Remove TestVndkRequiresFrozen test

TestVndkRequiresFrozen test was introduced to test frozen flag within
VNDK enabled aidl_interface, but this test was running on unexpected
environment, because device vndk version and platform vndk version was
not set. This makes test fail when build system is updated with VNDK
deprecation. As this test is no longer required with VNDK deprecation,
it would be better to remove test rather than fix the problem. This
change removes TestVndkRequiresFrozen from AIDL tests.

Bug: 316829758
Test: m nothing --no-skip-soong-tests passed
Change-Id: I79ab29949cdc6e4df4ac3c20e4749f74ea6ce95e
1 file changed
tree: 2c9034c8bf4f0ace875ad3dd7f587e0ad9d37f71
  1. aidl_api/
  2. analyzer/
  3. build/
  4. metadata/
  5. scripts/
  6. tests/
  7. trace/
  9. aidl.cpp
  10. aidl.h
  11. aidl_checkapi.cpp
  12. aidl_checkapi.h
  13. aidl_const_expressions.cpp
  14. aidl_dumpapi.cpp
  15. aidl_dumpapi.h
  16. aidl_language.cpp
  17. aidl_language.h
  18. aidl_language_l.ll
  19. aidl_language_y.yy
  20. aidl_to_common.cpp
  21. aidl_to_common.h
  22. aidl_to_cpp.cpp
  23. aidl_to_cpp.h
  24. aidl_to_cpp_common.cpp
  25. aidl_to_cpp_common.h
  26. aidl_to_java.cpp
  27. aidl_to_java.h
  28. aidl_to_ndk.cpp
  29. aidl_to_ndk.h
  30. aidl_to_rust.cpp
  31. aidl_to_rust.h
  32. aidl_typenames.cpp
  33. aidl_typenames.h
  34. aidl_unittest.cpp
  35. Android.bp
  36. ast_java.cpp
  37. ast_java.h
  38. ast_java_unittest.cpp
  39. check_valid.cpp
  40. check_valid.h
  42. code_writer.cpp
  43. code_writer.h
  44. code_writer_unittest.cpp
  45. comments.cpp
  46. comments.h
  47. diagnostics.cpp
  48. diagnostics.h
  50. diagnostics_unittest.cpp
  51. generate_aidl_mappings.cpp
  52. generate_aidl_mappings.h
  53. generate_cpp.cpp
  54. generate_cpp.h
  55. generate_cpp_analyzer.cpp
  56. generate_cpp_analyzer.h
  57. generate_cpp_unittest.cpp
  58. generate_java.cpp
  59. generate_java.h
  60. generate_java_binder.cpp
  61. generate_ndk.cpp
  62. generate_ndk.h
  63. generate_rust.cpp
  64. generate_rust.h
  65. hiddenapi-greylist
  66. import_resolver.cpp
  67. import_resolver.h
  68. io_delegate.cpp
  69. io_delegate.h
  70. io_delegate_unittest.cpp
  71. location.cpp
  72. location.h
  73. logging.cpp
  74. logging.h
  75. main.cpp
  76. NOTICE
  77. options.cpp
  78. options.h
  79. options_unittest.cpp
  80. os.h
  81. OWNERS
  82. parser.cpp
  83. parser.h
  84. permission.cpp
  85. permission.h
  86. preprocess.cpp
  87. preprocess.h
  88. PREUPLOAD.cfg

Documentation for this project is currently maintained here: