blob: b834d534a6898770fe951bb50e0703c94fe8a293 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/reporting/structured_metrics_reporting_service.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/structured_metrics_recorder.h"
#include "components/metrics/structured/structured_metrics_scheduler.h"
#include "components/metrics/unsent_log_store.h"
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(StructuredMetricsServiceTest, RotateLogs);
class PrefRegistrySimple;
namespace metrics {
class StructuredMetricsServiceTestBase;
class TestStructuredMetricsServiceDisabled;
} // namespace metrics
namespace metrics::structured {
class OobeStructuredMetricsWatcher;
class StructuredMetricsServiceTest;
class StructuredMetricsMixin;
FORWARD_DECLARE_TEST(StructuredMetricsServiceTest, RotateLogs);
// The Structured Metrics Service is responsible for collecting and uploading
// Structured Metric events.
class StructuredMetricsService final {
StructuredMetricsService(MetricsServiceClient* client,
PrefService* local_state,
std::unique_ptr<StructuredMetricsRecorder> recorder);
StructuredMetricsService(const StructuredMetricsService&) = delete;
StructuredMetricsService& operator=(StructuredMetricsService&) = delete;
void EnableRecording();
void DisableRecording();
void EnableReporting();
void DisableReporting();
// Flushes any event currently in the recorder to prefs.
void Flush(metrics::MetricsLogsEventManager::CreateReason reason);
// Clears all event and log data.
void Purge();
MetricsServiceClient* GetMetricsServiceClient() const;
bool reporting_active() const {
return reporting_service_->reporting_active();
bool recording_enabled() const { return recorder_->recording_enabled(); }
StructuredMetricsRecorder* recorder() { return recorder_.get(); }
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
metrics::LogStore* log_store() { return reporting_service_->log_store(); }
friend class StructuredMetricsServiceTest;
friend class StructuredMetricsMixin;
friend class OobeStructuredMetricsWatcher;
friend class metrics::StructuredMetricsServiceTestBase;
// Sets the instance of the recorder used for test.
void SetRecorderForTest(std::unique_ptr<StructuredMetricsRecorder> recorder);
// Callback function to get the upload interval.
base::TimeDelta GetUploadTimeInterval();
// Creates a new log and sends any currently stages logs.
void RotateLogsAndSend();
// Collects the events from the recorder and builds a new log.
void BuildAndStoreLog(metrics::MetricsLogsEventManager::CreateReason reason);
// Starts the initialization process for |this|.
void Initialize();
// Fills out the UMA proto to be sent.
void InitializeUmaProto(ChromeUserMetricsExtension& uma_proto);
// Triggers an upload of recorded events outside of the normal cadence.
// This doesn't interfere with the normal cadence.
void ManualUpload();
// Helper function to serialize a ChromeUserMetricsExtension proto.
static std::string SerializeLog(const ChromeUserMetricsExtension& uma_proto);
// Retrieves the storage parameters to control the reporting service.
static UnsentLogStore::UnsentLogStoreLimits GetLogStoreLimits();
// Manages on-device recording of events.
std::unique_ptr<StructuredMetricsRecorder> recorder_;
// Service for uploading completed logs.
// Schedules when logs will be created.
std::unique_ptr<StructuredMetricsScheduler> scheduler_;
// Marks that initialization has completed.
bool initialize_complete_ = false;
// Represents if structured metrics and the service is enabled. This isn't
// to indicate if the service is recording.
bool structured_metrics_enabled_ = false;
// The metrics client |this| is service is associated.
raw_ptr<MetricsServiceClient> client_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<StructuredMetricsService> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace metrics::structured