blob: 4d87c9583f64edadd98207926849681829a3a1b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_CHANGE;
import static android.view.WindowManager.TRANSIT_CLOSE;
import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicyConstants.TYPE_LAYER_OFFSET;
import static android.window.TransitionInfo.FLAG_IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.animation.Animator;
import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.content.Context;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Choreographer;
import android.view.SurfaceControl;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.window.TransitionInfo;
import android.window.WindowContainerToken;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
/** To run the ActivityEmbedding animations. */
class ActivityEmbeddingAnimationRunner {
private static final String TAG = "ActivityEmbeddingAnimR";
private final ActivityEmbeddingController mController;
final ActivityEmbeddingAnimationSpec mAnimationSpec;
private Animator mActiveAnimator;
ActivityEmbeddingAnimationRunner(@NonNull Context context,
@NonNull ActivityEmbeddingController controller) {
mController = controller;
mAnimationSpec = new ActivityEmbeddingAnimationSpec(context);
/** Creates and starts animation for ActivityEmbedding transition. */
void startAnimation(@NonNull IBinder transition, @NonNull TransitionInfo info,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction finishTransaction) {
// There may be some surface change that we want to apply after the start transaction is
// applied to make sure the surface is ready.
final List<Consumer<SurfaceControl.Transaction>> postStartTransactionCallbacks =
new ArrayList<>();
final Animator animator = createAnimator(info, startTransaction,
() -> mController.onAnimationFinished(transition), postStartTransactionCallbacks);
mActiveAnimator = animator;
// Start the animation.
if (!postStartTransactionCallbacks.isEmpty()) {
// postStartTransactionCallbacks require that the start transaction is already
// applied to run otherwise they may result in flickers and UI inconsistencies.
startTransaction.apply(true /* sync */);
// Run tasks that require startTransaction to already be applied
final SurfaceControl.Transaction t = new SurfaceControl.Transaction();
for (Consumer<SurfaceControl.Transaction> postStartTransactionCallback :
postStartTransactionCallbacks) {
} else {
void cancelAnimationFromMerge() {
if (mActiveAnimator == null) {
"No active ActivityEmbedding animator running but mergeAnimation is "
+ "trying to cancel one."
* Sets transition animation scale settings value.
* @param scale The setting value of transition animation scale.
void setAnimScaleSetting(float scale) {
/** Creates the animator for the given {@link TransitionInfo}. */
Animator createAnimator(@NonNull TransitionInfo info,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction finishTransaction,
@NonNull Runnable animationFinishCallback,
@NonNull List<Consumer<SurfaceControl.Transaction>> postStartTransactionCallbacks) {
final List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> adapters = createAnimationAdapters(info,
final ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);
long duration = 0;
if (adapters.isEmpty()) {
// Jump cut
// No need to modify the animator, but to update the startTransaction with the changes'
// ending states.
prepareForJumpCut(info, startTransaction);
} else {
addEdgeExtensionIfNeeded(startTransaction, finishTransaction,
postStartTransactionCallbacks, adapters);
addBackgroundColorIfNeeded(info, startTransaction, finishTransaction, adapters);
for (ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter : adapters) {
duration = Math.max(duration, adapter.getDurationHint());
animator.addUpdateListener((anim) -> {
// Update all adapters in the same transaction.
final SurfaceControl.Transaction t = new SurfaceControl.Transaction();
for (ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter : adapters) {
adapter.onAnimationUpdate(t, animator.getCurrentPlayTime());
prepareForFirstFrame(startTransaction, adapters);
animator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {}
public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
final SurfaceControl.Transaction t = new SurfaceControl.Transaction();
for (ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter : adapters) {
mActiveAnimator = null;;
public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {}
public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {}
return animator;
* Creates list of {@link ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter} to handle animations on all window
* changes.
private List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> createAnimationAdapters(
@NonNull TransitionInfo info, @NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction) {
boolean isChangeTransition = false;
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
if (change.hasFlags(FLAG_IS_BEHIND_STARTING_WINDOW)) {
// Skip the animation if the windows are behind an app starting window.
