Android 12.1.0 Release 0.22 (SP2A.220505.002,raven/oriole)
power: reset: add in_panic for swreset

- in_panic: in_reboot can't handle all of panic cases.
  Like to trigger a NULL pointer dereference, it will
  go 'efi_reboot(reboot_mode, NULL)' instead of

Bug: 196236629
Signed-off-by: Jone Chou <>
Change-Id: I453e57dd68f96aeb0594689de008412660762c38
1 file changed
tree: ffb81b98a3ab30845be99a2a7bc164d566226baa
  1. exynos-reboot.c
  2. Kbuild
  3. Kconfig
  4. Makefile