blob: 66f862ac92057f96c241db6c24d8fefc9b72e84f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import static;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.weaver.IWeaver;
import android.hardware.weaver.WeaverConfig;
import android.hardware.weaver.WeaverReadResponse;
import android.hardware.weaver.WeaverReadStatus;
import android.os.RemoteCallbackList;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.ServiceManager;
import android.os.ServiceSpecificException;
import android.os.UserManager;
import android.provider.Settings;
import android.service.gatekeeper.GateKeeperResponse;
import android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.ArrayMap;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Slog;
import libcore.util.HexEncoding;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
* A class that manages a user's synthetic password (SP) ({@link #SyntheticPassword}), along with a
* set of SP protectors that are independent ways that the SP is protected.
* Invariants for SPs:
* - A user's SP never changes, but SP protectors can be added and removed. There is always a
* protector that protects the SP with the user's Lock Screen Knowledge Factor (LSKF), a.k.a.
* LockscreenCredential. The LSKF may be empty (none). There may be escrow token-based
* protectors as well, only for specific use cases such as enterprise-managed users.
* - The user's credential-encrypted storage is always protected by the SP.
* - The user's auth-bound Keystore keys are protected by the SP, but only while an LSKF is set.
* This works by setting the user's Keystore and Gatekeeper passwords to SP-derived secrets, but
* only while an LSKF is set. When the LSKF is removed, these passwords are cleared,
* invalidating the user's auth-bound keys.
* Files stored on disk for each user:
* For the SP itself, stored under NULL_PROTECTOR_ID:
* SP_HANDLE_NAME: GateKeeper password handle of a password derived from the SP. Only exists
* while the LSKF is nonempty.
* SP_E0_NAME, SP_P1_NAME: Information needed to create and use escrow token-based protectors.
* Deleted when escrow token support is disabled for the user.
* VENDOR_AUTH_SECRET_NAME: A copy of the secret passed using the IAuthSecret interface,
* encrypted using a secret derived from the SP using
* For each protector, stored under the corresponding protector ID:
* SP_BLOB_NAME: The encrypted SP secret (the SP itself or the P0 value). Always exists.
* PASSWORD_DATA_NAME: Data used for LSKF verification, such as the scrypt salt and
* parameters. Only exists for LSKF-based protectors. Doesn't exist when
* the LSKF is empty, except in old protectors.
* PASSWORD_METRICS_NAME: Metrics about the LSKF, encrypted by a key derived from the SP.
* Only exists for LSKF-based protectors. Doesn't exist when the LSKF
* is empty, except in old protectors.
* SECDISCARDABLE_NAME: A large number of random bytes that all need to be known in order to
* decrypt SP_BLOB_NAME. When the protector is deleted, this file is
* overwritten and deleted as a "best-effort" attempt to support secure
* deletion when hardware support for secure deletion is unavailable.
* Doesn't exist for LSKF-based protectors that use Weaver.
* WEAVER_SLOT: Contains the Weaver slot number used by this protector. Only exists if the
* protector uses Weaver.
class SyntheticPasswordManager {
private static final String SP_BLOB_NAME = "spblob";
private static final String SP_E0_NAME = "e0";
private static final String SP_P1_NAME = "p1";
private static final String SP_HANDLE_NAME = "handle";
private static final String SECDISCARDABLE_NAME = "secdis";
private static final int SECDISCARDABLE_LENGTH = 16 * 1024;
private static final String PASSWORD_DATA_NAME = "pwd";
private static final String WEAVER_SLOT_NAME = "weaver";
private static final String PASSWORD_METRICS_NAME = "metrics";
private static final String VENDOR_AUTH_SECRET_NAME = "vendor_auth_secret";
// used for files associated with the SP itself, not with a particular protector
public static final long NULL_PROTECTOR_ID = 0L;
private static final byte[] DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "default-password".getBytes();
private static final byte WEAVER_VERSION = 1;
private static final int INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT = -1;
// Careful: the SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_* version numbers are overloaded to identify both the version
// of the protector and the version of the synthetic password itself. All a user's protectors
// must use a version that treats the synthetic password itself in a compatible way.
private static final byte SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V1 = 1;
private static final byte SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V2 = 2;
private static final byte SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V3 = 3;
private static final byte PROTECTOR_TYPE_LSKF_BASED = 0;
private static final byte PROTECTOR_TYPE_STRONG_TOKEN_BASED = 1;
private static final byte PROTECTOR_TYPE_WEAK_TOKEN_BASED = 2;
private static final String PROTECTOR_KEY_ALIAS_PREFIX = "synthetic_password_";
// The security strength of the synthetic password, in bytes
private static final int SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_SECURITY_STRENGTH = 256 / 8;
private static final int PASSWORD_SCRYPT_LOG_N = 11;
private static final int PASSWORD_SCRYPT_LOG_R = 3;
private static final int PASSWORD_SCRYPT_LOG_P = 1;
private static final int PASSWORD_SALT_LENGTH = 16;
private static final int STRETCHED_LSKF_LENGTH = 32;
private static final String TAG = "SyntheticPasswordManager";
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_SECDISCARDABLE = "secdiscardable-transform".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD = "keystore-password".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_USER_GK_AUTH = "user-gk-authentication".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_SP_GK_AUTH = "sp-gk-authentication".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_FBE_KEY = "fbe-key".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_AUTHSECRET_KEY = "authsecret-hal".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_SP_SPLIT = "sp-split".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_PASSWORD_HASH = "pw-hash".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_E0 = "e0-encryption".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_WEAVER_PASSWORD = "weaver-pwd".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_WEAVER_KEY = "weaver-key".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_WEAVER_TOKEN = "weaver-token".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_PASSWORD_METRICS = "password-metrics".getBytes();
private static final byte[] PERSONALIZATION_CONTEXT =
static class AuthenticationResult {
// Non-null if password/token passes verification, null otherwise
@Nullable public SyntheticPassword syntheticPassword;
// OK: password / token passes verification, user has a lockscreen
// null: user does not have a lockscreen (but password / token passes verification)
// ERROR: password / token fails verification
// RETRY: password / token verification is throttled at the moment.
@Nullable public VerifyCredentialResponse gkResponse;
* A synthetic password (SP) is the main cryptographic secret for a user. The SP is used only
* as input to a Key Derivation Function (KDF) to derive other keys.
* SPs are created by {@link SyntheticPassword#create()} as the hash of two random values P0 and
* P1. E0 (P0 encrypted by an SP-derived key) and P1 can then be stored on-disk. This approach
* is used instead of direct random generation of the SP so that escrow token-based protectors
* can protect P0 instead of the SP itself. This makes it possible to cryptographically disable
* the ability to create and use such protectors by deleting (or never storing) E0 and P1.
* When protecting the SP directly, use {@link SyntheticPassword#getSyntheticPassword()} to get
* the raw SP, and later {@link SyntheticPassword#recreateDirectly(byte[])} to re-create the SP.
* When protecting P0, use {@link SyntheticPassword#getEscrowSecret()} to get P0, and later
* {@link SyntheticPassword#setEscrowData(byte[], byte[])} followed by
* {@link SyntheticPassword#recreateFromEscrow()} to re-create the SP.
static class SyntheticPassword {
private final byte mVersion;
* Here is the relationship between these fields:
* Generate two random block P0 and P1. P1 is recorded in mEscrowSplit1 but P0 is not.
* mSyntheticPassword = hash(P0 || P1)
* E0 = P0 encrypted under syntheticPassword, recorded in mEncryptedEscrowSplit0.
private @NonNull byte[] mSyntheticPassword;
private @Nullable byte[] mEncryptedEscrowSplit0;
private @Nullable byte[] mEscrowSplit1;
SyntheticPassword(byte version) {
mVersion = version;
* Derives a subkey from the synthetic password. For v3 and later synthetic passwords the
* subkeys are 256-bit; for v1 and v2 they are 512-bit.
private byte[] deriveSubkey(byte[] personalization) {
return (new SP800Derive(mSyntheticPassword))
.withContext(personalization, PERSONALIZATION_CONTEXT);
} else {
return SyntheticPasswordCrypto.personalizedHash(personalization,
public byte[] deriveKeyStorePassword() {
return bytesToHex(deriveSubkey(PERSONALIZATION_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD));
public byte[] deriveGkPassword() {
return deriveSubkey(PERSONALIZATION_SP_GK_AUTH);
public byte[] deriveFileBasedEncryptionKey() {
return deriveSubkey(PERSONALIZATION_FBE_KEY);
public byte[] deriveVendorAuthSecret() {
public byte[] derivePasswordHashFactor() {
/** Derives key used to encrypt password metrics */
public byte[] deriveMetricsKey() {
public byte[] deriveVendorAuthSecretEncryptionKey() {
* Assigns escrow data to this synthetic password. This is a prerequisite to call
* {@link SyntheticPassword#recreateFromEscrow}.
public void setEscrowData(@Nullable byte[] encryptedEscrowSplit0,
@Nullable byte[] escrowSplit1) {
mEncryptedEscrowSplit0 = encryptedEscrowSplit0;
mEscrowSplit1 = escrowSplit1;
* Re-creates a synthetic password from the escrow secret (escrowSplit0, returned from
* {@link SyntheticPassword#getEscrowSecret}). Escrow data needs to be loaded
* by {@link #setEscrowData} before calling this.
public void recreateFromEscrow(byte[] escrowSplit0) {
recreate(escrowSplit0, mEscrowSplit1);
* Re-creates a synthetic password from its raw bytes.
public void recreateDirectly(byte[] syntheticPassword) {
this.mSyntheticPassword = Arrays.copyOf(syntheticPassword, syntheticPassword.length);
* Generates a new random synthetic password with escrow data.
static SyntheticPassword create() {
SyntheticPassword result = new SyntheticPassword(SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V3);
byte[] escrowSplit0 =
byte[] escrowSplit1 =
result.recreate(escrowSplit0, escrowSplit1);
byte[] encrypteEscrowSplit0 = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.encrypt(result.mSyntheticPassword,
PERSONALIZATION_E0, escrowSplit0);
result.setEscrowData(encrypteEscrowSplit0, escrowSplit1);
return result;
* Re-creates synthetic password from both escrow splits. See javadoc for
* SyntheticPassword.mSyntheticPassword for details on what each block means.
private void recreate(byte[] escrowSplit0, byte[] escrowSplit1) {
mSyntheticPassword = bytesToHex(SyntheticPasswordCrypto.personalizedHash(
PERSONALIZATION_SP_SPLIT, escrowSplit0, escrowSplit1));
* Returns the escrow secret that can be used later to reconstruct this synthetic password
* from {@link #recreateFromEscrow(byte[])}. Only possible if escrow is not disabled
* (encryptedEscrowSplit0 known).
public byte[] getEscrowSecret() {
if (mEncryptedEscrowSplit0 == null) {
return null;
return SyntheticPasswordCrypto.decrypt(mSyntheticPassword, PERSONALIZATION_E0,
* Returns the raw synthetic password, for later use with {@link #recreateDirectly(byte[])}.
public byte[] getSyntheticPassword() {
return mSyntheticPassword;
* Returns the version number of this synthetic password. This version number determines
* the algorithm used to derive subkeys.
public byte getVersion() {
return mVersion;
static class PasswordData {
byte scryptLogN;
byte scryptLogR;
byte scryptLogP;
public int credentialType;
byte[] salt;
// When Weaver is unavailable, this is the Gatekeeper password handle that resulted from
// enrolling the stretched LSKF.
public byte[] passwordHandle;
* Pin length field, only stored in version 2 of the password data and when auto confirm
* flag is enabled, otherwise this field contains PIN_LENGTH_UNAVAILABLE
public int pinLength;
public static PasswordData create(int credentialType, int pinLength) {
PasswordData result = new PasswordData();
result.scryptLogN = PASSWORD_SCRYPT_LOG_N;
result.scryptLogR = PASSWORD_SCRYPT_LOG_R;
result.scryptLogP = PASSWORD_SCRYPT_LOG_P;
result.credentialType = credentialType;
result.pinLength = pinLength;
result.salt = SecureRandomUtils.randomBytes(PASSWORD_SALT_LENGTH);
return result;
* Returns true if the given serialized PasswordData begins with the value 2 as a short.
* This detects the "bad" (non-forwards-compatible) PasswordData format that was temporarily
* used during development of Android 14. For more details, see fromBytes() below.
public static boolean isBadFormatFromAndroid14Beta(byte[] data) {
return data != null && data.length >= 2 && data[0] == 0 && data[1] == 2;
public static PasswordData fromBytes(byte[] data) {
PasswordData result = new PasswordData();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(data.length);
buffer.put(data, 0, data.length);
* The serialized PasswordData is supposed to begin with credentialType as an int.
* However, all credentialType values fit in a short and the byte order is big endian,
* so the first two bytes don't convey any non-redundant information. For this reason,
* temporarily during development of Android 14, the first two bytes were "stolen" from
* credentialType to use for a data format version number.
* However, this change was reverted as it was a non-forwards-compatible change. (See
* toBytes() for why this data format needs to be forwards-compatible.) Therefore,
* recover from this misstep by ignoring the first two bytes.
result.credentialType = (short) buffer.getInt();
result.scryptLogN = buffer.get();
result.scryptLogR = buffer.get();
result.scryptLogP = buffer.get();
int saltLen = buffer.getInt();
result.salt = new byte[saltLen];
int handleLen = buffer.getInt();
if (handleLen > 0) {
result.passwordHandle = new byte[handleLen];
} else {
result.passwordHandle = null;
if (buffer.remaining() >= Integer.BYTES) {
result.pinLength = buffer.getInt();
} else {
result.pinLength = PIN_LENGTH_UNAVAILABLE;
return result;
* Serializes this PasswordData into a byte array.
* <p>
* Careful: all changes to the format of the serialized PasswordData must be forwards
* compatible. I.e., older versions of Android must still accept the latest PasswordData.
* This is because a serialized PasswordData is stored in the Factory Reset Protection (FRP)
* persistent data block. It's possible that a device has FRP set up on a newer version of
* Android, is factory reset, and then is set up with an older version of Android.
public byte[] toBytes() {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Integer.BYTES + 3 * Byte.BYTES
+ Integer.BYTES + salt.length + Integer.BYTES +
(passwordHandle != null ? passwordHandle.length : 0) + Integer.BYTES);
// credentialType must fit in a short. For an explanation, see fromBytes().
