Use response from calls to insertRecords in tests

Most tests assert the initial record passed into insertRecords.
Since we mutate the inserted records to add the uuid this
currently works, but in a follow up change we'll update the
insertRecords API so it no longer mutates the metadata. This
requires changes to most of the cts tests.

Bug: 314128192
Test: atest
(cherry picked from commit 479f2d891d0b77d7cf94a1895bbc7a4a189c84d0)
(cherry picked from
Merged-In: I5d28dcf6e83d0f24e2c2b63948641ff597d3b81d
Change-Id: I5d28dcf6e83d0f24e2c2b63948641ff597d3b81d
13 files changed