blob: e5687ba20ec3d2fbbc8ba2af142d2dadfd38a837 [file] [log] [blame]
import android.annotation.MainThread;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor;
import android.system.ErrnoException;
import android.system.Os;
import android.system.OsConstants;
import android.util.Log;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
/** Monitors data between sysproxy and the bluetooth processes. */
public class BluetoothSocketMonitor {
private static final String TAG = WearBluetoothSettings.LOG_TAG;
private final Handler mainHandler;
private final Listener listener;
@Nullable private DataForwarderThread bluetoothToShardForwarder;
@Nullable private DataForwarderThread shardToBluetoothForwarder;
interface Listener {
* Called on an arbitrary thread when sysproxy writes data to or receives data from the
* bluetooth socket.
void onBluetoothData();
public BluetoothSocketMonitor(Listener listener) {
this.listener = listener;
mainHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
* Starts monitoring the data traffic on the given bluetooth file descriptor.
* <p>The socket monitor takes ownership of the bluetooth file descriptor after this call.
* Therefore the caller should not use it any more and should use the returned file descriptor
* instead.
* <p>NOTE: An instance must be started only once.
* @param bluetoothFd The file descriptor received from the bluetooth socket connect call.
* @param listener The listener notified when sysproxy has outgoing bluetooth data.
* @return The file descriptor the caller should use instead of the bluetooth file descriptor.
public ParcelFileDescriptor start(ParcelFileDescriptor bluetoothFd) {
try {
// SOCK_SEQPACKET is needed to avoid exceeding the max packet size allowed by the peer.
// Sysproxy keeps all written packets under the limit. This class keeps the forwarded
// packets under the limit by maintaining the packet sizes used by sysproxy.
// Sysproxy does not actually rely on packet boundaries so, using SOCK_STREAM may also
// seem fine here. However, with that option, multiple sysproxy packets could be read at
// once and be forwarded as a single packet, which may potentially exceed the max packet
// size.
ParcelFileDescriptor[] newFds =
// New file descriptors are used for sysproxy <-> shard communication. ownFd is kept on
// the proxy shard and peerFd is sent to the sysproxy process.
ParcelFileDescriptor ownFd = newFds[0];
ParcelFileDescriptor peerFd = newFds[1];
LogUtil.logDOrNotUser(TAG, "Started monitoring BT socket");
// File descriptors are duped to avoid one thread closing the descriptor while the other
// is using it.
bluetoothToShardForwarder =
new DataForwarderThread(
new BluetoothToShardListener());
shardToBluetoothForwarder =
new DataForwarderThread(
ownFd, bluetoothFd, "ShardToBt", new ShardToBluetoothListener());
return peerFd;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to create socket pair", e);
return null;
private class ShardToBluetoothListener implements DataForwarderThread.Listener {
public void onDataRead() {
public void onThreadFinishedRunning() {
() -> {
shardToBluetoothForwarder = null;
if (bluetoothToShardForwarder == null) {
LogUtil.logDOrNotUser(TAG, "Finished monitoring");
} else {
private class BluetoothToShardListener implements DataForwarderThread.Listener {
public void onDataRead() {
public void onThreadFinishedRunning() {
() -> {
bluetoothToShardForwarder = null;
if (shardToBluetoothForwarder == null) {
LogUtil.logDOrNotUser(TAG, "Finished monitoring");
} else {
* Thread forwarding data from file descriptor to another. May not preserve message boundaries.
* <p>Stops running when one of the file descriptors is closed or if any read/write error is
* received.
class DataForwarderThread extends Thread {
private static final String TAG = WearBluetoothSettings.LOG_TAG;
private ParcelFileDescriptor inputFd;
private ParcelFileDescriptor outputFd;
private String label;
interface Listener {
/** Called when new data is read from the input file descriptor. */
void onDataRead();
/** Called right before the thread finishes running. */
void onThreadFinishedRunning();
private final Listener listener;
* Creates a data forwarder.
* @param inputFd File descriptor data is read from.
* @param outputFd File descriptor the data is written to.
* @param label Label used when logging to identify this forwarder.
* @param listener Listener that is notified on data forwarding events.
public DataForwarderThread(
ParcelFileDescriptor inputFd,
ParcelFileDescriptor outputFd,
String label,
Listener listener) {
this.inputFd = inputFd;
this.outputFd = outputFd;
this.label = label;
this.listener = listener;
public void run() {
Log.d(TAG, label + " - Starting to forward data");
try {
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
Log.e(TAG, label + " - Failed to copy", e);
} catch (InterruptedIOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, label + " - IO interrupted", e);
} finally {
// Large enough to read any L2CAP packet.
private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 65535;
public void transfer() throws InterruptedIOException, ErrnoException {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(BUFFER_SIZE);
long totalRead = 0;
long totalWritten = 0;
try {
while (!interrupted()) {
int readCount =, buffer);
if (readCount == 0) {
// Zero read is actually ambiguous for SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets. It may either be
// an empty packet or EOF. EOF can be assumed here because sysproxy never writes
// empty packets.
TAG, label + " - Read EOF. Input FD is probably disconnected.");
try {
// Sends an explicit empty packet as an EOF signal, so that the reading
// process closes the file descriptor. As a result, the other thread,
// reading from this outputFd also receives EOF and finishes executing.
// This is required because interrupting the other thread is not enough to
// unblock it from reading.
Os.write(outputFd.getFileDescriptor(), new byte[0], 0, 0);
} catch (ErrnoException e) {
TAG, label + " - Output FD is probably disconnected.");
} else if (readCount < 0) {
Log.e(TAG, label + " - Read error: " + readCount);
totalRead += readCount;
while (!interrupted() && buffer.hasRemaining()) {
totalWritten += Os.write(outputFd.getFileDescriptor(), buffer);
} finally {
TAG, label + " - Finished. read: " + totalRead + " written: " + totalWritten);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, label + " - Failed to close inputFd", e);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, label + " - Failed to close outputFd", e);