if (credentialType < Short.MIN_VALUE || credentialType > Short.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown credential type: " + credentialType);
if (passwordHandle != null && passwordHandle.length > 0) {
} else {
return buffer.array();
private static class SyntheticPasswordBlob {
byte mVersion;
byte mProtectorType;
byte[] mContent;
public static SyntheticPasswordBlob create(byte version, byte protectorType,
byte[] content) {
SyntheticPasswordBlob result = new SyntheticPasswordBlob();
result.mVersion = version;
result.mProtectorType = protectorType;
result.mContent = content;
return result;
public static SyntheticPasswordBlob fromBytes(byte[] data) {
SyntheticPasswordBlob result = new SyntheticPasswordBlob();
result.mVersion = data[0];
result.mProtectorType = data[1];
result.mContent = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 2, data.length);
return result;
public byte[] toByte() {
byte[] blob = new byte[mContent.length + 1 + 1];
blob[0] = mVersion;
blob[1] = mProtectorType;
System.arraycopy(mContent, 0, blob, 2, mContent.length);
return blob;
@interface TokenType {}
static final int TOKEN_TYPE_STRONG = 0;
static final int TOKEN_TYPE_WEAK = 1;
private static class TokenData {
byte[] secdiscardableOnDisk;
byte[] weaverSecret;
byte[] aggregatedSecret;
@TokenType int mType;
EscrowTokenStateChangeCallback mCallback;
private final Context mContext;
private LockSettingsStorage mStorage;
private IWeaver mWeaver;
private WeaverConfig mWeaverConfig;
private PasswordSlotManager mPasswordSlotManager;
private final UserManager mUserManager;
private final RemoteCallbackList<IWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener> mListeners =
new RemoteCallbackList<>();
public SyntheticPasswordManager(Context context, LockSettingsStorage storage,
UserManager userManager, PasswordSlotManager passwordSlotManager) {
mContext = context;
mStorage = storage;
mUserManager = userManager;
mPasswordSlotManager = passwordSlotManager;
private boolean isDeviceProvisioned() {
return Settings.Global.getInt(mContext.getContentResolver(),
Settings.Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED, 0) != 0;
protected android.hardware.weaver.V1_0.IWeaver getWeaverHidlService() throws RemoteException {
try {
return android.hardware.weaver.V1_0.IWeaver.getService(/* retry */ true);
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
return null;
private IWeaver getWeaverService() {
// Try to get the AIDL service first
try {
IWeaver aidlWeaver = IWeaver.Stub.asInterface(
ServiceManager.waitForDeclaredService(IWeaver.DESCRIPTOR + "/default"));
if (aidlWeaver != null) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Using AIDL weaver service");
return aidlWeaver;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Does not have permissions to get AIDL weaver service");
// If the AIDL service can't be found, look for the HIDL service
try {
android.hardware.weaver.V1_0.IWeaver hidlWeaver = getWeaverHidlService();
if (hidlWeaver != null) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Using HIDL weaver service");
return new WeaverHidlAdapter(hidlWeaver);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to get HIDL weaver service.", e);
Slog.w(TAG, "Device does not support weaver");
return null;
public boolean isAutoPinConfirmationFeatureAvailable() {
return LockPatternUtils.isAutoPinConfirmFeatureAvailable();
private synchronized boolean isWeaverAvailable() {
if (mWeaver != null) {
return true;
// Re-initialize weaver in case there was a transient error preventing access to it.
IWeaver weaver = getWeaverService();
if (weaver == null) {
return false;
final WeaverConfig weaverConfig;
try {
weaverConfig = weaver.getConfig();
} catch (RemoteException | ServiceSpecificException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to get weaver config", e);
return false;
if (weaverConfig == null || weaverConfig.slots <= 0) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Invalid weaver config");
return false;
mWeaver = weaver;
mWeaverConfig = weaverConfig;
Slog.i(TAG, "Weaver service initialized");
return true;
* Enroll the given key value pair into the specified weaver slot. if the given key is null,
* a default all-zero key is used. If the value is not specified, a fresh random secret is
* generated as the value.
* @return the value stored in the weaver slot, or null if the operation fails
private byte[] weaverEnroll(int slot, byte[] key, @Nullable byte[] value) {
if (slot == INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT || slot >= mWeaverConfig.slots) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid slot for weaver");
if (key == null) {
key = new byte[mWeaverConfig.keySize];
} else if (key.length != mWeaverConfig.keySize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key size for weaver");
if (value == null) {
value = SecureRandomUtils.randomBytes(mWeaverConfig.valueSize);
try {
mWeaver.write(slot, key, value);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver write binder call failed, slot: " + slot, e);
return null;
} catch (ServiceSpecificException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver write failed, slot: " + slot, e);
return null;
return value;
* Create a VerifyCredentialResponse from a timeout base on the WeaverReadResponse.
* This checks the received timeout(long) to make sure it sure it fits in an int before
* using it. If it doesn't fit, we use Integer.MAX_VALUE.
private static VerifyCredentialResponse responseFromTimeout(WeaverReadResponse response) {
int timeout =
response.timeout > Integer.MAX_VALUE || response.timeout < 0
? Integer.MAX_VALUE
: (int) response.timeout;
return VerifyCredentialResponse.fromTimeout(timeout);
* Verify the supplied key against a weaver slot, returning a response indicating whether
* the verification is successful, throttled or failed. If successful, the bound secret
* is also returned.
private VerifyCredentialResponse weaverVerify(int slot, byte[] key) {
if (slot == INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT || slot >= mWeaverConfig.slots) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid slot for weaver");
if (key == null) {
key = new byte[mWeaverConfig.keySize];
} else if (key.length != mWeaverConfig.keySize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid key size for weaver");
final WeaverReadResponse readResponse;
try {
readResponse =, key);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver read failed, slot: " + slot, e);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
switch (readResponse.status) {
case WeaverReadStatus.OK:
return new VerifyCredentialResponse.Builder()
case WeaverReadStatus.THROTTLE:
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver read failed (THROTTLE), slot: " + slot);
return responseFromTimeout(readResponse);
case WeaverReadStatus.INCORRECT_KEY:
if (readResponse.timeout == 0) {
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver read failed (INCORRECT_KEY), slot: " + slot);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
} else {
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver read failed (INCORRECT_KEY/THROTTLE), slot: " + slot);
return responseFromTimeout(readResponse);
case WeaverReadStatus.FAILED:
Slog.e(TAG, "weaver read failed (FAILED), slot: " + slot);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
"weaver read unknown status " + readResponse.status
+ ", slot: " + slot);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
public void removeUser(IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, int userId) {
for (long protectorId : mStorage.listSyntheticPasswordProtectorsForUser(SP_BLOB_NAME,
userId)) {
destroyWeaverSlot(protectorId, userId);
// Remove potential persistent state (in RPMB), to prevent them from accumulating and
// causing problems.
try {
} catch (RemoteException ignore) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to clear SID from gatekeeper");
int getPinLength(long protectorId, int userId) {
byte[] passwordData = loadState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (passwordData == null) {
return LockPatternUtils.PIN_LENGTH_UNAVAILABLE;
return PasswordData.fromBytes(passwordData).pinLength;
int getCredentialType(long protectorId, int userId) {
byte[] passwordData = loadState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (passwordData == null) {
return LockPatternUtils.CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NONE;
return PasswordData.fromBytes(passwordData).credentialType;
static int getFrpCredentialType(byte[] payload) {
if (payload == null) {
return LockPatternUtils.CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NONE;
return PasswordData.fromBytes(payload).credentialType;
* Creates a new synthetic password (SP) for the given user.
* <p>
* Any existing SID for the user is cleared.
* <p>
* Also saves the escrow information necessary to re-generate the synthetic password under
* an escrow scheme. This information can be removed with {@link #destroyEscrowData} if
* password escrow should be disabled completely on the given user.
* <p>
* {@link syncState()} is not called yet; the caller should create a protector afterwards, which
* handles this. This makes it so that all the user's initial SP state files, including the
* initial LSKF-based protector, are efficiently created with only a single {@link syncState()}.
SyntheticPassword newSyntheticPassword(int userId) {
SyntheticPassword result = SyntheticPassword.create();
saveEscrowData(result, userId);
return result;
* Enroll a new password handle and SID for the given synthetic password and persist it on disk.
