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<title>FatFs - f_utime</title>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_utime function changes the timestamp of a file or directory.</p>
FRESULT f_utime (
const TCHAR* <em>FileName</em>, <span class="k">/* Pointer to the file or directory path */</span>
const FILINFO* <em>TimeDate</em> <span class="k">/* Time and data to be set */</span>
<div class="para">
<dl class="par">
<dd>Pointer to the null-terminated string that specifies a <a href="filename.html">file or directory</a> to be changed.</dd>
<dd>Pointer to the file information structure that has a timestamp to be set in member fdate and ftime. Do not care any other members.</dd>
<div class="para">
<h4>Return Values</h4>
<dl class="ret">
<dt>FR_OK (0)</dt>
<dd>The function succeeded.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the file.</dd>
<dd>Could not find the path.</dd>
<dd>The file name is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The drive number is invalid.</dd>
<dd>The disk drive cannot work due to no medium in the drive or any other reason.</dd>
<dd>The medium is write protected.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to an error in the disk function.</dd>
<dd>The function failed due to a wrong FAT structure or an internal error.</dd>
<dd>The logical drive has no work area.</dd>
<dd>There is no valid FAT volume on the drive.</dd>
<div class="para">
<p>The f_utime function changes the timestamp of a file or directory</p>
<div class="para">
FRESULT set_timestamp (
char *obj, <span class="k">/* Pointer to the file name */</span>
int year,
int month,
int mday,
int hour,
int min,
int sec
fno.fdate = (WORD)(((year - 1980) * 512U) | month * 32U | mday);
fno.ftime = (WORD)(hour * 2048U | min * 32U | sec / 2U);
return f_utime(obj, &amp;fno);
<div class="para">
<p>Available when <tt>_FS_READONLY == 0</tt> and <tt>_FS_MINIMIZE == 0</tt>.</p>
<div class="para">
<h4>See Also</h4>
<p><tt><a href="stat.html">f_stat</a>, <a href="sfileinfo.html">FILINFO</a></tt></p>
<p class="foot"><a href="../00index_e.html">Return</a></p>