blob: 2d003513bee1a6ab04dd9157fa62099d548bcc95 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.os.vibrator.PrebakedSegment;
import android.os.vibrator.PrimitiveSegment;
import android.os.vibrator.RampSegment;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseBooleanArray;
/** Holds basic stats about the vibration playback and interaction with the vibrator HAL. */
final class VibrationStats {
static final String TAG = "VibrationStats";
// Milestone timestamps, using SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), for calculations.
// - Create: time a vibration object was created, which is closer to when the service receives a
// vibrate request.
// - Start: time a vibration started to play, which is closer to the time that the
// VibrationEffect started playing the very first segment.
// - End: time a vibration ended, even if it never started to play. This can be as soon as the
// vibrator HAL reports it has finished the last command, or before it has even started
// when the vibration is ignored or cancelled.
// Create and end times set by VibratorManagerService only, guarded by its lock.
// Start times set by VibrationThread only (single-threaded).
private long mCreateUptimeMillis;
private long mStartUptimeMillis;
private long mEndUptimeMillis;
// Milestone timestamps, using unix epoch time, only to be used for debugging purposes and
// to correlate with other system events. Any duration calculations should be done with the
// {create/start/end}UptimeMillis counterparts so as not to be affected by discontinuities
// created by RTC adjustments.
// Set together with the *UptimeMillis counterparts.
private long mCreateTimeDebug;
private long mStartTimeDebug;
private long mEndTimeDebug;
// Vibration interruption tracking.
// Set by VibratorManagerService only, guarded by its lock.
private int mEndedByUid;
private int mEndedByUsage;
private int mInterruptedUsage;
// All following counters are set by VibrationThread only (single-threaded):
// Counts how many times the VibrationEffect was repeated.
private int mRepeatCount;
// Total duration, in milliseconds, the vibrator was active with non-zero amplitude.
private int mVibratorOnTotalDurationMillis;
// Total number of primitives used in compositions.
private int mVibrationCompositionTotalSize;
private int mVibrationPwleTotalSize;
// Counts how many times each IVibrator method was triggered by this vibration.
private int mVibratorOnCount;
private int mVibratorOffCount;
private int mVibratorSetAmplitudeCount;
private int mVibratorSetExternalControlCount;
private int mVibratorPerformCount;
private int mVibratorComposeCount;
private int mVibratorComposePwleCount;
// Ids of vibration effects and primitives used by this vibration, with support flag.
// Set by VibrationThread only (single-threaded).
private SparseBooleanArray mVibratorEffectsUsed = new SparseBooleanArray();
private SparseBooleanArray mVibratorPrimitivesUsed = new SparseBooleanArray();
VibrationStats() {
mCreateUptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mCreateTimeDebug = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Set invalid UID and VibrationAttributes.USAGE values to indicate fields are unset.
mEndedByUid = -1;
mEndedByUsage = -1;
mInterruptedUsage = -1;
long getCreateUptimeMillis() {
return mCreateUptimeMillis;
long getStartUptimeMillis() {
return mStartUptimeMillis;
long getEndUptimeMillis() {
return mEndUptimeMillis;
long getCreateTimeDebug() {
return mCreateTimeDebug;
long getStartTimeDebug() {
return mStartTimeDebug;
long getEndTimeDebug() {
return mEndTimeDebug;
* Duration calculated for debugging purposes, between the creation of a vibration and the
* end time being reported, or -1 if the vibration has not ended.
long getDurationDebug() {
return hasEnded() ? (mEndUptimeMillis - mCreateUptimeMillis) : -1;
/** Return true if vibration reported it has ended. */
boolean hasEnded() {
return mEndUptimeMillis > 0;
/** Return true if vibration reported it has started triggering the vibrator. */
boolean hasStarted() {
return mStartUptimeMillis > 0;
* Set the current system time as this vibration start time, for debugging purposes.
* <p>This indicates the vibration has started to interact with the vibrator HAL and the
* device may start vibrating after this point.
* <p>This method will only accept given value if the start timestamp was never set.
void reportStarted() {
if (hasEnded() || (mStartUptimeMillis != 0)) {
// Vibration already started or ended, keep first time set and ignore this one.
mStartUptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mStartTimeDebug = System.currentTimeMillis();
* Set status and end cause for this vibration to end, and the current system time as this
* vibration end time, for debugging purposes.