* Used when the LSKF is changed from empty to nonempty.
public void newSidForUser(IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, SyntheticPassword sp, int userId) {
GateKeeperResponse response;
try {
response = gatekeeper.enroll(userId, null, null, sp.deriveGkPassword());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to create new SID for user", e);
if (response.getResponseCode() != GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Fail to create new SID for user " + userId
+ " response: " + response.getResponseCode());
saveSyntheticPasswordHandle(response.getPayload(), userId);
// Nuke the SP handle (and as a result, its SID) for the given user.
public void clearSidForUser(int userId) {
public boolean hasSidForUser(int userId) {
return hasState(SP_HANDLE_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
// If this returns null, it means there is no SID associated with the user. This happens if the
// user has an empty LSKF, but does have an SP.
private byte[] loadSyntheticPasswordHandle(int userId) {
return loadState(SP_HANDLE_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
private void saveSyntheticPasswordHandle(byte[] spHandle, int userId) {
saveState(SP_HANDLE_NAME, spHandle, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
private boolean loadEscrowData(SyntheticPassword sp, int userId) {
byte[] e0 = loadState(SP_E0_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
byte[] p1 = loadState(SP_P1_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
sp.setEscrowData(e0, p1);
return e0 != null && p1 != null;
* Saves the escrow data for the synthetic password. The caller is responsible for calling
* {@link syncState()} afterwards, once the user's other initial synthetic password state files
* have been created.
private void saveEscrowData(SyntheticPassword sp, int userId) {
saveState(SP_E0_NAME, sp.mEncryptedEscrowSplit0, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
saveState(SP_P1_NAME, sp.mEscrowSplit1, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
public boolean hasEscrowData(int userId) {
return hasState(SP_E0_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId)
&& hasState(SP_P1_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
public boolean hasAnyEscrowData(int userId) {
return hasState(SP_E0_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId)
|| hasState(SP_P1_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
public void destroyEscrowData(int userId) {
destroyState(SP_E0_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
destroyState(SP_P1_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
private int loadWeaverSlot(long protectorId, int userId) {
final int LENGTH = Byte.BYTES + Integer.BYTES;
byte[] data = loadState(WEAVER_SLOT_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (data == null || data.length != LENGTH) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(LENGTH);
buffer.put(data, 0, data.length);
if (buffer.get() != WEAVER_VERSION) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Invalid weaver slot version for protector " + protectorId);
return buffer.getInt();
* Creates a file that stores the Weaver slot the protector is using. The caller is responsible
* for calling {@link syncState()} afterwards, once all the protector's files have been created.
private void saveWeaverSlot(int slot, long protectorId, int userId) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(Byte.BYTES + Integer.BYTES);
saveState(WEAVER_SLOT_NAME, buffer.array(), protectorId, userId);
private void destroyWeaverSlot(long protectorId, int userId) {
int slot = loadWeaverSlot(protectorId, userId);
destroyState(WEAVER_SLOT_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (slot != INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT) {
if (!isWeaverAvailable()) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Cannot erase Weaver slot because Weaver is unavailable");
Set<Integer> usedSlots = getUsedWeaverSlots();
if (!usedSlots.contains(slot)) {
Slogf.i(TAG, "Erasing Weaver slot %d", slot);
weaverEnroll(slot, null, null);
} else {
Slogf.i(TAG, "Weaver slot %d was already reused; not erasing it", slot);
* Return the set of weaver slots that are currently in use by all users on the device.
* <p>
* <em>Note:</em> Users who are in the process of being deleted are not tracked here
* (due to them being marked as partial in UserManager so not visible from
* {@link UserManager#getUsers}). As a result their weaver slots will not be considered
* taken and can be reused by new users. Care should be taken when cleaning up the
* deleted user in {@link #removeUser}, to prevent a reused slot from being erased
* unintentionally.
private Set<Integer> getUsedWeaverSlots() {
Map<Integer, List<Long>> protectorIds =
HashSet<Integer> slots = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, List<Long>> entry : protectorIds.entrySet()) {
for (Long protectorId : entry.getValue()) {
int slot = loadWeaverSlot(protectorId, entry.getKey());
return slots;
private int getNextAvailableWeaverSlot() {
Set<Integer> usedSlots = getUsedWeaverSlots();
// If the device is not yet provisioned, then the Weaver slot used by the FRP credential may
// be still needed and must not be reused yet. (This *should* instead check "has FRP been
// resolved yet?", which would allow reusing the slot a bit earlier. However, the
// SECURE_FRP_MODE setting gets set to 1 too late for it to be used here.)
if (!isDeviceProvisioned()) {
PersistentData persistentData = mStorage.readPersistentDataBlock();
if (persistentData != null && persistentData.type == PersistentData.TYPE_SP_WEAVER) {
int slot = persistentData.userId; // Note: field name is misleading
for (int i = 0; i < mWeaverConfig.slots; i++) {
if (!usedSlots.contains(i)) {
return i;
throw new IllegalStateException("Run out of weaver slots.");
* Creates a protector that protects the user's SP with the given LSKF (which may be empty).
* This method only creates a new protector that isn't referenced by anything; it doesn't handle
* any higher-level tasks involved in changing the LSKF.
* @return the ID of the new protector
* @throws IllegalStateException on failure
public long createLskfBasedProtector(IGateKeeperService gatekeeper,
LockscreenCredential credential, SyntheticPassword sp, int userId) {
long protectorId = generateProtectorId();
if (isAutoPinConfirmationFeatureAvailable()) {
pinLength = derivePinLength(credential.size(), credential.isPin(), userId);
// There's no need to store password data about an empty LSKF.
PasswordData pwd = credential.isNone() ? null :
PasswordData.create(credential.getType(), pinLength);
byte[] stretchedLskf = stretchLskf(credential, pwd);
long sid = GateKeeper.INVALID_SECURE_USER_ID;
final byte[] protectorSecret;
Slogf.i(TAG, "Creating LSKF-based protector %016x for user %d", protectorId, userId);
if (isWeaverAvailable()) {
// Weaver is available, so make the protector use it to verify the LSKF. Do this even
// if the LSKF is empty, as that gives us support for securely deleting the protector.
int weaverSlot = getNextAvailableWeaverSlot();
Slogf.i(TAG, "Enrolling LSKF for user %d into Weaver slot %d", userId, weaverSlot);
byte[] weaverSecret = weaverEnroll(weaverSlot, stretchedLskfToWeaverKey(stretchedLskf),
if (weaverSecret == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Fail to enroll user password under weaver " + userId);
saveWeaverSlot(weaverSlot, protectorId, userId);
// No need to pass in quality since the credential type already encodes sufficient info
synchronizeWeaverFrpPassword(pwd, 0, userId, weaverSlot);
protectorSecret = transformUnderWeaverSecret(stretchedLskf, weaverSecret);
} else {
// Weaver is unavailable, so make the protector use Gatekeeper (GK) to verify the LSKF.
// However, skip GK when the LSKF is empty. There are two reasons for this, one
// performance and one correctness. The performance reason is that GK wouldn't give any
// benefit with an empty LSKF anyway, since GK isn't expected to provide secure
// deletion. The correctness reason is that it is unsafe to enroll a password in the
// 'fakeUserId' GK range on an FRP-protected device that is in the setup wizard with FRP
// not passed yet, as that may overwrite the enrollment used by the FRP credential.
if (!credential.isNone()) {
// In case GK enrollment leaves persistent state around (in RPMB), this will nuke
// them to prevent them from accumulating and causing problems.
