Use time zone .res file directly

.dat is specific to and needs to be re-generated for every ICU  major
version, while .res files are not. Using .res files are documented and
supported by the upstream since ICU 54.

Docs might still mention .dat, they will be cleaned in the future CLs.

Bug: 298349312
Bug: 319103072
Test: no such file adb shell ls /apex/*.dat
Test: icupkg -l  external/icu/icu4c/source/stubdata/icudt72l.dat  | grep zoneinfo
Test: adb shell ls /apex/*.data prints nothing
Test: out/host/linux-x86/ has no *.dat file
Change-Id: I2b2e5bb12a6267dc5afeee2e1a82d8c1e113e977
26 files changed