blob: f66509e462dd4a6ad1991dad8cbe207c6e486993 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- TraceInstructionDumper.h --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "lldb/Target/TraceCursor.h"
namespace lldb_private {
/// Class that holds the configuration used by \a TraceInstructionDumper for
/// traversing and dumping instructions.
struct TraceInstructionDumperOptions {
/// If \b true, the cursor will be iterated forwards starting from the
/// oldest instruction. Otherwise, the iteration starts from the most
/// recent instruction.
bool forwards = false;
/// Dump only instruction addresses without disassembly nor symbol
/// information.
bool raw = false;
/// For each instruction, print the corresponding timestamp counter if
/// available.
bool show_tsc = false;
/// Optional custom id to start traversing from.
llvm::Optional<uint64_t> id = llvm::None;
/// Optional number of instructions to skip from the starting position
/// of the cursor.
llvm::Optional<size_t> skip = llvm::None;
/// Class used to dump the instructions of a \a TraceCursor using its current
/// state and granularity.
class TraceInstructionDumper {
/// Create a instruction dumper for the cursor.
/// \param[in] cursor
/// The cursor whose instructions will be dumped.
/// \param[in] s
/// The stream where to dump the instructions to.
/// \param[in] options
/// Additional options for configuring the dumping.
TraceInstructionDumper(lldb::TraceCursorUP &&cursor_up, Stream &s,
const TraceInstructionDumperOptions &options);
/// Dump \a count instructions of the thread trace starting at the current
/// cursor position.
/// This effectively moves the cursor to the next unvisited position, so that
/// a subsequent call to this method continues where it left off.
/// \param[in] count
/// The number of instructions to print.
/// \return
/// The instruction id of the last traversed instruction, or \b llvm::None
/// if no instructions were visited.
llvm::Optional<lldb::user_id_t> DumpInstructions(size_t count);
/// \return
/// \b true if there's still more data to traverse in the trace.
bool HasMoreData();
/// Indicate to the dumper that no more data is available in the trace.
/// This will prevent further iterations.
void SetNoMoreData();
/// Move the cursor one step.
/// \return
/// \b true if the cursor moved.
bool TryMoveOneStep();
lldb::TraceCursorUP m_cursor_up;
TraceInstructionDumperOptions m_options;
Stream &m_s;
/// If \b true, all the instructions have been traversed.
bool m_no_more_data = false;
} // namespace lldb_private