* <p>This might be triggered before {@link #reportStarted()}, which indicates this
* vibration was cancelled or ignored before it started triggering the vibrator.
* @return true if the status was accepted. This method will only accept given values if
* the end timestamp was never set.
boolean reportEnded(@Nullable Vibration.CallerInfo endedBy) {
if (hasEnded()) {
// Vibration already ended, keep first ending stats set and ignore this one.
return false;
if (endedBy != null) {
mEndedByUid = endedBy.uid;
mEndedByUsage = endedBy.attrs.getUsage();
mEndUptimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
mEndTimeDebug = System.currentTimeMillis();
return true;
* Report this vibration has interrupted another vibration.
* <p>This method will only accept the first value as the one that was interrupted by this
* vibration, and will ignore all successive calls.
void reportInterruptedAnotherVibration(@NonNull Vibration.CallerInfo callerInfo) {
if (mInterruptedUsage < 0) {
mInterruptedUsage = callerInfo.attrs.getUsage();
/** Report the vibration has looped a few more times. */
void reportRepetition(int loops) {
mRepeatCount += loops;
/** Report a call to vibrator method to turn on for given duration. */
void reportVibratorOn(long halResult) {
if (halResult > 0) {
// If HAL result is positive then it represents the actual duration it will be ON.
mVibratorOnTotalDurationMillis += (int) halResult;
/** Report a call to vibrator method to turn off. */
void reportVibratorOff() {
/** Report a call to vibrator method to change the vibration amplitude. */
void reportSetAmplitude() {
/** Report a call to vibrator method to trigger a vibration effect. */
void reportPerformEffect(long halResult, PrebakedSegment prebaked) {
if (halResult > 0) {
// If HAL result is positive then it represents the actual duration of the vibration.
mVibratorEffectsUsed.put(prebaked.getEffectId(), true);
mVibratorOnTotalDurationMillis += (int) halResult;
} else {
// Effect unsupported or request failed.
mVibratorEffectsUsed.put(prebaked.getEffectId(), false);
/** Report a call to vibrator method to trigger a vibration as a composition of primitives. */
void reportComposePrimitives(long halResult, PrimitiveSegment[] primitives) {
mVibrationCompositionTotalSize += primitives.length;
if (halResult > 0) {
// If HAL result is positive then it represents the actual duration of the vibration.
// Remove the requested delays to update the total time the vibrator was ON.
for (PrimitiveSegment primitive : primitives) {
halResult -= primitive.getDelay();
mVibratorPrimitivesUsed.put(primitive.getPrimitiveId(), true);
if (halResult > 0) {
mVibratorOnTotalDurationMillis += (int) halResult;
} else {
// One or more primitives were unsupported, or request failed.
for (PrimitiveSegment primitive : primitives) {
mVibratorPrimitivesUsed.put(primitive.getPrimitiveId(), false);
/** Report a call to vibrator method to trigger a vibration as a PWLE. */
void reportComposePwle(long halResult, RampSegment[] segments) {
mVibrationPwleTotalSize += segments.length;
if (halResult > 0) {
// If HAL result is positive then it represents the actual duration of the vibration.
// Remove the zero-amplitude segments to update the total time the vibrator was ON.
for (RampSegment ramp : segments) {
if ((ramp.getStartAmplitude() == 0) && (ramp.getEndAmplitude() == 0)) {
halResult -= ramp.getDuration();
if (halResult > 0) {
mVibratorOnTotalDurationMillis += (int) halResult;
* Increment the stats for total number of times the {@code setExternalControl} method was
* triggered in the vibrator HAL.
void reportSetExternalControl() {
* Immutable metrics about this vibration, to be kept in memory until it can be pushed through
* {@link} as a
* {@link}.