try {
} catch (RemoteException ignore) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to clear SID from gatekeeper");
Slogf.i(TAG, "Enrolling LSKF for user %d into Gatekeeper", userId);
GateKeeperResponse response;
try {
response = gatekeeper.enroll(fakeUserId(userId), null, null,
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to enroll LSKF for new SP protector"
+ " for user " + userId, e);
if (response.getResponseCode() != GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to enroll LSKF for new SP protector"
+ " for user " + userId);
pwd.passwordHandle = response.getPayload();
sid = sidFromPasswordHandle(pwd.passwordHandle);
protectorSecret = transformUnderSecdiscardable(stretchedLskf,
createSecdiscardable(protectorId, userId));
// No need to pass in quality since the credential type already encodes sufficient info
synchronizeGatekeeperFrpPassword(pwd, 0, userId);
if (!credential.isNone()) {
saveState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, pwd.toBytes(), protectorId, userId);
savePasswordMetrics(credential, sp, protectorId, userId);
createSyntheticPasswordBlob(protectorId, PROTECTOR_TYPE_LSKF_BASED, sp, protectorSecret,
sid, userId);
syncState(userId); // ensure the new files are really saved to disk
return protectorId;
private int derivePinLength(int sizeOfCredential, boolean isPinCredential, int userId) {
if (!isPinCredential
|| !mStorage.isAutoPinConfirmSettingEnabled(userId)
|| sizeOfCredential < LockPatternUtils.MIN_AUTO_PIN_REQUIREMENT_LENGTH) {
return sizeOfCredential;
public VerifyCredentialResponse verifyFrpCredential(IGateKeeperService gatekeeper,
LockscreenCredential userCredential,
ICheckCredentialProgressCallback progressCallback) {
PersistentData persistentData = mStorage.readPersistentDataBlock();
if (persistentData.type == PersistentData.TYPE_SP_GATEKEEPER) {
PasswordData pwd = PasswordData.fromBytes(persistentData.payload);
byte[] stretchedLskf = stretchLskf(userCredential, pwd);
GateKeeperResponse response;
try {
response = gatekeeper.verifyChallenge(fakeUserId(persistentData.userId),
0 /* challenge */, pwd.passwordHandle,
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "FRP verifyChallenge failed", e);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return VerifyCredentialResponse.fromGateKeeperResponse(response);
} else if (persistentData.type == PersistentData.TYPE_SP_WEAVER) {
if (!isWeaverAvailable()) {
Slog.e(TAG, "No weaver service to verify SP-based FRP credential");
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
PasswordData pwd = PasswordData.fromBytes(persistentData.payload);
byte[] stretchedLskf = stretchLskf(userCredential, pwd);
int weaverSlot = persistentData.userId;
return weaverVerify(weaverSlot, stretchedLskfToWeaverKey(stretchedLskf)).stripPayload();
} else {
Slog.e(TAG, "persistentData.type must be TYPE_SP_GATEKEEPER or TYPE_SP_WEAVER, but is "
+ persistentData.type);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
public void migrateFrpPasswordLocked(long protectorId, UserInfo userInfo,
int requestedQuality) {
if (mStorage.getPersistentDataBlockManager() != null
&& LockPatternUtils.userOwnsFrpCredential(mContext, userInfo)
&& getCredentialType(protectorId, !=
Slog.i(TAG, "Migrating FRP credential to persistent data block");
PasswordData pwd = PasswordData.fromBytes(loadState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId,;
int weaverSlot = loadWeaverSlot(protectorId,;
if (weaverSlot != INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT) {
synchronizeWeaverFrpPassword(pwd, requestedQuality,, weaverSlot);
} else {
synchronizeGatekeeperFrpPassword(pwd, requestedQuality,;
private static boolean isNoneCredential(PasswordData pwd) {
return pwd == null || pwd.credentialType == LockPatternUtils.CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NONE;
private boolean shouldSynchronizeFrpCredential(@Nullable PasswordData pwd, int userId) {
if (mStorage.getPersistentDataBlockManager() == null) {
return false;
UserInfo userInfo = mUserManager.getUserInfo(userId);
if (!LockPatternUtils.userOwnsFrpCredential(mContext, userInfo)) {
return false;
// When initializing the synthetic password of the user that will own the FRP credential,
// the FRP data block must not be cleared if the device isn't provisioned yet, since in this
// case the old value of the block may still be needed for the FRP authentication step. The
// FRP data block will instead be cleared later, by
// LockSettingsService.DeviceProvisionedObserver.clearFrpCredentialIfOwnerNotSecure().
// Don't check the SECURE_FRP_MODE setting here, as it gets set to 1 too late.
// Don't delay anything for a nonempty credential. A nonempty credential can be set before
// the device has been provisioned, but it's guaranteed to be after FRP was resolved.
if (isNoneCredential(pwd) && !isDeviceProvisioned()) {
Slog.d(TAG, "Not clearing FRP credential yet because device is not yet provisioned");
return false;
return true;
private void synchronizeGatekeeperFrpPassword(@Nullable PasswordData pwd, int requestedQuality,
int userId) {
if (shouldSynchronizeFrpCredential(pwd, userId)) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "Syncing Gatekeeper-based FRP credential tied to user %d", userId);
if (!isNoneCredential(pwd)) {
mStorage.writePersistentDataBlock(PersistentData.TYPE_SP_GATEKEEPER, userId,
requestedQuality, pwd.toBytes());
} else {
mStorage.writePersistentDataBlock(PersistentData.TYPE_NONE, userId, 0, null);
private void synchronizeWeaverFrpPassword(@Nullable PasswordData pwd, int requestedQuality,
int userId, int weaverSlot) {
if (shouldSynchronizeFrpCredential(pwd, userId)) {
Slogf.d(TAG, "Syncing Weaver-based FRP credential tied to user %d", userId);
if (!isNoneCredential(pwd)) {
mStorage.writePersistentDataBlock(PersistentData.TYPE_SP_WEAVER, weaverSlot,
requestedQuality, pwd.toBytes());
} else {
mStorage.writePersistentDataBlock(PersistentData.TYPE_NONE, 0, 0, null);
private ArrayMap<Integer, ArrayMap<Long, TokenData>> tokenMap = new ArrayMap<>();
* Caches a pending escrow token in memory and pre-allocates an ID for a new SP protector. This
* ID also serves as a handle for the pending token.
* This method doesn't persist any data, and it doesn't require access to the SP.
* {@link #createTokenBasedProtector} can be called later to actually create the protector.
* @return the token handle
public long addPendingToken(byte[] token, @TokenType int type, int userId,
@Nullable EscrowTokenStateChangeCallback changeCallback) {
long tokenHandle = generateProtectorId(); // tokenHandle is reused as protectorId later
if (!tokenMap.containsKey(userId)) {
tokenMap.put(userId, new ArrayMap<>());
TokenData tokenData = new TokenData();
tokenData.mType = type;
final byte[] secdiscardable = SecureRandomUtils.randomBytes(SECDISCARDABLE_LENGTH);
if (isWeaverAvailable()) {
tokenData.weaverSecret = SecureRandomUtils.randomBytes(mWeaverConfig.valueSize);
tokenData.secdiscardableOnDisk = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.encrypt(tokenData.weaverSecret,
} else {
tokenData.secdiscardableOnDisk = secdiscardable;
tokenData.weaverSecret = null;
tokenData.aggregatedSecret = transformUnderSecdiscardable(token, secdiscardable);
tokenData.mCallback = changeCallback;
tokenMap.get(userId).put(tokenHandle, tokenData);
return tokenHandle;
public Set<Long> getPendingTokensForUser(int userId) {
if (!tokenMap.containsKey(userId)) {
return Collections.emptySet();
return new ArraySet<>(tokenMap.get(userId).keySet());
/** Remove the given pending token. */
public boolean removePendingToken(long tokenHandle, int userId) {
if (!tokenMap.containsKey(userId)) {
return false;
return tokenMap.get(userId).remove(tokenHandle) != null;
public boolean createTokenBasedProtector(long tokenHandle, SyntheticPassword sp, int userId) {
if (!tokenMap.containsKey(userId)) {
return false;
TokenData tokenData = tokenMap.get(userId).get(tokenHandle);
if (tokenData == null) {
return false;
if (!loadEscrowData(sp, userId)) {
Slog.w(TAG, "User is not escrowable");
return false;
Slogf.i(TAG, "Creating token-based protector %016x for user %d", tokenHandle, userId);
if (isWeaverAvailable()) {
int slot = getNextAvailableWeaverSlot();
Slogf.i(TAG, "Using Weaver slot %d for new token-based protector", slot);
if (weaverEnroll(slot, null, tokenData.weaverSecret) == null) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to enroll weaver secret when activating token");
return false;
saveWeaverSlot(slot, tokenHandle, userId);
saveSecdiscardable(tokenHandle, tokenData.secdiscardableOnDisk, userId);
createSyntheticPasswordBlob(tokenHandle, getTokenBasedProtectorType(tokenData.mType), sp,
tokenData.aggregatedSecret, 0L, userId);
syncState(userId); // ensure the new files are really saved to disk
if (tokenData.mCallback != null) {
tokenData.mCallback.onEscrowTokenActivated(tokenHandle, userId);
return true;
* Creates a synthetic password blob, i.e. the file that stores the encrypted synthetic password
* (or encrypted escrow secret) for a protector. The caller is responsible for calling
* {@link syncState()} afterwards, once all the protector's files have been created.
