blob: ca3bf2c0880884a9dae18f3aa2e7b7ec989e10a4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- TraceDumper.h -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContext.h"
#include "lldb/Target/TraceCursor.h"
#include <optional>
namespace lldb_private {
/// Class that holds the configuration used by \a TraceDumper for
/// traversing and dumping instructions.
struct TraceDumperOptions {
/// If \b true, the cursor will be iterated forwards starting from the
/// oldest instruction. Otherwise, the iteration starts from the most
/// recent instruction.
bool forwards = false;
/// Dump only instruction addresses without disassembly nor symbol
/// information.
bool raw = false;
/// Dump in json format.
bool json = false;
/// When dumping in JSON format, pretty print the output.
bool pretty_print_json = false;
/// For each trace item, print the corresponding timestamp in nanoseconds if
/// available.
bool show_timestamps = false;
/// Dump the events that happened between instructions.
bool show_events = false;
/// Dump events and none of the instructions.
bool only_events = false;
/// For each instruction, print the instruction kind.
bool show_control_flow_kind = false;
/// Optional custom id to start traversing from.
std::optional<uint64_t> id;
/// Optional number of instructions to skip from the starting position
/// of the cursor.
std::optional<size_t> skip;
/// Class used to dump the instructions of a \a TraceCursor using its current
/// state and granularity.
class TraceDumper {
/// Helper struct that holds symbol, disassembly and address information of an
/// instruction.
struct SymbolInfo {
SymbolContext sc;
Address address;
lldb::DisassemblerSP disassembler;
lldb::InstructionSP instruction;
lldb_private::ExecutionContext exe_ctx;
/// Helper struct that holds all the information we know about a trace item
struct TraceItem {
lldb::user_id_t id;
lldb::addr_t load_address;
std::optional<double> timestamp;
std::optional<uint64_t> hw_clock;
std::optional<std::string> sync_point_metadata;
std::optional<llvm::StringRef> error;
std::optional<lldb::TraceEvent> event;
std::optional<SymbolInfo> symbol_info;
std::optional<SymbolInfo> prev_symbol_info;
std::optional<lldb::cpu_id_t> cpu_id;
/// An object representing a traced function call.
/// A function call is represented using segments and subcalls.
/// TracedSegment:
/// A traced segment is a maximal list of consecutive traced instructions
/// that belong to the same function call. A traced segment will end in
/// three possible ways:
/// - With a call to a function deeper in the callstack. In this case,
/// most of the times this nested call will return
/// and resume with the next segment of this segment's owning function
/// call. More on this later.
/// - Abruptly due to end of trace. In this case, we weren't able to trace
/// the end of this function call.
/// - Simply a return higher in the callstack.
/// In terms of implementation details, as segment can be represented with
/// the beginning and ending instruction IDs from the instruction trace.
/// UntracedPrefixSegment:
/// It might happen that we didn't trace the beginning of a function and we
/// saw it for the first time as part of a return. As a way to signal these
/// cases, we have a placeholder UntracedPrefixSegment class that completes the
/// callgraph.
/// Example:
/// We might have this piece of execution:
/// main() [offset 0x00 to 0x20] [traced instruction ids 1 to 4]
/// foo() [offset 0x00 to 0x80] [traced instruction ids 5 to 20] # main
/// invoked foo
/// main() [offset 0x24 to 0x40] [traced instruction ids 21 to 30]
/// In this case, our function main invokes foo. We have 3 segments: main
/// [offset 0x00 to 0x20], foo() [offset 0x00 to 0x80], and main() [offset
/// 0x24 to 0x40]. We also have the instruction ids from the corresponding
/// linear instruction trace for each segment.
/// But what if we started tracing since the middle of foo? Then we'd have
/// an incomplete trace
/// foo() [offset 0x30 to 0x80] [traced instruction ids 1 to 10]
/// main() [offset 0x24 to 0x40] [traced instruction ids 11 to 20]
/// Notice that we changed the instruction ids because this is a new trace.
/// Here, in order to have a somewhat complete tree with good traversal
/// capabilities, we can create an UntracedPrefixSegment to signal the portion of
/// main() that we didn't trace. We don't know if this segment was in fact
/// multiple segments with many function calls. We'll never know. The
/// resulting tree looks like the following:
/// main() [untraced]
/// foo() [offset 0x30 to 0x80] [traced instruction ids 1 to 10]
/// main() [offset 0x24 to 0x40] [traced instruction ids 11 to 20]
/// And in pseudo-code:
/// FunctionCall [
/// UntracedPrefixSegment {
/// symbol: main()
/// nestedCall: FunctionCall [ # this untraced segment has a nested
/// call
/// TracedSegment {
/// symbol: foo()
/// fromInstructionId: 1
/// toInstructionId: 10
/// nestedCall: none # this doesn't have a nested call
/// }
/// }
/// ],
/// TracedSegment {
/// symbol: main()
/// fromInstructionId: 11
/// toInstructionId: 20
/// nestedCall: none # this also doesn't have a nested call
/// }
/// ]
/// We can see the nested structure and how instructions are represented as
/// segments.
