Make NetworkStack actually build in an unbundled setup.

The Java code was already using sdk_version: "current", but the
JNI library did not have an sdk_version attribute, and had
forbidden dependencies on internal libraries such as libcutils,
liblog and libnativehelper.

This CL fixes things as follows:
- Use the NDK log functions, and switch to the NDK liblog.
- Switch to the NDK libnativehelper.
- Drop the dependencies on libcutils and libpcap, which were
- Use the libc++ STL, and set the sdk_version of the library to

Bug: 131703417
Test: m
Test: installed NetworkStack APK via "adb install --staged" results in working networking
Test: builds, boots, wifi works
Test: atest FrameworksNetTests NetworkStackTests

(cherry picked from commit 3d680e887ba40cde436a5745578e67d4a6a6fce9)

Change-Id: I8a0a8d4b4e8872cb88ee526772ae519a8e6df615
3 files changed