private void createSyntheticPasswordBlob(long protectorId, byte protectorType,
SyntheticPassword sp, byte[] protectorSecret, long sid, int userId) {
final byte[] spSecret;
spSecret = sp.getEscrowSecret();
} else {
spSecret = sp.getSyntheticPassword();
byte[] content = createSpBlob(getProtectorKeyAlias(protectorId), spSecret, protectorSecret,
* We can upgrade from v1 to v2 because that's just a change in the way that
* the SP is stored. However, we can't upgrade to v3 because that is a change
* in the way that passwords are derived from the SP.
byte version = sp.mVersion == SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V3
SyntheticPasswordBlob blob = SyntheticPasswordBlob.create(version, protectorType, content);
saveState(SP_BLOB_NAME, blob.toByte(), protectorId, userId);
* Tries to unlock a user's LSKF-based SP protector, given its ID and the claimed LSKF (which
* may be empty). On success, returns the user's synthetic password, and also does a Gatekeeper
* verification to refresh the SID and HardwareAuthToken maintained by the system.
public AuthenticationResult unlockLskfBasedProtector(IGateKeeperService gatekeeper,
long protectorId, @NonNull LockscreenCredential credential, int userId,
ICheckCredentialProgressCallback progressCallback) {
AuthenticationResult result = new AuthenticationResult();
if (protectorId == SyntheticPasswordManager.NULL_PROTECTOR_ID) {
// This should never happen, due to the migration done in LSS.onThirdPartyAppsStarted()., "Synthetic password not found for user %d", userId);
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
// Load the PasswordData file. If it doesn't exist, then the LSKF is empty (i.e.,
// CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NONE), and we'll skip the scrypt and Gatekeeper steps. If it exists,
// then either the LSKF is nonempty, or it's an old protector that uses scrypt and
// Gatekeeper even though the LSKF is empty.
byte[] pwdDataBytes = loadState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId, userId);
PasswordData pwd = null;
int storedType = LockPatternUtils.CREDENTIAL_TYPE_NONE;
if (pwdDataBytes != null) {
pwd = PasswordData.fromBytes(pwdDataBytes);
storedType = pwd.credentialType;
if (!credential.checkAgainstStoredType(storedType)) {
Slogf.e(TAG, "Credential type mismatch: stored type is %s but provided type is %s",
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
byte[] stretchedLskf = stretchLskf(credential, pwd);
final byte[] protectorSecret;
long sid = GateKeeper.INVALID_SECURE_USER_ID;
int weaverSlot = loadWeaverSlot(protectorId, userId);
if (weaverSlot != INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT) {
// Protector uses Weaver to verify the LSKF
if (!isWeaverAvailable()) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Protector uses Weaver, but Weaver is unavailable");
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
result.gkResponse = weaverVerify(weaverSlot, stretchedLskfToWeaverKey(stretchedLskf));
if (result.gkResponse.getResponseCode() != VerifyCredentialResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
return result;
protectorSecret = transformUnderWeaverSecret(stretchedLskf,
} else {
// Weaver is unavailable, so the protector uses Gatekeeper to verify the LSKF, unless
// the LSKF is empty in which case Gatekeeper might not have been used at all.
if (pwd == null || pwd.passwordHandle == null) {
if (!credential.isNone()) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Missing Gatekeeper password handle for nonempty LSKF");
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
} else {
byte[] gkPassword = stretchedLskfToGkPassword(stretchedLskf);
GateKeeperResponse response;
try {
response = gatekeeper.verifyChallenge(fakeUserId(userId), 0L,
pwd.passwordHandle, gkPassword);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "gatekeeper verify failed", e);
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
int responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.OK;
if (response.getShouldReEnroll()) {
GateKeeperResponse reenrollResponse;
try {
reenrollResponse = gatekeeper.enroll(fakeUserId(userId),
pwd.passwordHandle, gkPassword, gkPassword);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Fail to invoke gatekeeper.enroll", e);
reenrollResponse = GateKeeperResponse.ERROR;
// continue the flow anyway
if (reenrollResponse.getResponseCode() == GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
pwd.passwordHandle = reenrollResponse.getPayload();
// Use the reenrollment opportunity to update credential type
pwd.credentialType = credential.getType();
saveState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, pwd.toBytes(), protectorId, userId);
synchronizeGatekeeperFrpPassword(pwd, 0, userId);
} else {
Slog.w(TAG, "Fail to re-enroll user password for user " + userId);
// continue the flow anyway
} else if (responseCode == GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_RETRY) {
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.fromTimeout(response.getTimeout());
return result;
} else {
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
sid = sidFromPasswordHandle(pwd.passwordHandle);
byte[] secdiscardable = loadSecdiscardable(protectorId, userId);
if (secdiscardable == null) {
Slog.e(TAG, "secdiscardable file not found");
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
protectorSecret = transformUnderSecdiscardable(stretchedLskf, secdiscardable);
// Supplied credential passes first stage weaver/gatekeeper check so it should be correct.
// Notify the callback so the keyguard UI can proceed immediately.
if (progressCallback != null) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.w(TAG, "progressCallback throws exception", e);
result.syntheticPassword = unwrapSyntheticPasswordBlob(protectorId,
PROTECTOR_TYPE_LSKF_BASED, protectorSecret, sid, userId);
// Perform verifyChallenge to refresh auth tokens for GK if user password exists.
result.gkResponse = verifyChallenge(gatekeeper, result.syntheticPassword, 0L, userId);
// Upgrade case: store the metrics if the device did not have stored metrics before, should
// only happen once on old protectors.
if (result.syntheticPassword != null && !credential.isNone()
&& !hasPasswordMetrics(protectorId, userId)) {
savePasswordMetrics(credential, result.syntheticPassword, protectorId, userId);
syncState(userId); // Not strictly needed as the upgrade can be re-done, but be safe.
return result;
* {@link LockPatternUtils#refreshStoredPinLength(int)}
* @param passwordMetrics passwordMetrics object containing the cached pin length
* @param userId userId of the user whose pin length we want to store on disk
* @param protectorId current LSKF based protectorId
* @return true/false depending on whether PIN length has been saved on disk
public boolean refreshPinLengthOnDisk(PasswordMetrics passwordMetrics,
long protectorId, int userId) {
if (!isAutoPinConfirmationFeatureAvailable()) {
return false;
byte[] pwdDataBytes = loadState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (pwdDataBytes == null) {
return false;
PasswordData pwd = PasswordData.fromBytes(pwdDataBytes);
int pinLength = derivePinLength(passwordMetrics.length,
passwordMetrics.credType == CREDENTIAL_TYPE_PIN, userId);
if (pwd.pinLength != pinLength) {
pwd.pinLength = pinLength;
saveState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, pwd.toBytes(), protectorId, userId);
return true;
* Tries to unlock a token-based SP protector (weak or strong), given its ID and the claimed
* token. On success, returns the user's synthetic password, and also does a Gatekeeper
* verification to refresh the SID and HardwareAuthToken maintained by the system.
public @NonNull AuthenticationResult unlockTokenBasedProtector(
IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, long protectorId, byte[] token, int userId) {
SyntheticPasswordBlob blob = SyntheticPasswordBlob.fromBytes(loadState(SP_BLOB_NAME,
protectorId, userId));
return unlockTokenBasedProtectorInternal(gatekeeper, protectorId, blob.mProtectorType,
token, userId);
* Like {@link #unlockTokenBasedProtector}, but throws an exception if the protector is not for
* a strong token specifically.
public @NonNull AuthenticationResult unlockStrongTokenBasedProtector(
IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, long protectorId, byte[] token, int userId) {
return unlockTokenBasedProtectorInternal(gatekeeper, protectorId,
* Like {@link #unlockTokenBasedProtector}, but throws an exception if the protector is not for
* a weak token specifically.
