blob: cd7c973ca6e0b535a78916dd3f49683c89fd39a3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/task/common/checked_lock.h"
#include "base/task/common/task_annotator.h"
#include "base/task/post_job.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/job_task_source_interface.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool/task_source_sort_key.h"
namespace base::internal {
class PooledTaskRunnerDelegate;
// A JobTaskSource generates many Tasks from a single RepeatingClosure.
// Derived classes control the intended concurrency with GetMaxConcurrency().
class BASE_EXPORT JobTaskSourceNew : public JobTaskSource {
JobTaskSourceNew(const Location& from_here,
const TaskTraits& traits,
RepeatingCallback<void(JobDelegate*)> worker_task,
MaxConcurrencyCallback max_concurrency_callback,
PooledTaskRunnerDelegate* delegate);
JobTaskSourceNew(const JobTaskSource&) = delete;
JobTaskSourceNew& operator=(const JobTaskSourceNew&) = delete;
// Called before the task source is enqueued to initialize task metadata.
void WillEnqueue(int sequence_num, TaskAnnotator& annotator) override;
// Notifies this task source that max concurrency increased. Returns false iff
// there was an unsuccessful attempt to enqueue the task source.
bool NotifyConcurrencyIncrease() override;
// Informs this JobTaskSource that the current thread would like to join and
// contribute to running |worker_task|. Returns true if the joining thread can
// contribute (RunJoinTask() can be called), or false if joining was completed
// and all other workers returned because either there's no work remaining or
// Job was cancelled.
bool WillJoin() override;
// Contributes to running |worker_task| and returns true if the joining thread
// can contribute again (RunJoinTask() can be called again), or false if
// joining was completed and all other workers returned because either there's
// no work remaining or Job was cancelled. This should be called only after
// WillJoin() or RunJoinTask() previously returned true.
bool RunJoinTask() override;
// Cancels this JobTaskSource, causing all workers to yield and WillRunTask()
// to return RunStatus::kDisallowed.
void Cancel(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction = nullptr) override;
// TaskSource:
ExecutionEnvironment GetExecutionEnvironment() override;
size_t GetRemainingConcurrency() const override;
TaskSourceSortKey GetSortKey() const override;
TimeTicks GetDelayedSortKey() const override;
bool HasReadyTasks(TimeTicks now) const override;
bool IsActive() const override;
size_t GetWorkerCount() const override;
// Returns the maximum number of tasks from this TaskSource that can run
// concurrently.
size_t GetMaxConcurrency() const override;
uint8_t AcquireTaskId() override;
void ReleaseTaskId(uint8_t task_id) override;
// Returns true if a worker should return from the worker task on the current
// thread ASAP.
bool ShouldYield() override;
PooledTaskRunnerDelegate* GetDelegate() const override;
// Atomic variable to track job state.
class State {
// When set, the job is canceled.
static constexpr uint32_t kCanceledMask = 1 << 0;
// When set, the Join()'ing thread wants to be signaled when worker count
// is decremented or capacity is created by a max concurrency increase.
static constexpr uint32_t kSignalJoinMask = 1 << 1;
// When set, the job is queued. Note: The job may be queued when this is not
// set, see details in JobTaskSource::State::ExitWillRunTask().
static constexpr uint32_t kQueuedMask = 1 << 2;
// When set, WillRunTask() is not running *or* WillRunTask() is running and
// there was a request to keep the job queued (via
// `ShouldQueueUponCapacityIncrease()` or `WillReenqueue()`).
static constexpr uint32_t kOutsideWillRunTaskOrMustReenqueueMask = 1 << 3;
// Offset for the number of workers running the job.
static constexpr int kWorkerCountBitOffset = 4;
static constexpr uint32_t kWorkerCountIncrement = 1
<< kWorkerCountBitOffset;
struct Value {
uint8_t worker_count() const {
return static_cast<uint8_t>(value >> kWorkerCountBitOffset);
bool canceled() const { return value & kCanceledMask; }
bool signal_join() const { return value & kSignalJoinMask; }
bool queued() const { return value & kQueuedMask; }
bool outside_will_run_task_or_must_reenqueue() const {
return value & kOutsideWillRunTaskOrMustReenqueueMask;
uint32_t value;
// Sets as canceled. Returns the state before the operation.