/// Returns:
/// Code doesn't always behave intuitively. Some interesting functions
/// might modify the stack and thus change the behavior of common
/// instructions like CALL and RET. We try to identify these cases, and
/// the result is that the return edge from a segment might connect with a
/// function call very high the stack. For example, you might have
/// main()
/// foo()
/// bar()
/// # here bar modifies the stack and pops foo() from it. Then it
/// finished the a RET (return)
/// main() # we came back directly to main()
/// I have observed some trampolines doing this, as well as some std
/// functions (like ostream functions). So consumers should be aware of
/// this.
/// There are all sorts of "abnormal" behaviors you can see in code, and
/// whenever we fail at identifying what's going on, we prefer to create a
/// new tree.
/// Function call forest:
/// A single tree would suffice if a trace didn't contain errors nor
/// abnormal behaviors that made our algorithms fail. Sadly these
/// anomalies exist and we prefer not to use too many heuristics and
/// probably end up lying to the user. So we create a new tree from the
/// point we can't continue using the previous tree. This results in
/// having a forest instead of a single tree. This is probably the best we
/// can do if we consumers want to use this data to perform performance
/// analysis or reverse debugging.
/// Non-functions:
/// Not everything in a program is a function. There are blocks of
/// instructions that are simply labeled or even regions without symbol
/// information that we don't what they are. We treat all of them as
/// functions for simplicity.
/// Errors:
/// Whenever an error is found, a new tree with a single segment is
/// created. All consecutive errors after the original one are then
/// appended to this segment. As a note, something that GDB does is to use
/// some heuristics to merge trees that were interrupted by errors. We are
/// leaving that out of scope until a feature like that one is really
/// needed.
/// Forward declaration
class FunctionCall;
using FunctionCallUP = std::unique_ptr<FunctionCall>;
class FunctionCall {
class TracedSegment {
/// \param[in] cursor_sp
/// A cursor pointing to the beginning of the segment.
/// \param[in] symbol_info
/// The symbol information of the first instruction of the segment.
/// \param[in] call
/// The FunctionCall object that owns this segment.
TracedSegment(const lldb::TraceCursorSP &cursor_sp,
const SymbolInfo &symbol_info, FunctionCall &owning_call)
: m_first_insn_id(cursor_sp->GetId()),
m_first_symbol_info(symbol_info), m_last_symbol_info(symbol_info),
m_owning_call(owning_call) {}
/// \return
/// The chronologically first instruction ID in this segment.
lldb::user_id_t GetFirstInstructionID() const;
/// \return
/// The chronologically last instruction ID in this segment.
lldb::user_id_t GetLastInstructionID() const;
/// \return
/// The symbol information of the chronologically first instruction ID
/// in this segment.
const SymbolInfo &GetFirstInstructionSymbolInfo() const;
/// \return
/// The symbol information of the chronologically last instruction ID in
/// this segment.
const SymbolInfo &GetLastInstructionSymbolInfo() const;
/// \return
/// Get the call that owns this segment.
const FunctionCall &GetOwningCall() const;
/// Append a new instruction to this segment.
/// \param[in] cursor_sp
/// A cursor pointing to the new instruction.
/// \param[in] symbol_info
/// The symbol information of the new instruction.
void AppendInsn(const lldb::TraceCursorSP &cursor_sp,
const SymbolInfo &symbol_info);
/// Create a nested call at the end of this segment.
/// \param[in] cursor_sp
/// A cursor pointing to the first instruction of the nested call.
/// \param[in] symbol_info
/// The symbol information of the first instruction of the nested call.
FunctionCall &CreateNestedCall(const lldb::TraceCursorSP &cursor_sp,
const SymbolInfo &symbol_info);
/// Executed the given callback if there's a nested call at the end of
/// this segment.
void IfNestedCall(std::function<void(const FunctionCall &function_call)>
callback) const;
TracedSegment(const TracedSegment &) = delete;
TracedSegment &operator=(TracedSegment const &);
/// Delimiting instruction IDs taken chronologically.