static final class StatsInfo {
public final int uid;
public final int vibrationType;
public final int usage;
public final int status;
public final boolean endedBySameUid;
public final int endedByUsage;
public final int interruptedUsage;
public final int repeatCount;
public final int totalDurationMillis;
public final int vibratorOnMillis;
public final int startLatencyMillis;
public final int endLatencyMillis;
public final int halComposeCount;
public final int halComposePwleCount;
public final int halOnCount;
public final int halOffCount;
public final int halPerformCount;
public final int halSetAmplitudeCount;
public final int halSetExternalControlCount;
public final int halCompositionSize;
public final int halPwleSize;
public final int[] halSupportedCompositionPrimitivesUsed;
public final int[] halSupportedEffectsUsed;
public final int[] halUnsupportedCompositionPrimitivesUsed;
public final int[] halUnsupportedEffectsUsed;
private boolean mIsWritten;
StatsInfo(int uid, int vibrationType, int usage, Vibration.Status status,
VibrationStats stats, long completionUptimeMillis) {
this.uid = uid;
this.vibrationType = vibrationType;
this.usage = usage;
this.status = status.getProtoEnumValue();
endedBySameUid = (uid == stats.mEndedByUid);
endedByUsage = stats.mEndedByUsage;
interruptedUsage = stats.mInterruptedUsage;
repeatCount = stats.mRepeatCount;
// This duration goes from the time this object was created until the time it was
// completed. We can use latencies to detect the times between first and last
// interaction with vibrator.
totalDurationMillis =
(int) Math.max(0, completionUptimeMillis - stats.mCreateUptimeMillis);
vibratorOnMillis = stats.mVibratorOnTotalDurationMillis;
if (stats.hasStarted()) {
// We only measure latencies for vibrations that actually triggered the vibrator.
startLatencyMillis =
(int) Math.max(0, stats.mStartUptimeMillis - stats.mCreateUptimeMillis);
endLatencyMillis =
(int) Math.max(0, completionUptimeMillis - stats.mEndUptimeMillis);
} else {
startLatencyMillis = endLatencyMillis = 0;
halComposeCount = stats.mVibratorComposeCount;
halComposePwleCount = stats.mVibratorComposePwleCount;
halOnCount = stats.mVibratorOnCount;
halOffCount = stats.mVibratorOffCount;
halPerformCount = stats.mVibratorPerformCount;
halSetAmplitudeCount = stats.mVibratorSetAmplitudeCount;
halSetExternalControlCount = stats.mVibratorSetExternalControlCount;
halCompositionSize = stats.mVibrationCompositionTotalSize;
halPwleSize = stats.mVibrationPwleTotalSize;
halSupportedCompositionPrimitivesUsed =
filteredKeys(stats.mVibratorPrimitivesUsed, /* supported= */ true);
halSupportedEffectsUsed =
filteredKeys(stats.mVibratorEffectsUsed, /* supported= */ true);
halUnsupportedCompositionPrimitivesUsed =
filteredKeys(stats.mVibratorPrimitivesUsed, /* supported= */ false);
halUnsupportedEffectsUsed =
filteredKeys(stats.mVibratorEffectsUsed, /* supported= */ false);
boolean isWritten() {
return mIsWritten;
void writeVibrationReported() {
if (mIsWritten) {, "Writing same vibration stats multiple times for uid=" + uid);
mIsWritten = true;
// Mapping from this MetricInfo representation and the atom proto VibrationReported.
uid, null, vibrationType, usage, status, endedBySameUid, endedByUsage,
interruptedUsage, repeatCount, totalDurationMillis, vibratorOnMillis,
startLatencyMillis, endLatencyMillis, halComposeCount, halComposePwleCount,
halOnCount, halOffCount, halPerformCount, halSetAmplitudeCount,
halSetExternalControlCount, halSupportedCompositionPrimitivesUsed,
halSupportedEffectsUsed, halUnsupportedCompositionPrimitivesUsed,
halUnsupportedEffectsUsed, halCompositionSize, halPwleSize);
private static int[] filteredKeys(SparseBooleanArray supportArray, boolean supported) {
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < supportArray.size(); i++) {
if (supportArray.valueAt(i) == supported) count++;
if (count == 0) {
return null;
int pos = 0;
int[] res = new int[count];
for (int i = 0; i < supportArray.size(); i++) {
if (supportArray.valueAt(i) == supported) {
res[pos++] = supportArray.keyAt(i);
return res;