tree: f243e1cd54c617e9fb277def22b8657d7b6166e6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. native/
  2. unit/

ImsMedia UnitTests Suite

1. Introduction

  • The tests/ directory in ImsMedia contains all the ImsMedia's Unit Tests.
  • As ImsMedia consists of both java and native code, Unit Tests are divided into two major testmodules.
    • ImsMediaJavaTests - consists all junit tests.
    • ImsMediaNativeTests - consists all gtest tests.
  • A testgroup is a collection of multiple testmodules.
    • ImsMedia-alltests - consists two testmodules explained above.

2. Procedure to run tests with atest

Create and connect Cuttlefish before executing atest commands.

acloud create --local-image
acloud reconnect

2.1 To run all tests in ImsMedia

atest -c --rebuild-module-info

2.2 To run all tests in a testgroup

A testgroup is a collection of multiple testmodules.

atest --test-mapping :<TESTGROUP>

Example: To run all testmodules in ImsMedia-alltests testgroup.

atest --test-mapping :ImsMedia-alltests

2.3 To run all tests in a testmodule


Example: To run all tests in ImsMediaNativeTests testmodule

atest ImsMediaNativeTests

2.4 To run all tests in a test class


Example: To run all tests in RtpBufferTest test class in ImsMediaNativeTests testmodule

atest ImsMediaNativeTests:RtpBufferTest

2.5 To build and run tests if new test is added

  • Add --rebuild-module-info as last argument for any atest command to build and run.
  • Add -c as first argument for any atest command to clean old cache.

Example: To build and run a test module along with clear cache:

atest -c <TESTMODULE> --rebuild-module-info

Example: To build and run ImsMediaNativeTests testmodule if new test is added

atest -c ImsMediaNativeTests --rebuild-module-info

3. Procedure to run tests without atest

After building ImsMedia with mm command, connect Cuttlefish.

3.1 Sync tests to Cuttlefish/device

$ adb root
$ adb remount
$ adb sync

3.2.1 Run native tests on Cuttlefish/device

adb shell ./data/nativetest64/<TESTMODULE>/<TESTMODULE>

Example: To run ImsMediaNativeTests testmodule on CVD/device

adb shell ./data/nativetest64/ImsMediaNativeTests/ImsMediaNativeTests

3.2.2 Run Java tests on Cuttlefish/device

Testapk should be installed on device

adb shell am instrument -w <test_package_name>/<runner_class>

Example: To run ImsStackJavaTests testmodule on CVD/device

adb shell am instrument -w