Value Cancel();
// Increments the worker count by 1. Returns the state before the operation.
// This requires holding `increment_worker_count_lock()`, to allow
// WaitForParticipationOpportunity() to check worker count and apply changes
// with a guarantee that it hasn't been incremented in between (worker count
// could still be decremented while the lock is held).
Value IncrementWorkerCount()
// Decrements the worker count by 1. Returns the state before the operation.
Value DecrementWorkerCount();
// Requests to signal the Join()'ing thread when worker count is
// decremented or capacity is created by increasing "max concurrency".
// Returns the state before the operation.
Value RequestSignalJoin();
// Returns whether the Join()'ing thread should be signaled when worker
// count is decremented or capacity is created by increasing "max
// concurrency". Resets the bit so that this won't return true until
// `RequestSignalJoin()` is called again.
bool FetchAndResetRequestSignalJoin();
// Indicates that max capacity was increased above the number of workers.
// Returns true iff the job should be queued.
bool ShouldQueueUponCapacityIncrease();
// Indicates that WillRunTask() was entered. Returns the previous state.
Value EnterWillRunTask();
// Indicates that WillRunTask() will exit. `saturated` is true iff
// `WillRunTask()` determined that max concurrency is reached. Returns true
// iff `ShouldQueueUponCapacityIncrease()` or `WillQueue()` was invoked
// since `EnterWillRunTask()`.
bool ExitWillRunTask(bool saturated);
// Indicates that `DidProcessTask()` decided to re-enqueue the job. If this
// returns false, the job shouldn't re-enqueue the job (another worker
// currently in `WillRunTask()` will request that it remains in the queue).
bool WillReenqueue();
// Loads and returns the state.
Value Load() const;
// Returns a lock that must be held to call `IncrementWorkerCount()`.
CheckedLock& increment_worker_count_lock() {
return increment_worker_count_lock_;
std::atomic<uint32_t> value_{kOutsideWillRunTaskOrMustReenqueueMask};
CheckedLock increment_worker_count_lock_{UniversalSuccessor()};
~JobTaskSourceNew() override;
// Called from the joining thread. Waits for the worker count to be below or
// equal to max concurrency (may happen when "max concurrency" increases or
// the worker count is decremented). Returns true if the joining thread should
// run a task, or false if joining was completed and all other workers
// returned because either there's no work remaining or Job was cancelled.
bool WaitForParticipationOpportunity();
size_t GetMaxConcurrency(size_t worker_count) const;
// TaskSource:
RunStatus WillRunTask() override;
Task TakeTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) override;
absl::optional<Task> Clear(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) override;
bool DidProcessTask(TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) override;
bool WillReEnqueue(TimeTicks now,
TaskSource::Transaction* transaction) override;
bool OnBecomeReady() override;
State state_;
// Signaled when the joining thread wants to particpate and capacity is
// created by increasing "max concurrency" or decrementing the worker count.
WaitableEvent join_event_{WaitableEvent::ResetPolicy::AUTOMATIC};
std::atomic<uint32_t> assigned_task_ids_{0};
RepeatingCallback<size_t(size_t)> max_concurrency_callback_;
// Worker task set by the job owner.
RepeatingCallback<void(JobDelegate*)> worker_task_;
// Task returned from TakeTask(), that calls |worker_task_| internally.
RepeatingClosure primary_task_;
TaskMetadata task_metadata_;
const TimeTicks ready_time_;
raw_ptr<PooledTaskRunnerDelegate, LeakedDanglingUntriaged> delegate_;
} // namespace base::internal