/// \{
lldb::user_id_t m_first_insn_id;
lldb::user_id_t m_last_insn_id;
/// \}
/// An optional nested call starting at the end of this segment.
FunctionCallUP m_nested_call;
/// The symbol information of the delimiting instructions
/// \{
SymbolInfo m_first_symbol_info;
SymbolInfo m_last_symbol_info;
/// \}
FunctionCall &m_owning_call;
class UntracedPrefixSegment {
/// Note: Untraced segments can only exist if have also seen a traced
/// segment of the same function call. Thus, we can use those traced
/// segments if we want symbol information and such.
UntracedPrefixSegment(FunctionCallUP &&nested_call)
: m_nested_call(std::move(nested_call)) {}
const FunctionCall &GetNestedCall() const;
UntracedPrefixSegment(const UntracedPrefixSegment &) = delete;
UntracedPrefixSegment &operator=(UntracedPrefixSegment const &);
FunctionCallUP m_nested_call;
/// Create a new function call given an instruction. This will also create a
/// segment for that instruction.
/// \param[in] cursor_sp
/// A cursor pointing to the first instruction of that function call.
/// \param[in] symbol_info
/// The symbol information of that first instruction.
FunctionCall(const lldb::TraceCursorSP &cursor_sp,
const SymbolInfo &symbol_info);
/// Append a new traced segment to this funciton call.
/// \param[in] cursor_sp
/// A cursor pointing to the first instruction of the new segment.
/// \param[in] symbol_info
/// The symbol information of that first instruction.
void AppendSegment(const lldb::TraceCursorSP &cursor_sp,
const SymbolInfo &symbol_info);
/// \return
/// The symbol info of some traced instruction of this call.
const SymbolInfo &GetSymbolInfo() const;
/// \return
/// \b true if and only if the instructions in this function call are
/// trace errors, in which case this function call is a fake one.
bool IsError() const;
/// \return
/// The list of traced segments of this call.
const std::deque<TracedSegment> &GetTracedSegments() const;
/// \return
/// A non-const reference to the most-recent traced segment.
TracedSegment &GetLastTracedSegment();
/// Create an untraced segment for this call that jumps to the provided
/// nested call.
void SetUntracedPrefixSegment(FunctionCallUP &&nested_call);
/// \return
/// A optional to the untraced prefix segment of this call.
const std::optional<UntracedPrefixSegment> &
GetUntracedPrefixSegment() const;
/// \return
/// A pointer to the parent call. It may be \b nullptr.
FunctionCall *GetParentCall() const;
void SetParentCall(FunctionCall &parent_call);
/// An optional untraced segment that precedes all the traced segments.
std::optional<UntracedPrefixSegment> m_untraced_prefix_segment;
/// The traced segments in order. We used a deque to prevent moving these
/// objects when appending to the list, which would happen with vector.
std::deque<TracedSegment> m_traced_segments;
/// The parent call, which might be null. Useful for reconstructing
/// callstacks.
FunctionCall *m_parent_call = nullptr;
/// Whether this call represents a list of consecutive errors.
bool m_is_error;
/// Interface used to abstract away the format in which the instruction
/// information will be dumped.
class OutputWriter {
virtual ~OutputWriter() = default;
/// Notify this writer that the cursor ran out of data.
virtual void NoMoreData() {}
/// Dump a trace item (instruction, error or event).
virtual void TraceItem(const TraceItem &item) = 0;
/// Dump a function call forest.
virtual void
FunctionCallForest(const std::vector<FunctionCallUP> &forest) = 0;
/// Create a instruction dumper for the cursor.
/// \param[in] cursor
/// The cursor whose instructions will be dumped.
/// \param[in] s
/// The stream where to dump the instructions to.
/// \param[in] options
/// Additional options for configuring the dumping.
TraceDumper(lldb::TraceCursorSP cursor_sp, Stream &s,
const TraceDumperOptions &options);
/// Dump \a count instructions of the thread trace starting at the current
/// cursor position.
/// This effectively moves the cursor to the next unvisited position, so that
/// a subsequent call to this method continues where it left off.
/// \param[in] count
/// The number of instructions to print.
/// \return
/// The instruction id of the last traversed instruction, or \b
/// std::nullopt if no instructions were visited.
std::optional<lldb::user_id_t> DumpInstructions(size_t count);
/// Dump all function calls forwards chronologically and hierarchically
void DumpFunctionCalls();
/// Create a trace item for the current position without symbol information.
TraceItem CreatRawTraceItem();
lldb::TraceCursorSP m_cursor_sp;
TraceDumperOptions m_options;
std::unique_ptr<OutputWriter> m_writer_up;
} // namespace lldb_private