Contributing to virtio-bindings



The bindings are currently generated using bindgen version 0.63.0:

cargo install bindgen-cli --vers 0.63.0

Linux Kernel

Generating bindings depends on the Linux kernel, so you need to have the repository on your machine:

git clone

Example for updating to a new kernel version

For this example we assume that you have both linux and virtio-bindings repositories in your root.

# linux is the repository that you cloned at the previous step.
cd linux
# Step 1: Checkout the version you want to generate the bindings for.
git checkout v5.0

# Step 2: Generate the bindings from the kernel headers. We need to
# generate a file for each one of the virtio headers we're interested on.
# For the moment, we're generating "virtio_blk", "virtio_gpu", "virtio_mmio",
# "virtio_net", "virtio_ring" and "virtio_scsi". Feel free to add additional header files if
# you need them for your project.
make headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH=v5_0_headers
cd v5_0_headers
for i in virtio_blk virtio_config virtio_gpu virtio_mmio virtio_net virtio_ring virtio_scsi ; do \
    bindgen include/linux/$i.h -o $ \
    --allowlist-file include/linux/$i.h \
    --with-derive-default \
    --with-derive-partialeq \
    -- -Iinclude
cd ~

# Step 6: Copy the generated files to the new version module.
cp linux/v5_0_headers/*.rs vm-virtio/crates/virtio-bindings/src
mv vm-virtio/crates/virtio-bindings/src/ vm-virtio/crates/virtio-bindings/src/virtio_net/