blob: aecbbda4dacfbf6d97ed10e18cba1cfcc794bfc1 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.system.StructPollfd;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
public class FakeOsAccess extends OsAccess {
public static final boolean ENABLE_FINE_DEBUG = true;
public static final int DEFAULT_FILE_DATA_QUEUE_SIZE = 8 * 1024;
private enum FileType { PAIR, PIPE }
// Common poll() constants:
private static final short POLLIN = 0x0001;
private static final short POLLOUT = 0x0004;
private static final short POLLERR = 0x0008;
private static final short POLLHUP = 0x0010;
private static final Constructor<FileDescriptor> FD_CONSTRUCTOR;
private static final Field FD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR;
private static final Field PFD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR;
private static final Field PFD_FIELD_GUARD;
private static final Method CLOSE_GUARD_METHOD_CLOSE;
private final int mReadQueueSize = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA_QUEUE_SIZE;
private final int mWriteQueueSize = DEFAULT_FILE_DATA_QUEUE_SIZE;
private final HashMap<Integer, File> mFiles = new HashMap<>();
private final byte[] mTmpBuffer = new byte[1024];
private final long mStartTime;
private final String mLogTag;
private int mFileNumberGen = 3;
private boolean mHasRateLimitedData;
public FakeOsAccess(String logTag) {
mLogTag = logTag;
mStartTime = monotonicTimeMillis();
public long monotonicTimeMillis() {
return System.nanoTime() / 1000000;
public FileDescriptor getInnerFileDescriptor(ParcelFileDescriptor fd) {
try {
return (FileDescriptor) PFD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR.get(fd);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void close(ParcelFileDescriptor fd) {
if (fd != null) {
try {
// Reduce CloseGuard warnings.
Object guard = PFD_FIELD_GUARD.get(fd);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public synchronized void close(FileDescriptor fd) {
if (fd != null) {
File file = getFileOrNull(fd);
if (file != null) {
setFileDescriptorNumber(fd, -1);
private File getFile(String func, FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
File file = getFileOrNull(fd);
if (file == null) {
throw newIOException(func, "Unknown file descriptor: " + getFileDebugName(fd));
return file;
private File getFileOrNull(FileDescriptor fd) {
return mFiles.get(getFileDescriptorNumber(fd));
public String getFileDebugName(ParcelFileDescriptor fd) {
return (fd != null ? getFileDebugName(getInnerFileDescriptor(fd)) : "null");
public String getFileDebugName(FileDescriptor fd) {
if (fd == null) {
return "null";
final int fdNumber = getFileDescriptorNumber(fd);
File file = mFiles.get(fdNumber);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (file != null) {
if ( != null) {
} else {
return sb.toString();
public synchronized void setFileName(FileDescriptor fd, String name) {
File file = getFileOrNull(fd);
if (file != null) { = name;
public synchronized void setNonBlocking(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException {
File file = getFile("fcntl", fd);
file.isBlocking = false;
public synchronized int read(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] buffer, int pos, int len)
throws IOException {
checkBoundaries("read", buffer, pos, len);
File file = getFile("read", fd);
if (file.readQueue == null) {
throw newIOException("read", "File not readable");
if (len == 0) {
return 0;
final int availSize = file.readQueue.size();
if (availSize == 0) {
if (file.isEndOfStream) {
// Java convention uses -1 to indicate end of stream.
return -1;
return 0; // EAGAIN
final int readCount = Math.min(len, availSize);
file.readQueue.readBytes(buffer, pos, readCount);
return readCount;
public synchronized int write(FileDescriptor fd, byte[] buffer, int pos, int len)
throws IOException {
checkBoundaries("write", buffer, pos, len);
File file = getFile("write", fd);
if (file.writeQueue == null) {
throw newIOException("read", "File not writable");
if (file.type == FileType.PIPE && file.sink.openCount == 0) {
throw newIOException("write", "The other end of pipe is closed");
if (len == 0) {
return 0;
final int originalFreeSize = file.writeQueue.freeSize();
if (originalFreeSize == 0) {
return 0; // EAGAIN
final int writeCount = Math.min(len, originalFreeSize);
file.writeQueue.writeBytes(buffer, pos, writeCount);
if (file.writeQueue.freeSize() < originalFreeSize) {
final int additionalQueuedCount = originalFreeSize - file.writeQueue.freeSize();
Log.i(mLogTag, logStr("Delaying transfer of " + additionalQueuedCount
+ " bytes, queued=" + file.writeQueue.size() + ", type=" + file.type
+ ", src_red=" + file.outboundLimiter + ", dst_red=" + file.sink.inboundLimiter));
return writeCount;
private void maybeTransferData(File file) {
boolean hasChanges = copyFileBuffers(file, file.sink);
hasChanges = copyFileBuffers(file.source, file) || hasChanges;
if (hasChanges) {
// TODO(b/245971639): Avoid notifying if no-one is polling.
