->MightMatch(*vars)) return false;
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> var_def_indices;
std::ostringstream consume_regex;
int num_captures = 1; // The outer capture.
for (auto& part : parts_) {
consume_regex << part->Regex(*vars);
const auto var_def_name = part->VarDefName();
if (!var_def_name.empty()) {
var_def_indices[num_captures++] = ToString(var_def_name);
num_captures += part->NumCapturingGroups();
std::unique_ptr<StringPiece[]> captures(new StringPiece[num_captures]);
const bool matched = RE2(consume_regex.str())
.Match(*input, 0, input->size(), RE2::UNANCHORED,
captures.get(), num_captures);
if (matched) {
*captured = captures[0];
input->remove_prefix(captured->end() - input->begin());
// Update the variable mapping.
for (auto& var_def_index : var_def_indices) {
const int index = var_def_index.first;
(*vars)[var_def_index.second] = ToString(captures[index]);
return matched;
namespace {
// Returns a Result and a parts list for the given pattern. This splits out
// regular expressions as delimited by {{ and }}, and also variable uses and
// definitions. This can fail when a regular expression is invalid.
std::pair<Result, Check::Parts> PartsForPattern(StringPiece pattern) {
Check::Parts parts;
StringPiece fixed, regex, var;
using Type = Check::Part::Type;
while (!pattern.empty()) {
const auto regex_start = pattern.find("{{");
const auto regex_end = pattern.find("}}");
const auto var_start = pattern.find("[[");
const auto var_end = pattern.find("]]");
const bool regex_exists =
regex_start < regex_end && regex_end < StringPiece::npos;
const bool var_exists = var_start < var_end && var_end < StringPiece::npos;
if (regex_exists && (!var_exists || regex_start < var_start)) {
const auto consumed =
RE2::Consume(&pattern, "(.*?){{(.*?)}}", &fixed, &regex);
if (!consumed) {
assert(consumed &&
"Did not make forward progress for regex in check rule");
if (!fixed.empty()) {
parts.emplace_back(make_unique<Check::Part>(Type::Fixed, fixed));
if (!regex.empty()) {
parts.emplace_back(make_unique<Check::Part>(Type::Regex, regex));
if (parts.back()->NumCapturingGroups() < 0) {
return std::make_pair(
std::string("invalid regex: ") + ToString(regex)),
} else if (var_exists && (!regex_exists || var_start < regex_start)) {
const auto consumed =
RE2::Consume(&pattern, "(.*?)\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]", &fixed, &var);
if (!consumed) {
assert(consumed &&
"Did not make forward progress for var in check rule");
if (!fixed.empty()) {
parts.emplace_back(make_unique<Check::Part>(Type::Fixed, fixed));
if (!var.empty()) {
auto colon = var.find(":");
// A colon at the end is useless anyway, so just make it a variable
// use.
if (colon == StringPiece::npos || colon == var.size() - 1) {
parts.emplace_back(make_unique<Check::Part>(Type::VarUse, var));
} else {
StringPiece name = var.substr(0, colon);
StringPiece expression = var.substr(colon + 1, StringPiece::npos);
make_unique<Check::Part>(Type::VarDef, var, name, expression));
} else {
// There is no regex, no var def, no var use. Must be a fixed string.
parts.push_back(make_unique<Check::Part>(Type::Fixed, pattern));
return std::make_pair(Result(Result::Status::Ok), std::move(parts));
} // namespace
std::pair<Result, CheckList> ParseChecks(StringPiece str,
const Options& options) {
// Returns a pair whose first member is a result constructed from the
// given status and message, and the second member is an empy pattern.
auto failure = [](Status status, StringPiece message) {
return std::make_pair(Result(status, message), CheckList{});
if (options.prefix().size() == 0)
return failure(Status::BadOption, "Rule prefix is empty");
if (RE2::FullMatch(options.prefix(), "\\s+"))
return failure(Status::BadOption,
"Rule prefix is whitespace. That's silly.");
CheckList check_list;
const auto quoted_prefix = RE2::QuoteMeta(options.prefix());
// Match the following parts:
// .*? - Text that is not the rule prefix
// quoted_prefix - A Simple Check prefix
// (-NEXT|-SAME)? - An optional check type suffix. Two shown here.
// : - Colon
// \s* - Whitespace
// (.*?) - Captured parameter
// \s* - Whitespace
// $ - End of line
const RE2 regexp(std::string(".*?") + quoted_prefix +
Cursor cursor(str);
while (!cursor.Exhausted()) {
const auto line = cursor.RestOfLine();
StringPiece matched_param;
StringPiece suffix;
if (RE2::PartialMatch(line, regexp, &suffix, &matched_param)) {
const Type type = TypeForSuffix(suffix);
auto parts = PartsForPattern(matched_param);
if (!parts.first) return std::make_pair(parts.first, CheckList());
check_list.push_back(Check(type, matched_param, std::move(parts.second)));
if (check_list.empty()) {
return failure(
std::string("No check rules specified. Looking for prefix ") +
if (check_list[0].type() == Type::Same) {
return failure(Status::BadRule, std::string(options.prefix()) +
"-SAME can't be the first check rule");
return std::make_pair(Result(Result::Status::Ok), check_list);
} // namespace effcee