blob: 5d25485479ea6d6540a18d631a74d1545f284527 [file] [log] [blame]
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// UNSUPPORTED: c++03, c++11, c++14
// The string reported on errors changed, which makes those tests fail when run
// against already-released libc++'s.
// XFAIL: stdlib=apple-libc++ && target={{.+}}-apple-macosx{{10.15|11.0}}
// Starting in Android N (API 24), SELinux policy prevents the shell user from
// creating a FIFO file.
// XFAIL: LIBCXX-ANDROID-FIXME && !android-device-api={{21|22|23}}
// <filesystem>
// class directory_entry
// uintmax_t file_size() const;
// uintmax_t file_size(error_code const&) const noexcept;
#include <filesystem>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cassert>
#include "assert_macros.h"
#include "filesystem_test_helper.h"
#include "test_macros.h"
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
static void signatures() {
using namespace fs;
const fs::directory_entry e = {};
std::error_code ec;
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(e.file_size()), std::uintmax_t>::value, "");
static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(e.file_size(ec)), std::uintmax_t>::value,
static_assert(noexcept(e.file_size()) == false, "");
static_assert(noexcept(e.file_size(ec)) == true, "");
static void basic() {
using namespace fs;
scoped_test_env env;
const path file = env.create_file("file", 42);
const path dir = env.create_dir("dir");
const path sym = env.create_symlink("file", "sym");
directory_entry ent(file);
std::uintmax_t expect = file_size(ent);
assert(expect == 42);
// Remove the file to show that the results were already in the cache.
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == expect);
env.create_file("file", 99);
directory_entry ent(sym);
std::uintmax_t expect = file_size(ent);
assert(expect == 99);
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == 99);
static void not_regular_file() {
using namespace fs;
scoped_test_env env;
struct {
const path p;
std::errc expected_err;
} TestCases[] = {
{env.create_dir("dir"), std::errc::is_a_directory},
#ifndef _WIN32
{env.create_fifo("fifo"), std::errc::not_supported},
{env.create_directory_symlink("dir", "sym"), std::errc::is_a_directory}};
for (auto const& TC : TestCases) {
const path& p = TC.p;
directory_entry ent(p);
assert(ent.path() == p);
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC(0);
std::error_code other_ec = GetTestEC(1);
std::uintmax_t expect = file_size(p, other_ec);
std::uintmax_t got = ent.file_size(ec);
assert(got == expect);
assert(got == std::uintmax_t(-1));
assert(ec == other_ec);
assert(ErrorIs(ec, TC.expected_err));
ExceptionChecker Checker(p, TC.expected_err, "directory_entry::file_size");
TEST_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error, Checker, ent.file_size());
static void error_reporting() {
using namespace fs;
static_test_env static_env;
scoped_test_env env;
const path dir = env.create_dir("dir");
const path file = env.create_file("dir/file", 42);
const path file_out_of_dir = env.create_file("file2", 101);
const path sym_out_of_dir = env.create_symlink("dir/file", "sym");
const path sym_in_dir = env.create_symlink("file2", "dir/sym2");
const perms old_perms = status(dir).permissions();
// test a file which doesn't exist
directory_entry ent;
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
ent.assign(static_env.DNE, ec);
assert(ent.path() == static_env.DNE);
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory));
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == std::uintmax_t(-1));
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory));
ExceptionChecker Checker(static_env.DNE,
TEST_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error, Checker, ent.file_size());
// test a dead symlink
directory_entry ent;
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
std::uintmax_t expect_bad = file_size(static_env.BadSymlink, ec);
assert(expect_bad == std::uintmax_t(-1));
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory));
ec = GetTestEC();
ent.assign(static_env.BadSymlink, ec);
assert(ent.path() == static_env.BadSymlink);
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == expect_bad);
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::no_such_file_or_directory));
ExceptionChecker Checker(static_env.BadSymlink,
TEST_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error, Checker, ent.file_size());
// Windows doesn't support setting perms::none to trigger failures
// reading directories.
// test a file w/o appropriate permissions.
directory_entry ent;
std::uintmax_t expect_good = file_size(file);
permissions(dir, perms::none);
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
ent.assign(file, ec);
assert(ent.path() == file);
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::permission_denied));
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == std::uintmax_t(-1));
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::permission_denied));
ExceptionChecker Checker(file, std::errc::permission_denied, "file_size");
TEST_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error, Checker, ent.file_size());
permissions(dir, old_perms);
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == expect_good);
permissions(dir, old_perms);
// test a symlink w/o appropriate permissions.
directory_entry ent;
std::uintmax_t expect_good = file_size(sym_in_dir);
permissions(dir, perms::none);
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
ent.assign(sym_in_dir, ec);
assert(ent.path() == sym_in_dir);
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::permission_denied));
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == std::uintmax_t(-1));
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::permission_denied));
ExceptionChecker Checker(sym_in_dir, std::errc::permission_denied,
TEST_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error, Checker, ent.file_size());
permissions(dir, old_perms);
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == expect_good);
permissions(dir, old_perms);
// test a symlink to a file w/o appropriate permissions
directory_entry ent;
std::uintmax_t expect_good = file_size(sym_out_of_dir);
permissions(dir, perms::none);
std::error_code ec = GetTestEC();
ent.assign(sym_out_of_dir, ec);
assert(ent.path() == sym_out_of_dir);
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == std::uintmax_t(-1));
assert(ErrorIs(ec, std::errc::permission_denied));
ExceptionChecker Checker(sym_out_of_dir, std::errc::permission_denied,
TEST_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION(filesystem_error, Checker, ent.file_size());
permissions(dir, old_perms);
ec = GetTestEC();
assert(ent.file_size(ec) == expect_good);
int main(int, char**) {
return 0;