blob: 4ac2ba5a89bbaac54438b99cabdee6ec7fb7530a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.StringDef;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.Optional;
* An interface that provides access to service configuration for time zone detection. This hides
* how configuration is split between static, compile-time config, dynamic server-pushed flags and
* user settings. It provides listeners to signal when values that affect different components have
* changed.
public interface ServiceConfigAccessor {
@StringDef(prefix = "PROVIDER_MODE_",
@Target({ ElementType.TYPE_USE, ElementType.TYPE_PARAMETER })
@interface ProviderMode {
* The "disabled" provider mode. For use with {@link #getPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderMode()}
* and {@link #getSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderMode()}.
@ProviderMode String PROVIDER_MODE_DISABLED = "disabled";
* The "enabled" provider mode. For use with {@link #getPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderMode()}
* and {@link #getSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderMode()}.
@ProviderMode String PROVIDER_MODE_ENABLED = "enabled";
* Adds a listener that will be invoked when {@link ConfigurationInternal} may have changed.
* The listener is invoked on the main thread.
void addConfigurationInternalChangeListener(@NonNull StateChangeListener listener);
* Removes a listener previously added via {@link
* #addConfigurationInternalChangeListener(StateChangeListener)}.
void removeConfigurationInternalChangeListener(@NonNull StateChangeListener listener);
* Returns a snapshot of the {@link ConfigurationInternal} for the current user. This is only a
* snapshot so callers must use {@link
* #addConfigurationInternalChangeListener(StateChangeListener)} to be notified when it
* changes.
ConfigurationInternal getCurrentUserConfigurationInternal();
* Updates the configuration properties that control a device's time zone behavior.
* <p>This method returns {@code true} if the configuration was changed, {@code false}
* otherwise.
* @param bypassUserPolicyChecks {@code true} for device policy manager use cases where device
* policy restrictions that should apply to actual users can be ignored
boolean updateConfiguration(
@UserIdInt int userId, @NonNull TimeZoneConfiguration requestedConfiguration,
boolean bypassUserPolicyChecks);
* Returns a snapshot of the configuration that controls time zone detector behavior for the
* specified user.
ConfigurationInternal getConfigurationInternal(@UserIdInt int userId);
* Adds a listener that will be called when server flags related to location_time_zone_manager
* change. The callbacks are delivered on the main looper thread.
* <p>Note: Currently only for use by long-lived objects; there is no associated remove method.
void addLocationTimeZoneManagerConfigListener(@NonNull StateChangeListener listener);
* Returns {@code true} if the telephony-based time zone detection feature is supported on the
* device.
boolean isTelephonyTimeZoneDetectionFeatureSupported();
* Returns {@code true} if the location-based time zone detection feature can be supported on
* this device at all according to config. When {@code false}, implies that various other
* location-based services and settings will be turned off or rendered meaningless.
* <p>This is the ultimate "feature switch" for location-based time zone detection. If this is
* {@code false}, the device cannot support the feature without a config change or a reboot:
* This affects what services are started on boot to minimize expense when the feature is not
* wanted.
* Typically {@link #isGeoTimeZoneDetectionFeatureSupported()} should be used except during
* boot.
boolean isGeoTimeZoneDetectionFeatureSupportedInConfig();
* Returns {@code true} if the location-based time zone detection feature is supported on the
* device.
boolean isGeoTimeZoneDetectionFeatureSupported();
/** Returns the package name of the app hosting the primary location time zone provider. */
String getPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName();
* Sets the package name of the app hosting the primary location time zone provider for tests.
* Setting a {@code null} value means the provider is to be disabled.
* The values are reset with {@link #resetVolatileTestConfig()}.
void setTestPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName(
@Nullable String testPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName);
* Returns {@code true} if the usual permission checks are to be bypassed for the primary
* provider. Returns {@code true} only if {@link
* #setTestPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName} has been called.
boolean isTestPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProvider();
/** Returns the package name of the app hosting the secondary location time zone provider. */
String getSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName();
* Sets the package name of the app hosting the secondary location time zone provider for tests.
* Setting a {@code null} value means the provider is to be disabled.
* The values are reset with {@link #resetVolatileTestConfig()}.
void setTestSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName(
@Nullable String testSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName);
* Returns {@code true} if the usual permission checks are to be bypassed for the secondary
* provider. Returns {@code true} only if {@link
* #setTestSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderPackageName} has been called.
boolean isTestSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProvider();
* Enables/disables the state recording mode for tests. The value is reset with {@link
* #resetVolatileTestConfig()}.
void setRecordStateChangesForTests(boolean enabled);
* Returns {@code true} if the controller / providers are expected to record their state changes
* for tests.
boolean getRecordStateChangesForTests();
* Returns the mode for the primary location time zone provider.
@ProviderMode String getPrimaryLocationTimeZoneProviderMode();
* Returns the mode for the secondary location time zone provider.
@ProviderMode String getSecondaryLocationTimeZoneProviderMode();
* Returns whether location time zone detection is enabled for users when there's no setting
* value. Intended for use during feature release testing to "opt-in" users that haven't shown
* an explicit preference.
boolean isGeoDetectionEnabledForUsersByDefault();
* Returns whether location time zone detection is force enabled/disabled for users. Intended
* for use during feature release testing to force a given state.
Optional<Boolean> getGeoDetectionSettingEnabledOverride();
* Returns the time to send to a location time zone provider that informs it how long it has
* to return its first time zone suggestion.
Duration getLocationTimeZoneProviderInitializationTimeout();
* Returns the time added to {@link #getLocationTimeZoneProviderInitializationTimeout()} by the
* server before unilaterally declaring the provider is uncertain.
Duration getLocationTimeZoneProviderInitializationTimeoutFuzz();
* Returns the time after uncertainty is detected by providers before the location time zone
* manager makes a suggestion to the time zone detector.
Duration getLocationTimeZoneUncertaintyDelay();
* Returns the time between equivalent events before the provider process will send the event
* to the system server.
Duration getLocationTimeZoneProviderEventFilteringAgeThreshold();
/** Clears all in-memory test config. */
void resetVolatileTestConfig();