public @NonNull AuthenticationResult unlockWeakTokenBasedProtector(
IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, long protectorId, byte[] token, int userId) {
return unlockTokenBasedProtectorInternal(gatekeeper, protectorId,
private @NonNull AuthenticationResult unlockTokenBasedProtectorInternal(
IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, long protectorId, byte expectedProtectorType,
byte[] token, int userId) {
AuthenticationResult result = new AuthenticationResult();
byte[] secdiscardable = loadSecdiscardable(protectorId, userId);
if (secdiscardable == null) {
Slog.e(TAG, "secdiscardable file not found");
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
int slotId = loadWeaverSlot(protectorId, userId);
if (slotId != INVALID_WEAVER_SLOT) {
if (!isWeaverAvailable()) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Protector uses Weaver, but Weaver is unavailable");
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
VerifyCredentialResponse response = weaverVerify(slotId, null);
if (response.getResponseCode() != VerifyCredentialResponse.RESPONSE_OK ||
response.getGatekeeperHAT() == null) {
"Failed to retrieve Weaver secret when unlocking token-based protector");
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
secdiscardable = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.decrypt(response.getGatekeeperHAT(),
byte[] protectorSecret = transformUnderSecdiscardable(token, secdiscardable);
result.syntheticPassword = unwrapSyntheticPasswordBlob(protectorId, expectedProtectorType,
protectorSecret, 0L, userId);
if (result.syntheticPassword != null) {
result.gkResponse = verifyChallenge(gatekeeper, result.syntheticPassword, 0L, userId);
if (result.gkResponse == null) {
// The user currently has no password. return OK with null payload so null
// is propagated to unlockUser()
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.OK;
} else {
result.gkResponse = VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
return result;
private SyntheticPassword unwrapSyntheticPasswordBlob(long protectorId,
byte expectedProtectorType, byte[] protectorSecret, long sid, int userId) {
byte[] data = loadState(SP_BLOB_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (data == null) {
return null;
SyntheticPasswordBlob blob = SyntheticPasswordBlob.fromBytes(data);
&& blob.mVersion != SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown blob version: " + blob.mVersion);
if (blob.mProtectorType != expectedProtectorType) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid protector type: " + blob.mProtectorType);
final byte[] spSecret;
if (blob.mVersion == SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V1) {
spSecret = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.decryptBlobV1(getProtectorKeyAlias(protectorId),
blob.mContent, protectorSecret);
} else {
spSecret = decryptSpBlob(getProtectorKeyAlias(protectorId), blob.mContent,
if (spSecret == null) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Fail to decrypt SP for user " + userId);
return null;
SyntheticPassword result = new SyntheticPassword(blob.mVersion);
|| blob.mProtectorType == PROTECTOR_TYPE_WEAK_TOKEN_BASED) {
if (!loadEscrowData(result, userId)) {
Slog.e(TAG, "User is not escrowable: " + userId);
return null;
} else {
if (blob.mVersion == SYNTHETIC_PASSWORD_VERSION_V1) {
Slog.i(TAG, "Upgrading v1 SP blob for user " + userId + ", protectorType = "
+ blob.mProtectorType);
createSyntheticPasswordBlob(protectorId, blob.mProtectorType, result, protectorSecret,
sid, userId);
syncState(userId); // Not strictly needed as the upgrade can be re-done, but be safe.
return result;
* performs GK verifyChallenge and returns auth token, re-enrolling SP password handle
* if required.
* Normally performing verifyChallenge with an SP should always return RESPONSE_OK, since user
* authentication failures are detected earlier when trying to decrypt the SP.
public @Nullable VerifyCredentialResponse verifyChallenge(IGateKeeperService gatekeeper,
@NonNull SyntheticPassword sp, long challenge, int userId) {
return verifyChallengeInternal(gatekeeper, sp.deriveGkPassword(), challenge, userId);
protected @Nullable VerifyCredentialResponse verifyChallengeInternal(
IGateKeeperService gatekeeper, @NonNull byte[] gatekeeperPassword, long challenge,
int userId) {
byte[] spHandle = loadSyntheticPasswordHandle(userId);
if (spHandle == null) {
// There is no password handle associated with the given user, i.e. the user is not
// secured by lockscreen and has no SID, so just return here;
return null;
GateKeeperResponse response;
try {
response = gatekeeper.verifyChallenge(userId, challenge,
spHandle, gatekeeperPassword);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Fail to verify with gatekeeper " + userId, e);
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
int responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
if (responseCode == GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
VerifyCredentialResponse result = new VerifyCredentialResponse.Builder()
if (response.getShouldReEnroll()) {
try {
response = gatekeeper.enroll(userId, spHandle, spHandle,
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Failed to invoke gatekeeper.enroll", e);
response = GateKeeperResponse.ERROR;
if (response.getResponseCode() == GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_OK) {
spHandle = response.getPayload();
saveSyntheticPasswordHandle(spHandle, userId);
// Call self again to re-verify with updated handle
return verifyChallengeInternal(gatekeeper, gatekeeperPassword, challenge,
} else {
// Fall through, return result from the previous verification attempt.
Slog.w(TAG, "Fail to re-enroll SP handle for user " + userId);
return result;
} else if (responseCode == GateKeeperResponse.RESPONSE_RETRY) {
return VerifyCredentialResponse.fromTimeout(response.getTimeout());
} else {
return VerifyCredentialResponse.ERROR;
public boolean protectorExists(long protectorId, int userId) {
return hasState(SP_BLOB_NAME, protectorId, userId);
/** Destroy a token-based SP protector. */
public void destroyTokenBasedProtector(long protectorId, int userId) {
Slogf.i(TAG, "Destroying token-based protector %016x for user %d", protectorId, userId);
SyntheticPasswordBlob blob = SyntheticPasswordBlob.fromBytes(loadState(SP_BLOB_NAME,
protectorId, userId));
destroyProtectorCommon(protectorId, userId);
if (blob.mProtectorType == PROTECTOR_TYPE_WEAK_TOKEN_BASED) {
notifyWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListeners(protectorId, userId);
/** Destroy all weak token-based SP protectors for the given user. */
public void destroyAllWeakTokenBasedProtectors(int userId) {
List<Long> protectorIds =
mStorage.listSyntheticPasswordProtectorsForUser(SECDISCARDABLE_NAME, userId);
for (long protectorId : protectorIds) {
SyntheticPasswordBlob blob = SyntheticPasswordBlob.fromBytes(loadState(SP_BLOB_NAME,
protectorId, userId));
if (blob.mProtectorType == PROTECTOR_TYPE_WEAK_TOKEN_BASED) {
destroyTokenBasedProtector(protectorId, userId);
* Destroy an LSKF-based SP protector. This is used when the user's LSKF is changed.
public void destroyLskfBasedProtector(long protectorId, int userId) {
Slogf.i(TAG, "Destroying LSKF-based protector %016x for user %d", protectorId, userId);
destroyProtectorCommon(protectorId, userId);
destroyState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId, userId);
destroyState(PASSWORD_METRICS_NAME, protectorId, userId);
private void destroyProtectorCommon(long protectorId, int userId) {
destroyState(SP_BLOB_NAME, protectorId, userId);
destroyState(SECDISCARDABLE_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (hasState(WEAVER_SLOT_NAME, protectorId, userId)) {
destroyWeaverSlot(protectorId, userId);
private byte[] transformUnderWeaverSecret(byte[] data, byte[] secret) {
byte[] weaverSecret = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.personalizedHash(
return ArrayUtils.concat(data, weaverSecret);
private byte[] transformUnderSecdiscardable(byte[] data, byte[] rawSecdiscardable) {
byte[] secdiscardable = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.personalizedHash(
return ArrayUtils.concat(data, secdiscardable);
* Generates and writes the secdiscardable file for the given protector. The caller is
* responsible for calling {@link syncState()} afterwards, once all the protector's files have
* been created.