return new ArrayList<>();
if (!isChangeTransition && change.getMode() == TRANSIT_CHANGE
&& !change.getStartAbsBounds().equals(change.getEndAbsBounds())) {
isChangeTransition = true;
if (isChangeTransition) {
return createChangeAnimationAdapters(info, startTransaction);
if (TransitionUtil.isClosingType(info.getType())) {
return createCloseAnimationAdapters(info, startTransaction);
return createOpenAnimationAdapters(info, startTransaction);
private List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> createOpenAnimationAdapters(
@NonNull TransitionInfo info, @NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction) {
return createOpenCloseAnimationAdapters(info, true /* isOpening */,
mAnimationSpec::loadOpenAnimation, startTransaction);
private List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> createCloseAnimationAdapters(
@NonNull TransitionInfo info, @NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction) {
return createOpenCloseAnimationAdapters(info, false /* isOpening */,
mAnimationSpec::loadCloseAnimation, startTransaction);
* Creates {@link ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter} for OPEN and CLOSE types of transition.
* @param isOpening {@code true} for OPEN type, {@code false} for CLOSE type.
private List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> createOpenCloseAnimationAdapters(
@NonNull TransitionInfo info, boolean isOpening,
@NonNull AnimationProvider animationProvider,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction) {
// We need to know if the change window is only a partial of the whole animation screen.
// If so, we will need to adjust it to make the whole animation screen looks like one.
final List<TransitionInfo.Change> openingChanges = new ArrayList<>();
final List<TransitionInfo.Change> closingChanges = new ArrayList<>();
final Rect openingWholeScreenBounds = new Rect();
final Rect closingWholeScreenBounds = new Rect();
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
if (TransitionUtil.isOpeningType(change.getMode())) {
} else {
// Also union with the start bounds because the closing transition may be shrunk.
// For OPEN transition, open windows should be above close windows.
// For CLOSE transition, open windows should be below close windows.
int offsetLayer = TYPE_LAYER_OFFSET;
final List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> adapters = new ArrayList<>();
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : openingChanges) {
final ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter = createOpenCloseAnimationAdapter(
info, change, animationProvider, openingWholeScreenBounds);
if (isOpening) {
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : closingChanges) {
if (shouldUseSnapshotAnimationForClosingChange(change)) {
SurfaceControl screenshot = getOrCreateScreenshot(change, change, startTransaction);
if (screenshot != null) {
final SnapshotAdapter snapshotAdapter = new SnapshotAdapter(
createShowSnapshotForClosingAnimation(), change, screenshot,
TransitionUtil.getRootFor(change, info));
if (!isOpening) {
final ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter = createOpenCloseAnimationAdapter(
info, change, animationProvider, closingWholeScreenBounds);
if (!isOpening) {
return adapters;
* Returns whether we should use snapshot animation for the closing change.
* It's usually because the end bounds of the closing change are shrunk, which leaves a black
* area in the transition.
static boolean shouldUseSnapshotAnimationForClosingChange(
@NonNull TransitionInfo.Change closingChange) {
// Only check closing type because we only take screenshot for closing bounds-changing
// changes.
if (!TransitionUtil.isClosingType(closingChange.getMode())) {
return false;
// Don't need to take screenshot if there's no bounds change.
return !closingChange.getStartAbsBounds().equals(closingChange.getEndAbsBounds());
/** Sets the first frame to the {@code startTransaction} to avoid any flicker on start. */
private void prepareForFirstFrame(@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction,
@NonNull List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> adapters) {
for (ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter : adapters) {
/** Adds edge extension to the surfaces that have such an animation property. */
private void addEdgeExtensionIfNeeded(@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction finishTransaction,
@NonNull List<Consumer<SurfaceControl.Transaction>> postStartTransactionCallbacks,
@NonNull List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> adapters) {
for (ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter : adapters) {
final Animation animation = adapter.mAnimation;
if (!animation.hasExtension()) {
final TransitionInfo.Change change = adapter.mChange;
if (TransitionUtil.isOpeningType(adapter.mChange.getMode())) {
// Need to screenshot after startTransaction is applied otherwise activity
// may not be visible or ready yet.
t -> edgeExtendWindow(change, animation, t, finishTransaction));
} else {
// Can screenshot now (before startTransaction is applied)
edgeExtendWindow(change, animation, startTransaction, finishTransaction);
/** Adds background color to the transition if any animation has such a property. */
private void addBackgroundColorIfNeeded(@NonNull TransitionInfo info,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction finishTransaction,
@NonNull List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> adapters) {
for (ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter adapter : adapters) {
final int backgroundColor = getTransitionBackgroundColorIfSet(info, adapter.mChange,
adapter.mAnimation, 0 /* defaultColor */);
if (backgroundColor != 0) {
// We only need to show one color.
