blob: 17c964586c99b46051f76935e2c12c005b33fb18 [file] [log] [blame]
/** Container of metadata about a node definition in the onboarding graph */
annotation class OnboardingNode(
/** Identifier of the component who owns the node. */
val component: String,
* Identifier of the node interface.
* Note that this must be at most 40 characters long, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
val name: String,
/** True if this is a node which presents a UI to the user. */
val hasUi: HasUi,
/** The type of specification given for this node. */
val specificationType: SpecificationType = SpecificationType.LIGHT
) {
enum class HasUi {
enum class SpecificationType {
* This means that full Javadoc is provided, all arguments are fully defined, documented and
* typed (no undefined Bundles or Intents), and return values are properly defined and typed.
* No requirements.
* Most "Light" nodes will be lacking Javadoc, and using Intents and Bundles as arguments and
* return values.
const val MAX_NODE_NAME_LENGTH: Int = 40