private boolean copyFileBuffers(File src, File dst) {
if (src.writeQueue == null || dst.readQueue == null) {
return false;
final int originalCopyCount = Math.min(mTmpBuffer.length,
Math.min(src.writeQueue.size(), dst.readQueue.freeSize()));
final int allowedCopyCount = RateLimiter.limit(
src.outboundLimiter, dst.inboundLimiter, originalCopyCount);
if (allowedCopyCount < originalCopyCount) {
Log.i(mLogTag, logStr("Delaying transfer of "
+ (originalCopyCount - allowedCopyCount) + " bytes, original="
+ originalCopyCount + ", allowed=" + allowedCopyCount
+ ", type=" + src.type));
if (originalCopyCount > 0) {
mHasRateLimitedData = true;
if (allowedCopyCount == 0) {
return false;
boolean hasChanges = false;
if (allowedCopyCount > 0) {
if (dst.readQueue.size() == 0 || src.writeQueue.freeSize() == 0) {
hasChanges = true; // Read queue had no data, or write queue was full.
src.writeQueue.readBytes(mTmpBuffer, 0, allowedCopyCount);
dst.readQueue.writeBytes(mTmpBuffer, 0, allowedCopyCount);
if (!dst.isEndOfStream && src.openCount == 0
&& src.writeQueue.size() == 0 && dst.readQueue.size() == 0) {
dst.isEndOfStream = true;
hasChanges = true;
return hasChanges;
public void clearInboundRateLimit(FileDescriptor fd) {
setInboundRateLimit(fd, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public void clearOutboundRateLimit(FileDescriptor fd) {
setOutboundRateLimit(fd, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public synchronized void setInboundRateLimit(FileDescriptor fd, int bytesPerSecond) {
File file = getFileOrNull(fd);
if (file != null) {
public synchronized void setOutboundRateLimit(FileDescriptor fd, int bytesPerSecond) {
File file = getFileOrNull(fd);
if (file != null) {
public synchronized ParcelFileDescriptor[] socketpair() throws IOException {
int fdNumber1 = getNextFd("socketpair");
int fdNumber2 = getNextFd("socketpair");
File file1 = new File(FileType.PAIR, mReadQueueSize, mWriteQueueSize);
File file2 = new File(FileType.PAIR, mReadQueueSize, mWriteQueueSize);
return registerFilePair(fdNumber1, file1, fdNumber2, file2);
public synchronized ParcelFileDescriptor[] pipe() throws IOException {
int fdNumber1 = getNextFd("pipe");
int fdNumber2 = getNextFd("pipe");
File file1 = new File(FileType.PIPE, mReadQueueSize, 0);
File file2 = new File(FileType.PIPE, 0, mWriteQueueSize);
return registerFilePair(fdNumber1, file1, fdNumber2, file2);
private ParcelFileDescriptor[] registerFilePair(
int fdNumber1, File file1, int fdNumber2, File file2) {
file1.sink = file2;
file1.source = file2;
file2.sink = file1;
file2.source = file1;
mFiles.put(fdNumber1, file1);
mFiles.put(fdNumber2, file2);
return new ParcelFileDescriptor[] {
newParcelFileDescriptor(fdNumber1), newParcelFileDescriptor(fdNumber2)};
public short getPollInMask() {
return POLLIN;
public short getPollOutMask() {
return POLLOUT;
public synchronized int poll(StructPollfd[] fds, int timeoutMs) throws IOException {
if (timeoutMs < 0) {
timeoutMs = (int) TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1); // Make "infinite" equal to 1 hour.
