blob: 964b7a94f09a9c0ebdbad2b824cf759271251fdb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This file is meant to be included into an target to create a unittest that
# invokes a set of no-compile tests. A no-compile test is a test that asserts
# a particular construct will not compile.
# Usage:
# 1. Create a GN target:
# import("//build/nocompile.gni")
# nocompile_source_set("base_nocompile_tests") {
# sources = [
# "functional/",
# ]
# deps = [
# ":base"
# ]
# }
# Note that by convention, nocompile tests use the `.nc` extension rather
# than the standard `.cc` extension: this is because the expectation lines
# often exceed 80 characters, which would make clang-format unhappy.
# 2. Add a dep from a related test binary to the nocompile source set:
# test("base_unittests") {
# ...
# deps += [ ":base_nocompile_tests" ]
# }
# 3. Populate the .nc file with test cases. Expected compile failures should be
# annotated with a comment of the form:
# // expected-error {{<expected error string here>}}
# For example:
# void OneDoesNotEqualTwo() {
# static_assert(1 == 2); // expected-error {{static assertion failed due to requirement '1 == 2'}}
# }
# The verification logic is built as part of clang; full documentation is at
# Also see:
if (is_win) {
declare_args() {
enable_nocompile_tests = (is_linux || is_chromeos || is_apple || is_win) &&
is_clang && host_cpu == target_cpu
enable_nocompile_tests_new = is_clang && !is_nacl
if (enable_nocompile_tests_new) {
template("nocompile_source_set") {
action_foreach(target_name) {
testonly = true
script = "//tools/nocompile/"
sources = invoker.sources
deps = invoker.deps
# An action is not a compiler, so configs is empty until it is explicitly set.
configs = default_compiler_configs
# Disable the checks that the Chrome style plugin normally enforces to
# reduce the amount of boilerplate needed in nocompile tests.
configs -= [ "//build/config/clang:find_bad_constructs" ]
if (is_win) {
result_path =
} else {
result_path =
rebased_obj_path = rebase_path(result_path, root_build_dir)
depfile = "${result_path}.d"
rebased_depfile_path = rebase_path(depfile, root_build_dir)
outputs = [ result_path ]
if (is_win) {
if (host_os == "win") {
cxx = "clang-cl.exe"
} else {
cxx = "clang-cl"
} else {
cxx = "clang++"
args = []
if (is_win) {
# ninja normally parses /showIncludes output, but the depsformat
# variable can only be set in compiler tools, not for custom actions.
# Unfortunately, this means the clang wrapper needs to generate the
# depfile itself.
args += [ "--generate-depfile" ]
args += [
rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin/$cxx", root_build_dir),
# No need to generate an object file for nocompile tests.
# Enable clang's VerifyDiagnosticConsumer:
# But don't require expected-note comments since that is not the
# primary point of the nocompile tests.
# Disable the error limit so that nocompile tests do not need to be
# arbitrarily split up when they hit the default error limit.
# So funny characters don't show up in error messages.
# Always treat warnings as errors.
if (!is_win) {
args += [
# On non-Windows platforms, clang can generate the depfile.
# Non-Windows clang uses file extensions to determine how to treat
# various inputs, so explicitly tell it to treat all inputs (even
# those with weird extensions like .nc) as C++ source files.
} else {
# For some reason, the Windows includes are not part of the default
# compiler configs. Set it explicitly here, since things like libc++
# depend on the VC runtime.
if (target_cpu == "x86") {
win_toolchain_data = win_toolchain_data_x86
} else if (target_cpu == "x64") {
win_toolchain_data = win_toolchain_data_x64
} else if (target_cpu == "arm64") {
win_toolchain_data = win_toolchain_data_arm64
} else {
error("Unsupported target_cpu, add it to win_toolchain_data.gni")
args += win_toolchain_data.include_flags_imsvc_list
args += [ "/showIncludes:user" ]
