blob: 93942ff05a0ae08526c389481f1265aa838ba1c0 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- ExtractAPI/Serialization/SymbolGraphSerializer.h ---------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
/// \file
/// This file defines the SymbolGraphSerializer class.
/// Implement an APISerializer for the Symbol Graph format for ExtractAPI.
/// See
#include "clang/ExtractAPI/API.h"
#include "clang/ExtractAPI/Serialization/SerializerBase.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/JSON.h"
#include "llvm/Support/VersionTuple.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace clang {
namespace extractapi {
using namespace llvm::json;
/// The serializer that organizes API information in the Symbol Graph format.
/// The Symbol Graph format (
/// models an API set as a directed graph, where nodes are symbol declarations,
/// and edges are relationships between the connected symbols.
class SymbolGraphSerializer : public APISerializer {
virtual void anchor();
/// A JSON array of formatted symbols in \c APISet.
Array Symbols;
/// A JSON array of formatted symbol relationships in \c APISet.
Array Relationships;
/// The Symbol Graph format version used by this serializer.
static const VersionTuple FormatVersion;
using PathComponentStack = llvm::SmallVector<llvm::StringRef, 4>;
/// The current path component stack.
/// Note: this is used to serialize the ``pathComponents`` field of symbols in
/// the Symbol Graph.
PathComponentStack PathComponents;
/// A helper type to manage PathComponents correctly using RAII.
struct PathComponentGuard {
PathComponentGuard(PathComponentStack &PC, StringRef Component) : PC(PC) {
~PathComponentGuard() { PC.pop_back(); }
PathComponentStack &PC;
/// Serialize the APIs in \c APISet in the Symbol Graph format.
/// \returns a JSON object that contains the root of the formatted
/// Symbol Graph.
Object serialize();
/// Implement the APISerializer::serialize interface. Wrap serialize(void) and
/// write out the serialized JSON object to \p os.
void serialize(raw_ostream &os) override;
/// The kind of a relationship between two symbols.
enum RelationshipKind {
/// The source symbol is a member of the target symbol.
/// For example enum constants are members of the enum, class/instance
/// methods are members of the class, etc.
/// The source symbol is inherited from the target symbol.
/// The source symbol conforms to the target symbol.
/// For example Objective-C protocol conformances.
/// Get the string representation of the relationship kind.
static StringRef getRelationshipString(RelationshipKind Kind);
/// Synthesize the metadata section of the Symbol Graph format.
/// The metadata section describes information about the Symbol Graph itself,
/// including the format version and the generator information.
Object serializeMetadata() const;
/// Synthesize the module section of the Symbol Graph format.
/// The module section contains information about the product that is defined
/// by the given API set.
/// Note that "module" here is not to be confused with the Clang/C++ module
/// concept.
Object serializeModule() const;
/// Determine if the given \p Record should be skipped during serialization.
bool shouldSkip(const APIRecord &Record) const;
/// Format the common API information for \p Record.
/// This handles the shared information of all kinds of API records,
/// for example identifier and source location. The resulting object is then
/// augmented with kind-specific symbol information by the caller.
/// This method also checks if the given \p Record should be skipped during
/// serialization.
/// \returns \c None if this \p Record should be skipped, or a JSON object
/// containing common symbol information of \p Record.
Optional<Object> serializeAPIRecord(const APIRecord &Record) const;
/// Helper method to serialize second-level member records of \p Record and
/// the member-of relationships.
template <typename MemberTy>
void serializeMembers(const APIRecord &Record,
const SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<MemberTy>> &Members);
/// Serialize the \p Kind relationship between \p Source and \p Target.
/// Record the relationship between the two symbols in
/// SymbolGraphSerializer::Relationships.
void serializeRelationship(RelationshipKind Kind, SymbolReference Source,
SymbolReference Target);
/// Serialize a global record.
void serializeGlobalRecord(const GlobalRecord &Record);
/// Serialize an enum record.
void serializeEnumRecord(const EnumRecord &Record);
/// Serialize a struct record.
void serializeStructRecord(const StructRecord &Record);
/// Serialize an Objective-C container record.
void serializeObjCContainerRecord(const ObjCContainerRecord &Record);
/// Serialize a macro defintion record.
void serializeMacroDefinitionRecord(const MacroDefinitionRecord &Record);
/// Serialize a typedef record.
void serializeTypedefRecord(const TypedefRecord &Record);
/// Push a component to the current path components stack.
/// \param Component The component to push onto the path components stack.
/// \return A PathComponentGuard responsible for removing the latest
/// component from the stack on scope exit.
LLVM_NODISCARD PathComponentGuard makePathComponentGuard(StringRef Component);
SymbolGraphSerializer(const APISet &API, StringRef ProductName,
APISerializerOption Options = {})
: APISerializer(API, ProductName, Options) {}
} // namespace extractapi
} // namespace clang