blob: c98090638010355476917ae8f7ff7e51e2e26b52 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.window.BackEvent;
* Interface for external process to get access to the Back animation related methods.
public interface BackAnimation {
* Called when a {@link MotionEvent} is generated by a back gesture.
* @param touchX the X touch position of the {@link MotionEvent}.
* @param touchY the Y touch position of the {@link MotionEvent}.
* @param velocityX the X velocity computed from the {@link MotionEvent}.
* @param velocityY the Y velocity computed from the {@link MotionEvent}.
* @param keyAction the original {@link KeyEvent#getAction()} when the event was dispatched to
* the process. This is forwarded separately because the input pipeline may mutate
* the {#event} action state later.
* @param swipeEdge the edge from which the swipe begins.
void onBackMotion(
float touchX,
float touchY,
float velocityX,
float velocityY,
int keyAction,
@BackEvent.SwipeEdge int swipeEdge);
* Sets whether the back gesture is past the trigger threshold or not.
void setTriggerBack(boolean triggerBack);
* Sets the threshold values that define edge swipe behavior.<br>
* <br>
* <h1>How does {@code nonLinearFactor} work?</h1>
* <pre>
* screen screen screen
* width width width
* |——————| |————————————| |————————————————————|
* A B A B C A
* 1 +——————+—————+ 1 +————————————+ 1 +————————————+———————+
* | / | | —/| | | —————/|
* | / | | —/ | | ——/ |
* | / | | —/ | | ——/ | |
* | / | | —/ | | ——/ | |
* | / | | —/ | | ——/ | |
* |/ | |—/ | |—/ | |
* 0 +————————————+ 0 +————————————+ 0 +————————————+———————+
* B B B
* </pre>
* Three devices with different widths (smaller, equal, and wider) relative to the progress
* threshold are shown in the graphs.<br>
* - A is the width of the screen<br>
* - B is the progress threshold (horizontal swipe distance where progress is linear)<br>
* - C equals B + (A - B) * nonLinearFactor<br>
* <br>
* If A is less than or equal to B, {@code progress} for the swipe distance between:<br>
* - [0, A] will scale linearly between [0, 1].<br>
* If A is greater than B, {@code progress} for swipe distance between:<br>
* - [0, B] will scale linearly between [0, B / C]<br>
* - (B, A] will scale non-linearly and reach 1.
* @param linearDistance up to this distance progress continues linearly. B in the graph above.
* @param maxDistance distance at which the progress will be 1f. A in the graph above.
* @param nonLinearFactor This value is used to calculate the target if the screen is wider
* than the progress threshold.
void setSwipeThresholds(float linearDistance, float maxDistance, float nonLinearFactor);
* Sets the system bar listener to control the system bar color.
* @param customizer the controller to control system bar color.
void setStatusBarCustomizer(StatusBarCustomizer customizer);