Initial Android implementation for A/B boot

Provide a GBL interface for the Android reference implementation of
A/B slotted boot semantics.

Note: The reference implementation permits but does not require up to
      four slots. This makes it difficult to reconstruct a default
      metadata structure without scanning the partition table to
      determine the actual number of slots.
      The current implementation defaults to assuming 4 slots.

Note: This change does NOT fully support Android A/B semantics.
      In particular this change does not handle booting to recovery.
      Those changes will be made subsequently and will require some
      additional modifications for scatter/gather disk access.

Tests: unit tests all pass

Change-Id: I1c6f2e39c5afbd618d08e243b21727705ef6e9c7
4 files changed
tree: cfe9671745dda1dfce695df3058a682eab1320e5
  1. gbl/
  2. libxbc/
  3. vts/
  4. .gitignore
  5. BUILD