# Note: for all platforms, the depfile only lists user includes, and not
# system includes. If system includes change, the compiler flags are
# expected to artificially change in some way to invalidate and force the
# nocompile tests to run again.
# TODO( this section remains for legacy
# documentation. However, nocompile tests using these legacy templates are
# migrated to the new-style tests. Please do not add more old-style tests.
# To use this, create a GN target with the following form:
# import("//build/nocompile.gni")
# nocompile_test("my_module_nc_unittests") {
# sources = [
# '',
# '',
# ]
# # optional extra include dirs:
# include_dirs = [ ... ]
# }
# The tests are invoked by building the target named in the nocompile_test()
# macro, for example:
# ninja -C out/Default my_module_nc_unittests
# The .nc files are C++ files that contain code we wish to assert will not
# compile. Each individual test case in the file should be put in its own
# #if defined(...) section specifying an unique preprocessor symbol beginning
# with NCTEST which names the test. The set of tests in a file is automatically
# determined by scanning the file for these #if blocks and no other explicit
# definition of the symbol is required to register a test.
# The expected complier error message should be appended with a C++-style
# comment that has a python list of regular expressions. This will likely be
# greater than 80-characters. Giving a solid expected output test is important
# so that random compile failures do not cause the test to pass.
# Example .nc file:
# #if defined(NCTEST_NEEDS_SEMICOLON) // [r"expected ',' or ';' at end of input"]
# int a = 1
# #elif defined(NCTEST_NEEDS_CAST) // [r"invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'char*'"]
# void* a = NULL;
# char* b = a;
# #endif
# If we need to disable NCTEST_NEEDS_SEMICOLON, then change the #if to:
# ...
# #elif defined(NCTEST_NEEDS_CAST)
# ...
# The lines above are parsed by a regexp so avoid getting creative with the
# formatting or ifdef logic; it will likely just not work.
# Implementation notes:
# The .nc files are actually processed by a python script which executes the
# compiler and generates a .cc file that is empty on success, or will have a
# series of #error lines on failure, and a set of trivially passing gunit
# TEST() functions on success. This allows us to fail at the compile step when
# something goes wrong, and know during the unittest run that the test was at
# least processed when things go right.
if (enable_nocompile_tests) {
if (is_mac) {
template("nocompile_test") {
nocompile_target = target_name + "_run_nocompile"
action_foreach(nocompile_target) {
testonly = true
script = "//tools/nocompile/"
sources = invoker.sources
deps = invoker.deps
if (defined(invoker.public_deps)) {
public_deps = invoker.public_deps
result_path = "$target_gen_dir/{{source_name_part}}"
outputs = [ result_path ]
rebased_result_path = rebase_path(result_path, root_build_dir)
if (is_win) {
if (host_os == "win") {
cxx = "clang-cl.exe"
nulldevice = "nul"
} else {
cxx = "clang-cl"
# Unfortunately, clang-cl always wants to suffix the output file name
# with ".obj", and /dev/null.obj is not a valid file. As a bit of a
# hack, simply use the path to the generated .cc file, knowing:
# - that clang-cl will append ".obj" to the filename, so it will never
# clash.
# - except when the nocompile test unexpectedly passes, the output
# file will never actually be written.
nulldevice = rebased_result_path
} else {
cxx = "clang++"
depfile = "${result_path}.d"
args = []
if (is_win) {
args += [
rebased_result_path + ".d",
args += [
rebase_path("$clang_base_path/bin/$cxx", root_build_dir),
"4", # number of compilers to invoke in parallel.
"-I" + rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
"-I" + rebase_path("//third_party/abseil-cpp/", root_build_dir),
"-I" + rebase_path("//buildtools/third_party/libc++/", root_build_dir),
"-I" + rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
# TODO( Track build/config/compiler/
if (is_win) {
# On Windows we fall back to using system headers from a sysroot from
# depot_tools. This is negotiated by python scripts and the result is
# available in //build/toolchain/win/win_toolchain_data.gni. From there
# we get the `include_flags_imsvc` which point to the system headers.
if (host_cpu == "x86") {
win_toolchain_data = win_toolchain_data_x86
} else if (host_cpu == "x64") {
win_toolchain_data = win_toolchain_data_x64
} else if (host_cpu == "arm64") {
win_toolchain_data = win_toolchain_data_arm64
} else {
error("Unsupported host_cpu, add it to win_toolchain_data.gni")
args += win_toolchain_data.include_flags_imsvc_list
args += [
"-I" + rebase_path("$libcxx_prefix/include", root_build_dir),
"/Fo" + nulldevice,
} else {
args += [
"-isystem" + rebase_path("$libcxx_prefix/include", root_build_dir),
"-isystem" + rebase_path("$libcxxabi_prefix/include", root_build_dir),
rebased_result_path + ".d",
args += [ "{{source}}" ]
if (is_mac && host_os != "mac") {
args += [
# Iterate over any extra include dirs and append them to the command line.
if (defined(invoker.include_dirs)) {
foreach(include_dir, invoker.include_dirs) {
args += [ "-I" + rebase_path(include_dir, root_build_dir) ]
if (sysroot != "") {
sysroot_path = rebase_path(sysroot, root_build_dir)
args += [
if (!is_nacl) {
args += [
# TODO( Evaluate and possibly enable.
test(target_name) {
deps = invoker.deps + [ ":$nocompile_target" ]
sources = get_target_outputs(":$nocompile_target")
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "bundle_deps" ])