Ignore fetchAndJoinCustomAudience API CTS tests

These tests depend on the service's HTTP call to timeout which then will
be bubbled up as an execution error. Since the service's HTTP call does
not time out consistently, the test's call fails with an timeout
exception. This change is, for the short term, disabling the flaky tests
entirely to unblock M-train boarding.

Test: atest CtsAdServicesDeviceTestCases:android.adservices.cts.CustomAudienceApiCtsTest

Bug: 327859633
Bug: 312085877
Bug: 319330548
(cherry picked from https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:ba490973213d9c32b56bc4d04ca73474c9a15aaa)
Merged-In: I9f3e3d2ca034150fb74c3a6aa308d073a886d00e
Change-Id: I9f3e3d2ca034150fb74c3a6aa308d073a886d00e

NOTE FOR REVIEWERS - errors occurred while applying the patch.
Error applying patch in adservices/tests/cts/src/android/adservices/cts/CustomAudienceApiCtsTest.java, hunk HunkHeader[58,7->58,6]: Hunk cannot be applied

Original patch:
 From ba490973213d9c32b56bc4d04ca73474c9a15aaa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Zeyad El-arabaty <zelarabaty@google.com>
Date: Tue, 05 Mar 2024 16:06:44 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Ignore fetchAndJoinCustomAudience API CTS tests

These tests depend on the service's HTTP call to timeout which then will
be bubbled up as an execution error. Since the service's HTTP call does
not time out consistently, the test's call fails with an timeout
exception. This change is, for the short term, disabling the flaky tests
entirely to unblock M-train boarding.

Test: atest CtsAdServicesDeviceTestCases:android.adservices.cts.CustomAudienceApiCtsTest

Bug: 327859633
Bug: 312085877
Bug: 319330548

Change-Id: I9f3e3d2ca034150fb74c3a6aa308d073a886d00e
1 file changed