addBackgroundToTransition(info.getRootLeash(), backgroundColor, startTransaction,
private ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter createOpenCloseAnimationAdapter(
@NonNull TransitionInfo info, @NonNull TransitionInfo.Change change,
@NonNull AnimationProvider animationProvider, @NonNull Rect wholeAnimationBounds) {
final Animation animation = animationProvider.get(info, change, wholeAnimationBounds);
return new ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter(animation, change, change.getLeash(),
wholeAnimationBounds, TransitionUtil.getRootFor(change, info));
private List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> createChangeAnimationAdapters(
@NonNull TransitionInfo info, @NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction) {
if (shouldUseJumpCutForChangeTransition(info)) {
return new ArrayList<>();
final List<ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter> adapters = new ArrayList<>();
final Set<TransitionInfo.Change> handledChanges = new ArraySet<>();
// For the first iteration, we prepare the animation for the change type windows. This is
// needed because there may be window that is reparented while resizing. In such case, we
// will do the following:
// 1. Capture a screenshot from the Activity surface.
// 2. Attach the screenshot surface to the top of TaskFragment (Activity's parent) surface.
// 3. Animate the TaskFragment using Activity Change info (start/end bounds).
// This is because the TaskFragment surface/change won't contain the Activity's before its
// reparent.
Animation changeAnimation = null;
Rect parentBounds = new Rect();
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
if (change.getMode() != TRANSIT_CHANGE
|| change.getStartAbsBounds().equals(change.getEndAbsBounds())) {
// This is the window with bounds change.
final WindowContainerToken parentToken = change.getParent();
TransitionInfo.Change boundsAnimationChange = change;
if (parentToken != null) {
// When the parent window is also included in the transition as an opening window,
// we would like to animate the parent window instead.
final TransitionInfo.Change parentChange = info.getChange(parentToken);
if (parentChange != null && TransitionUtil.isOpeningType(parentChange.getMode())) {
// We won't create a separate animation for the parent, but to animate the
// parent for the child resizing.
boundsAnimationChange = parentChange;
// The TaskFragment may be enter/exit split, so we take the union of both as the parent
// size.
if (boundsAnimationChange != change) {
// Union the change starting bounds in case the activity is resized and reparented
// to a TaskFragment. In that case, the TaskFragment may not cover the activity's
// starting bounds.
// There are two animations in the array. The first one is for the start leash
// (snapshot), and the second one is for the end leash (TaskFragment).
final Animation[] animations = mAnimationSpec.createChangeBoundsChangeAnimations(change,
// Keep track as we might need to add background color for the animation.
// Although there may be multiple change animation, record one of them is sufficient
// because the background color will be added to the root leash for the whole animation.
changeAnimation = animations[1];
// Create a screenshot based on change, but attach it to the top of the
// boundsAnimationChange.
final SurfaceControl screenshotLeash = getOrCreateScreenshot(change,
boundsAnimationChange, startTransaction);
final TransitionInfo.Root root = TransitionUtil.getRootFor(change, info);
if (screenshotLeash != null) {
// Adapter for the starting screenshot leash.
// The screenshot leash will be removed in SnapshotAdapter#onAnimationEnd
adapters.add(new ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter.SnapshotAdapter(
animations[0], change, screenshotLeash, root));
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to take screenshot for change=" + change);
// Adapter for the ending bounds changed leash.
adapters.add(new ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter.BoundsChangeAdapter(
animations[1], boundsAnimationChange, root));
if (parentBounds.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"There should be at least one changing window to play the change animation");
// If there is no corresponding open/close window with the change, we should show background
// color to cover the empty part of the screen.
boolean shouldShouldBackgroundColor = true;
// Handle the other windows that don't have bounds change in the same transition.