private byte[] createSecdiscardable(long protectorId, int userId) {
byte[] data = SecureRandomUtils.randomBytes(SECDISCARDABLE_LENGTH);
saveSecdiscardable(protectorId, data, userId);
return data;
* Writes the secdiscardable file for the given protector. The caller is responsible for
* calling {@link syncState()} afterwards, once all the protector's files have been created.
private void saveSecdiscardable(long protectorId, byte[] secdiscardable, int userId) {
saveState(SECDISCARDABLE_NAME, secdiscardable, protectorId, userId);
private byte[] loadSecdiscardable(long protectorId, int userId) {
return loadState(SECDISCARDABLE_NAME, protectorId, userId);
private byte getTokenBasedProtectorType(@TokenType int type) {
switch (type) {
boolean hasPasswordData(long protectorId, int userId) {
return hasState(PASSWORD_DATA_NAME, protectorId, userId);
* Retrieves a user's saved password metrics from their LSKF-based SP protector. The
* SyntheticPassword itself is needed to decrypt the file containing the password metrics.
public @Nullable PasswordMetrics getPasswordMetrics(SyntheticPassword sp, long protectorId,
int userId) {
final byte[] encrypted = loadState(PASSWORD_METRICS_NAME, protectorId, userId);
if (encrypted == null) {
Slogf.e(TAG, "Failed to read password metrics file for user %d", userId);
return null;
final byte[] decrypted = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.decrypt(sp.deriveMetricsKey(),
/* personalization= */ new byte[0], encrypted);
if (decrypted == null) {
Slogf.e(TAG, "Failed to decrypt password metrics file for user %d", userId);
return null;
return VersionedPasswordMetrics.deserialize(decrypted).getMetrics();
* Creates the password metrics file: the file associated with the LSKF-based protector that
* contains the encrypted metrics about the LSKF. The caller is responsible for calling
* {@link syncState()} afterwards if needed.
private void savePasswordMetrics(LockscreenCredential credential, SyntheticPassword sp,
long protectorId, int userId) {
final byte[] encrypted = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.encrypt(sp.deriveMetricsKey(),
/* personalization= */ new byte[0],
new VersionedPasswordMetrics(credential).serialize());
saveState(PASSWORD_METRICS_NAME, encrypted, protectorId, userId);
boolean hasPasswordMetrics(long protectorId, int userId) {
return hasState(PASSWORD_METRICS_NAME, protectorId, userId);
private boolean hasState(String stateName, long protectorId, int userId) {
return !ArrayUtils.isEmpty(loadState(stateName, protectorId, userId));
private byte[] loadState(String stateName, long protectorId, int userId) {
return mStorage.readSyntheticPasswordState(userId, protectorId, stateName);
* Persists the given synthetic password state for the given user ID and protector ID.
* <p>
* For performance reasons, this doesn't sync the user's synthetic password state directory. As
* a result, it doesn't guarantee that the file will really be present after a crash. If that
* is needed, call {@link syncState()} afterwards, preferably after batching up related updates.
private void saveState(String stateName, byte[] data, long protectorId, int userId) {
mStorage.writeSyntheticPasswordState(userId, protectorId, stateName, data);
private void syncState(int userId) {
private void destroyState(String stateName, long protectorId, int userId) {
mStorage.deleteSyntheticPasswordState(userId, protectorId, stateName);
protected byte[] decryptSpBlob(String protectorKeyAlias, byte[] blob, byte[] protectorSecret) {
return SyntheticPasswordCrypto.decryptBlob(protectorKeyAlias, blob, protectorSecret);
protected byte[] createSpBlob(String protectorKeyAlias, byte[] data, byte[] protectorSecret,
long sid) {
return SyntheticPasswordCrypto.createBlob(protectorKeyAlias, data, protectorSecret, sid);
protected void destroyProtectorKey(String keyAlias) {
private static long generateProtectorId() {
while (true) {
final long result = SecureRandomUtils.randomLong();
if (result != NULL_PROTECTOR_ID) {
return result;
static int fakeUserId(int userId) {
return 100000 + userId;
private String getProtectorKeyAlias(long protectorId) {
// Note, this arguably has a bug: %x should be %016x so that the protector ID is left-padded
// with zeroes, like how the synthetic password state files are named. It's too late to fix
// this, though, and it doesn't actually matter.
return TextUtils.formatSimple("%s%x", PROTECTOR_KEY_ALIAS_PREFIX, protectorId);
* Stretches <code>credential</code>, if needed, using the parameters from <code>data</code>.
* <p>
* When the credential is empty, stetching provides no security benefit. Thus, new protectors
* for an empty credential use <code>null</code> {@link PasswordData} and skip the stretching.
* <p>
* However, old protectors always stored {@link PasswordData} and did the stretching, regardless
* of whether the credential was empty or not. For this reason, this method also continues to
* support stretching of empty credentials so that old protectors can still be unlocked.
byte[] stretchLskf(LockscreenCredential credential, @Nullable PasswordData data) {
final byte[] password = credential.isNone() ? DEFAULT_PASSWORD : credential.getCredential();
if (data == null) {
return Arrays.copyOf(password, STRETCHED_LSKF_LENGTH);
return scrypt(password, data.salt, 1 << data.scryptLogN, 1 << data.scryptLogR,
1 << data.scryptLogP, STRETCHED_LSKF_LENGTH);
private byte[] stretchedLskfToGkPassword(byte[] stretchedLskf) {
return SyntheticPasswordCrypto.personalizedHash(PERSONALIZATION_USER_GK_AUTH,
private byte[] stretchedLskfToWeaverKey(byte[] stretchedLskf) {
byte[] key = SyntheticPasswordCrypto.personalizedHash(PERSONALIZATION_WEAVER_KEY,
if (key.length < mWeaverConfig.keySize) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("weaver key length too small");
return Arrays.copyOf(key, mWeaverConfig.keySize);
protected long sidFromPasswordHandle(byte[] handle) {
return nativeSidFromPasswordHandle(handle);
protected byte[] scrypt(byte[] password, byte[] salt, int n, int r, int p, int outLen) {
return new Scrypt().scrypt(password, salt, n, r, p, outLen);
private native long nativeSidFromPasswordHandle(byte[] handle);
static byte[] bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) {
return HexEncoding.encodeToString(bytes).getBytes();
* Migrates all existing SP protector keys from uid 1000 app domain to LSS selinux domain.
public boolean migrateKeyNamespace() {
boolean success = true;
final Map<Integer, List<Long>> allProtectors =
for (List<Long> userProtectors : allProtectors.values()) {
for (long protectorId : userProtectors) {
success &= SyntheticPasswordCrypto.migrateLockSettingsKey(
return success;
/** Register the given IWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener. */
public boolean registerWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener(
IWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener listener) {
return mListeners.register(listener);
/** Unregister the given IWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener. */
public boolean unregisterWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener(
IWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener listener) {
return mListeners.unregister(listener);
private void notifyWeakEscrowTokenRemovedListeners(long protectorId, int userId) {
int i = mListeners.beginBroadcast();
try {
while (i > 0) {
try {
mListeners.getBroadcastItem(i).onWeakEscrowTokenRemoved(protectorId, userId);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Slog.e(TAG, "Exception while notifying WeakEscrowTokenRemovedListener.",
} finally {
public void writeVendorAuthSecret(
@NonNull final byte[] vendorAuthSecret,
@NonNull final SyntheticPassword sp,
@UserIdInt final int userId) {
final byte[] encrypted =
sp.deriveVendorAuthSecretEncryptionKey(), new byte[0], vendorAuthSecret);
public @Nullable byte[] readVendorAuthSecret(
@NonNull final SyntheticPassword sp, @UserIdInt final int userId) {
final byte[] encrypted = loadState(VENDOR_AUTH_SECRET_NAME, NULL_PROTECTOR_ID, userId);
if (encrypted == null) {
return null;
return SyntheticPasswordCrypto.decrypt(
sp.deriveVendorAuthSecretEncryptionKey(), new byte[0], encrypted);