blob: 6c487697bc551d3488d0aefe18014c59cb47eb3e [file] [log] [blame]
//== RangedConstraintManager.h ----------------------------------*- C++ -*--==//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Ranged constraint manager, built on SimpleConstraintManager.
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramState.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ProgramStateTrait.h"
#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/SimpleConstraintManager.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APSInt.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Allocator.h"
namespace clang {
namespace ento {
/// A Range represents the closed range [from, to]. The caller must
/// guarantee that from <= to. Note that Range is immutable, so as not
/// to subvert RangeSet's immutability.
class Range {
Range(const llvm::APSInt &From, const llvm::APSInt &To) : Impl(&From, &To) {
assert(From <= To);
Range(const llvm::APSInt &Point) : Range(Point, Point) {}
bool Includes(const llvm::APSInt &Point) const {
return From() <= Point && Point <= To();
const llvm::APSInt &From() const { return *Impl.first; }
const llvm::APSInt &To() const { return *Impl.second; }
const llvm::APSInt *getConcreteValue() const {
return &From() == &To() ? &From() : nullptr;
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
void dump(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dump() const;
// In order to keep non-overlapping ranges sorted, we can compare only From
// points.
bool operator<(const Range &RHS) const { return From() < RHS.From(); }
bool operator==(const Range &RHS) const { return Impl == RHS.Impl; }
bool operator!=(const Range &RHS) const { return !operator==(RHS); }
std::pair<const llvm::APSInt *, const llvm::APSInt *> Impl;
/// @class RangeSet is a persistent set of non-overlapping ranges.
/// New RangeSet objects can be ONLY produced by RangeSet::Factory object, which
/// also supports the most common operations performed on range sets.
/// Empty set corresponds to an overly constrained symbol meaning that there
/// are no possible values for that symbol.
class RangeSet {
class Factory;
// We use llvm::SmallVector as the underlying container for the following
// reasons:
// * Range sets are usually very simple, 1 or 2 ranges.
// That's why llvm::ImmutableSet is not perfect.
// * Ranges in sets are NOT overlapping, so it is natural to keep them
// sorted for efficient operations and queries. For this reason,
// llvm::SmallSet doesn't fit the requirements, it is not sorted when it
// is a vector.
// * Range set operations usually a bit harder than add/remove a range.
// Complex operations might do many of those for just one range set.
// Formerly it used to be llvm::ImmutableSet, which is inefficient for our
// purposes as we want to make these operations BOTH immutable AND
// efficient.
// * Iteration over ranges is widespread and a more cache-friendly
// structure is preferred.
using ImplType = llvm::SmallVector<Range, 4>;
struct ContainerType : public ImplType, public llvm::FoldingSetNode {
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const {
for (const Range &It : *this) {
// This is a non-owning pointer to an actual container.
// The memory is fully managed by the factory and is alive as long as the
// factory itself is alive.
// It is a pointer as opposed to a reference, so we can easily reassign
// RangeSet objects.
using UnderlyingType = const ContainerType *;
UnderlyingType Impl;
using const_iterator = ImplType::const_iterator;
const_iterator begin() const { return Impl->begin(); }
const_iterator end() const { return Impl->end(); }
size_t size() const { return Impl->size(); }
bool isEmpty() const { return Impl->empty(); }
class Factory {
Factory(BasicValueFactory &BV) : ValueFactory(BV) {}
/// Create a new set with all ranges from both LHS and RHS.
/// Possible intersections are not checked here.
/// Complexity: O(N + M)
/// where N = size(LHS), M = size(RHS)
RangeSet add(RangeSet LHS, RangeSet RHS);
/// Create a new set with all ranges from the original set plus the new one.
/// Possible intersections are not checked here.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(Original)
RangeSet add(RangeSet Original, Range Element);
/// Create a new set with all ranges from the original set plus the point.
/// Possible intersections are not checked here.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(Original)
RangeSet add(RangeSet Original, const llvm::APSInt &Point);
/// Create a new set which is a union of two given ranges.
/// Possible intersections are not checked here.
/// Complexity: O(N + M)
/// where N = size(LHS), M = size(RHS)
RangeSet unite(RangeSet LHS, RangeSet RHS);
/// Create a new set by uniting given range set with the given range.
/// All intersections and adjacent ranges are handled here.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(Original)
RangeSet unite(RangeSet Original, Range Element);
/// Create a new set by uniting given range set with the given point.
/// All intersections and adjacent ranges are handled here.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(Original)
RangeSet unite(RangeSet Original, llvm::APSInt Point);
/// Create a new set by uniting given range set with the given range
/// between points. All intersections and adjacent ranges are handled here.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(Original)
RangeSet unite(RangeSet Original, llvm::APSInt From, llvm::APSInt To);
RangeSet getEmptySet() { return &EmptySet; }
/// Create a new set with just one range.