if (fds == null || fds.length > 1000) {
throw newIOException("poll", "Invalid fds param");
for (StructPollfd pollFd : fds) {
getFile("poll", pollFd.fd);
int waitCallCount = 0;
final long deadline = monotonicTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while (true) {
if (mHasRateLimitedData) {
mHasRateLimitedData = false;
for (File file : mFiles.values()) {
if (file.inboundLimiter.getLastRequestReduction() != 0) {
copyFileBuffers(file.source, file);
if (file.outboundLimiter.getLastRequestReduction() != 0) {
copyFileBuffers(file, file.sink);
final int readyCount = calculateReadyCount(fds);
if (readyCount > 0) {
Log.v(mLogTag, logStr("Poll returns " + readyCount
+ " after " + waitCallCount + " wait calls"));
return readyCount;
long remainingTimeoutMs = deadline - monotonicTimeMillis();
if (remainingTimeoutMs <= 0) {
Log.v(mLogTag, logStr("Poll timeout " + timeoutMs
+ "ms after " + waitCallCount + " wait calls"));
return 0;
if (mHasRateLimitedData) {
remainingTimeoutMs = Math.min(RateLimiter.BUCKET_DURATION_MS, remainingTimeoutMs);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// Ignore and retry
private int calculateReadyCount(StructPollfd[] fds) {
int fdCount = 0;
for (StructPollfd pollFd : fds) {
pollFd.revents = 0;
File file = getFileOrNull(pollFd.fd);
if (file == null) {
Log.w(mLogTag, logStr("Ignoring FD concurrently closed by a buggy app: "
+ getFileDebugName(pollFd.fd)));
Log.v(mLogTag, logStr("calculateReadyCount fd=" + getFileDebugName(pollFd.fd)
+ ", events=" + + ", eof=" + file.isEndOfStream
+ ", r=" + (file.readQueue != null ? file.readQueue.size() : -1)
+ ", w=" + (file.writeQueue != null ? file.writeQueue.freeSize() : -1)));
if (( & POLLIN) != 0) {
if (file.readQueue != null && file.readQueue.size() != 0) {
pollFd.revents |= POLLIN;
if (file.isEndOfStream) {
pollFd.revents |= POLLHUP;
if (( & POLLOUT) != 0) {
if (file.type == FileType.PIPE && file.sink.openCount == 0) {
pollFd.revents |= POLLERR;
if (file.writeQueue != null && file.writeQueue.freeSize() != 0) {
pollFd.revents |= POLLOUT;
if (pollFd.revents != 0) {
return fdCount;
private int getNextFd(String func) throws IOException {
if (mFileNumberGen > 100000) {
throw newIOException(func, "Too many files open");
return mFileNumberGen++;
private static IOException newIOException(String func, String message) {
return new IOException(message + ", func=" + func);
public static void checkBoundaries(String func, byte[] buffer, int pos, int len)
throws IOException {
if (((buffer.length | pos | len) < 0 || pos > buffer.length - len)) {
throw newIOException(func, "Invalid array bounds");
private ParcelFileDescriptor newParcelFileDescriptor(int fdNumber) {
try {
return new ParcelFileDescriptor(newFileDescriptor(fdNumber));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private FileDescriptor newFileDescriptor(int fdNumber) {
try {
return FD_CONSTRUCTOR.newInstance(Integer.valueOf(fdNumber));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public int getFileDescriptorNumber(FileDescriptor fd) {
try {
return (Integer) FD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR.get(fd);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private void setFileDescriptorNumber(FileDescriptor fd, int fdNumber) {
try {
FD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR.set(fd, Integer.valueOf(fdNumber));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private String logStr(String message) {
return "[FakeOs " + (monotonicTimeMillis() - mStartTime) + "] " + message;
private class File {
final FileType type;
final CircularByteBuffer readQueue;
final CircularByteBuffer writeQueue;
final RateLimiter inboundLimiter = new RateLimiter(FakeOsAccess.this, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
final RateLimiter outboundLimiter = new RateLimiter(FakeOsAccess.this, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
String name;
int openCount = 1;
boolean isBlocking = true;
File sink;
File source;
boolean isEndOfStream;
File(FileType type, int readQueueSize, int writeQueueSize) {
this.type = type;
readQueue = (readQueueSize > 0 ? new CircularByteBuffer(readQueueSize) : null);
writeQueue = (writeQueueSize > 0 ? new CircularByteBuffer(writeQueueSize) : null);
void decreaseRefCount() {
if (openCount <= 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException();
void checkNonBlocking(String func) throws IOException {
if (isBlocking) {
throw newIOException(func, "File in blocking mode");
static {
try {
FD_CONSTRUCTOR = FileDescriptor.class.getDeclaredConstructor(int.class);
Field descriptorIntField;
try {
descriptorIntField = FileDescriptor.class.getDeclaredField("descriptor");
} catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
descriptorIntField = FileDescriptor.class.getDeclaredField("fd");
FD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR = descriptorIntField;
PFD_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR = ParcelFileDescriptor.class.getDeclaredField("mFd");
PFD_FIELD_GUARD = ParcelFileDescriptor.class.getDeclaredField("mGuard");
CLOSE_GUARD_METHOD_CLOSE = Class.forName("dalvik.system.CloseGuard")
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);