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
if (handledChanges.contains(change)) {
// Skip windows that we have already handled in the previous iteration.
final Animation animation;
if ((change.getParent() != null
&& handledChanges.contains(info.getChange(change.getParent())))
|| change.getMode() == TRANSIT_CHANGE) {
// No-op if it will be covered by the changing parent window, or it is a changing
// window without bounds change.
animation = ActivityEmbeddingAnimationSpec.createNoopAnimation(change);
} else if (TransitionUtil.isClosingType(change.getMode())) {
animation = mAnimationSpec.createChangeBoundsCloseAnimation(change, parentBounds);
shouldShouldBackgroundColor = false;
} else {
animation = mAnimationSpec.createChangeBoundsOpenAnimation(change, parentBounds);
shouldShouldBackgroundColor = false;
adapters.add(new ActivityEmbeddingAnimationAdapter(animation, change,
TransitionUtil.getRootFor(change, info)));
if (shouldShouldBackgroundColor && changeAnimation != null) {
// Change animation may leave part of the screen empty. Show background color to cover
// that.
return adapters;
* Takes a screenshot of the given {@code screenshotChange} surface if WM Core hasn't taken one.
* The screenshot leash should be attached to the {@code animationChange} surface which we will
* animate later.
private SurfaceControl getOrCreateScreenshot(@NonNull TransitionInfo.Change screenshotChange,
@NonNull TransitionInfo.Change animationChange,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction t) {
final SurfaceControl screenshotLeash = screenshotChange.getSnapshot();
if (screenshotLeash != null) {
// If WM Core has already taken a screenshot, make sure it is reparented to the
// animation leash.
t.reparent(screenshotLeash, animationChange.getLeash());
return screenshotLeash;
// If WM Core hasn't taken a screenshot, take a screenshot now.
final Rect cropBounds = new Rect(screenshotChange.getStartAbsBounds());
cropBounds.offsetTo(0, 0);
return ScreenshotUtils.takeScreenshot(t, screenshotChange.getLeash(),
animationChange.getLeash(), cropBounds, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Whether we should use jump cut for the change transition.
* This normally happens when opening a new secondary with the existing primary using a
* different split layout. This can be complicated, like from horizontal to vertical split with
* new split pairs.
* Uses a jump cut animation to simplify.
private boolean shouldUseJumpCutForChangeTransition(@NonNull TransitionInfo info) {
// There can be reparenting of changing Activity to new open TaskFragment, so we need to
// exclude both in the first iteration.
final List<TransitionInfo.Change> changingChanges = new ArrayList<>();
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
if (change.getMode() != TRANSIT_CHANGE
|| change.getStartAbsBounds().equals(change.getEndAbsBounds())) {
final WindowContainerToken parentToken = change.getParent();
if (parentToken != null) {
// When the parent window is also included in the transition as an opening window,
// we would like to animate the parent window instead.
final TransitionInfo.Change parentChange = info.getChange(parentToken);
if (parentChange != null && TransitionUtil.isOpeningType(parentChange.getMode())) {
if (changingChanges.isEmpty()) {
// No changing target found.
return true;
// Check if the transition contains both opening and closing windows.
boolean hasOpeningWindow = false;
boolean hasClosingWindow = false;
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
if (changingChanges.contains(change)) {
if (change.getParent() != null
&& changingChanges.contains(info.getChange(change.getParent()))) {
// No-op if it will be covered by the changing parent window.
hasOpeningWindow |= TransitionUtil.isOpeningType(change.getMode());
hasClosingWindow |= TransitionUtil.isClosingType(change.getMode());
return hasOpeningWindow && hasClosingWindow;
/** Updates the changes to end states in {@code startTransaction} for jump cut animation. */
private void prepareForJumpCut(@NonNull TransitionInfo info,
@NonNull SurfaceControl.Transaction startTransaction) {
for (TransitionInfo.Change change : info.getChanges()) {
final SurfaceControl leash = change.getLeash();
if (change.getParent() != null) {
change.getEndRelOffset().x, change.getEndRelOffset().y);
} else {
// Change leash has been reparented to the root if its parent is not in the
// transition.
// Because it is reparented to the root, the actual offset should be its relative
// position to the root instead. See Transitions#setupAnimHierarchy.
final TransitionInfo.Root root = TransitionUtil.getRootFor(change, info);
change.getEndAbsBounds().left - root.getOffset().x,
change.getEndAbsBounds().top - root.getOffset().y);
change.getEndAbsBounds().width(), change.getEndAbsBounds().height());
if (change.getMode() == TRANSIT_CLOSE) {
} else {;
startTransaction.setAlpha(leash, 1f);
/** To provide an {@link Animation} based on the transition infos. */
private interface AnimationProvider {
Animation get(@NonNull TransitionInfo info, @NonNull TransitionInfo.Change change,
@NonNull Rect animationBounds);