/// @{
RangeSet getRangeSet(Range Origin);
RangeSet getRangeSet(const llvm::APSInt &From, const llvm::APSInt &To) {
return getRangeSet(Range(From, To));
RangeSet getRangeSet(const llvm::APSInt &Origin) {
return getRangeSet(Origin, Origin);
/// @}
/// Intersect the given range sets.
/// Complexity: O(N + M)
/// where N = size(LHS), M = size(RHS)
RangeSet intersect(RangeSet LHS, RangeSet RHS);
/// Intersect the given set with the closed range [Lower, Upper].
/// Unlike the Range type, this range uses modular arithmetic, corresponding
/// to the common treatment of C integer overflow. Thus, if the Lower bound
/// is greater than the Upper bound, the range is taken to wrap around. This
/// is equivalent to taking the intersection with the two ranges [Min,
/// Upper] and [Lower, Max], or, alternatively, /removing/ all integers
/// between Upper and Lower.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(What)
RangeSet intersect(RangeSet What, llvm::APSInt Lower, llvm::APSInt Upper);
/// Intersect the given range with the given point.
/// The result can be either an empty set or a set containing the given
/// point depending on whether the point is in the range set.
/// Complexity: O(logN)
/// where N = size(What)
RangeSet intersect(RangeSet What, llvm::APSInt Point);
/// Delete the given point from the range set.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(From)
RangeSet deletePoint(RangeSet From, const llvm::APSInt &Point);
/// Negate the given range set.
/// Turn all [A, B] ranges to [-B, -A], when "-" is a C-like unary minus
/// operation under the values of the type.
/// We also handle MIN because applying unary minus to MIN does not change
/// it.
/// Example 1:
/// char x = -128; // -128 is a MIN value in a range of 'char'
/// char y = -x; // y: -128
/// Example 2:
/// unsigned char x = 0; // 0 is a MIN value in a range of 'unsigned char'
/// unsigned char y = -x; // y: 0
/// And it makes us to separate the range
/// like [MIN, N] to [MIN, MIN] U [-N, MAX].
/// For instance, whole range is {-128..127} and subrange is [-128,-126],
/// thus [-128,-127,-126,...] negates to [-128,...,126,127].
/// Negate restores disrupted ranges on bounds,
/// e.g. [MIN, B] => [MIN, MIN] U [-B, MAX] => [MIN, B].
/// Negate is a self-inverse function, i.e. negate(negate(R)) == R.
/// Complexity: O(N)
/// where N = size(What)
RangeSet negate(RangeSet What);
/// Return associated value factory.
BasicValueFactory &getValueFactory() const { return ValueFactory; }
/// Return a persistent version of the given container.
RangeSet makePersistent(ContainerType &&From);
/// Construct a new persistent version of the given container.
ContainerType *construct(ContainerType &&From);
RangeSet intersect(const ContainerType &LHS, const ContainerType &RHS);
/// NOTE: This function relies on the fact that all values in the
/// containers are persistent (created via BasicValueFactory::getValue).
ContainerType unite(const ContainerType &LHS, const ContainerType &RHS);
// Many operations include producing new APSInt values and that's why
// we need this factory.
BasicValueFactory &ValueFactory;
// Allocator for all the created containers.
// Containers might own their own memory and that's why it is specific
// for the type, so it calls container destructors upon deletion.
llvm::SpecificBumpPtrAllocator<ContainerType> Arena;
// Usually we deal with the same ranges and range sets over and over.
// Here we track all created containers and try not to repeat ourselves.
llvm::FoldingSet<ContainerType> Cache;
static ContainerType EmptySet;
RangeSet(const RangeSet &) = default;
RangeSet &operator=(const RangeSet &) = default;
RangeSet(RangeSet &&) = default;
RangeSet &operator=(RangeSet &&) = default;
~RangeSet() = default;
/// Construct a new RangeSet representing '{ [From, To] }'.
RangeSet(Factory &F, const llvm::APSInt &From, const llvm::APSInt &To)
: RangeSet(F.getRangeSet(From, To)) {}
/// Construct a new RangeSet representing the given point as a range.
RangeSet(Factory &F, const llvm::APSInt &Point)
: RangeSet(F.getRangeSet(Point)) {}
static void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID, const RangeSet &RS) {
/// Profile - Generates a hash profile of this RangeSet for use
/// by FoldingSet.
void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID &ID) const { Profile(ID, *this); }
/// getConcreteValue - If a symbol is constrained to equal a specific integer
/// constant then this method returns that value. Otherwise, it returns
/// NULL.
const llvm::APSInt *getConcreteValue() const {
return Impl->size() == 1 ? begin()->getConcreteValue() : nullptr;
/// Get the minimal value covered by the ranges in the set.
/// Complexity: O(1)
const llvm::APSInt &getMinValue() const;
/// Get the maximal value covered by the ranges in the set.
/// Complexity: O(1)
const llvm::APSInt &getMaxValue() const;
/// Test whether the given point is contained by any of the ranges.
/// Complexity: O(logN)
/// where N = size(this)
bool contains(llvm::APSInt Point) const { return containsImpl(Point); }
bool containsZero() const {
APSIntType T{getMinValue()};
return contains(T.getZeroValue());
/// Test if the range is the [0,0] range.
/// Complexity: O(1)
bool encodesFalseRange() const {
const llvm::APSInt *Constant = getConcreteValue();
return Constant && Constant->isZero();
/// Test if the range doesn't contain zero.
/// Complexity: O(logN)
/// where N = size(this)
bool encodesTrueRange() const { return !containsZero(); }
void dump(raw_ostream &OS) const;
void dump() const;
bool operator==(const RangeSet &Other) const { return *Impl == *Other.Impl; }
bool operator!=(const RangeSet &Other) const { return !(*this == Other); }
/* implicit */ RangeSet(ContainerType *RawContainer) : Impl(RawContainer) {}
/* implicit */ RangeSet(UnderlyingType Ptr) : Impl(Ptr) {}
/// Pin given points to the type represented by the current range set.
/// This makes parameter points to be in-out parameters.
/// In order to maintain consistent types across all of the ranges in the set
/// and to keep all the operations to compare ONLY points of the same type, we
/// need to pin every point before any operation.
/// @Returns true if the given points can be converted to the target type
/// without changing the values (i.e. trivially) and false otherwise.
/// @{
bool pin(llvm::APSInt &Lower, llvm::APSInt &Upper) const;
bool pin(llvm::APSInt &Point) const;
/// @}
// This version of this function modifies its arguments (pins it).
bool containsImpl(llvm::APSInt &Point) const;
friend class Factory;
using ConstraintMap = llvm::ImmutableMap<SymbolRef, RangeSet>;
ConstraintMap getConstraintMap(ProgramStateRef State);
class RangedConstraintManager : public SimpleConstraintManager {
RangedConstraintManager(ExprEngine *EE, SValBuilder &SB)
: SimpleConstraintManager(EE, SB) {}
~RangedConstraintManager() override;
// Implementation for interface from SimpleConstraintManager.
ProgramStateRef assumeSym(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
bool Assumption) override;
ProgramStateRef assumeSymInclusiveRange(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &From,
const llvm::APSInt &To,
bool InRange) override;
ProgramStateRef assumeSymUnsupported(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
bool Assumption) override;
/// Assume a constraint between a symbolic expression and a concrete integer.
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymRel(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
BinaryOperator::Opcode op,
const llvm::APSInt &Int);
// Interface that subclasses must implement.
// Each of these is of the form "$Sym+Adj <> V", where "<>" is the comparison
// operation for the method being invoked.
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymNE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &V,
const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymEQ(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &V,
const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymLT(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &V,
const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymGT(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &V,
const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymLE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &V,
const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymGE(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym,
const llvm::APSInt &V,
const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymWithinInclusiveRange(
ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
virtual ProgramStateRef assumeSymOutsideInclusiveRange(
ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym, const llvm::APSInt &From,
const llvm::APSInt &To, const llvm::APSInt &Adjustment) = 0;
// Internal implementation.
static void computeAdjustment(SymbolRef &Sym, llvm::APSInt &Adjustment);
/// Try to simplify a given symbolic expression based on the constraints in
/// State. This is needed because the Environment bindings are not getting
/// updated when a new constraint is added to the State. If the symbol is
/// simplified to a non-symbol (e.g. to a constant) then the original symbol
/// is returned. We use this function in the family of assumeSymNE/EQ/LT/../GE
/// functions where we can work only with symbols. Use the other function
/// (simplifyToSVal) if you are interested in a simplification that may yield
/// a concrete constant value.
SymbolRef simplify(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym);
/// Try to simplify a given symbolic expression's associated `SVal` based on the
/// constraints in State. This is very similar to `simplify`, but this function
/// always returns the simplified SVal. The simplified SVal might be a single
/// constant (i.e. `ConcreteInt`).
SVal simplifyToSVal(ProgramStateRef State, SymbolRef Sym);
} // namespace ento
} // namespace clang